Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

Bad News :(
Today I was showing someone my fantastic dual cam system (WF1 up front, 0801 in the back). I wanted to let them feel the Mini 0801 so I pulled it out of the GPS dock. (it was powered off) I did accidentally turn it on battery power during the show & tell but what ever right? After they were done looking I re-inserted it back into the GPS dock.

After our dinner it was time to drive home. I started up my car, heard the chime noise confirming the 0801 powered on, and boom it quit after 24 seconds. I'm pretty sure it flashed the same old low speed, storage error. It did this every time I turned the car off/on. It's same old error I posted the video about before. I tried re-seating the 0801 into the GPS base. I tried re-seating the USB power cord. The 0801 refused to record for more than a few seconds as before. This was with the Samsung (EDIT, Sandisk) 32GB Class 4 card. So again, I did accidentally turn the camera on (battery power) while it was in my hand with the show and tell. Did that somehow corrupt the card in a way the forces you to re-format? After nearly a dozen failed attempts, I re-formatted the card, and everything is working as it should. (since the card is no longer full) I'm using 3min clips by the way. Re-seating had no effect.

I was saving my new Samsung Class 6 card for the new replacement 0801 on the away from e-prance. I think it's time I throw it in my Givoe 8GB model to see what happens. Here we go again! It was working great all week long, and card was for sure full

Whoops I meant:
This was with the Samsung (EDIT, Sandisk) 32GB Class 4 card.

I've yet to fully test the Samsung Class 6 card yet.
Whoops I meant:
This was with the Samsung (EDIT, Sandisk) 32GB Class 4 card.

I've yet to fully test the Samsung Class 6 card yet.

Sorry to hear that JazJon, and I have to say I doubt your new Samsung class 6 is going to make any difference in your current 0801.
If any of these traders are selling without the CE in the UK - then I will notify Trading Standards and there WILL be trouble.
Not me Jokiin - HMRC and Trading Standards - quickly followed by the Police. There are a lot of "hot potatoes" around at the moment regarding non certified electricals coming into the UK (deaths involved), and although this revolves mostly around 240v gear, where it involves putting things in peoples cars which may cause a driving hazzard, the authorities are equally - shall we say "keen" - "filled with a very unhappy zeal". Road safety is taken very very seriously.
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doesn't affect me, we don't supply anything that hasn't been tested and has the paperwork to go with it, it's an extra cost that we incur but personally I don't want the headaches

I'd hazard a guess there's a lot of stuff around that's not compliant though, same issue in Australia as well
Not me Jokiin - HMRC and Trading Standards - quickly followed by the Police. There are a lot of "hot potatoes" around at the moment regarding non certified electricals coming into the UK (deaths involved), and although this revolves mostly around 240v gear, where it involves putting things in peoples cars which may cause a driving hazzard, the authorities are equally - shall we say "keen" - "filled with a very unhappy zeal". Road safety is taken very very seriously.

Unless one of these camera has 'actually' caught on fire, I should hope the police have better things to do with their time than to chase 'dashcams' which have so far just failed to stop working.

I would like to know which 3rd party car electronics (non engine related) have been causing any safety issues, what are they, very curious.
BugelRex - the issue is of initial compliance and certification. The authorities would get involved on that alone (never mind a fire) where road safety may be of concern.
Anyway - aside from that - looking forward to my units arriving!! Decided to spend a bit more than originally - as I was shooting for a Finevu (couldnt warrant it) and decided on one of these - but now getting two of these and should be great front and rear. Ordered lots of cards aswell - because I can use these in other things anyway.
mine arrived today FW 0913 im using a samsung class 6 32gb card testing it now, is this cam seamless recording? my older cam lost about 1 second inbetween clips sections

just noticed i seem to be having trouble with the mount charging trouble, the mount is tight on the cam but the red light flickers some times i have to press the mount to make contact with camera, first day not looking so good

EDIT: seems to be usb lead when in laptop just tried cig lighter charger in my booster pack and pulled the mount a touch and red light is still on so seems to me its the usb charger
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Anyone reverted back to the firmware that does recording in TS format to see if problem goes away?

The TS version doesn't stop randomly if that's what you mean, may not apply to all versions though, not something I've tested, I don't get lockups with either format but more likely due to hardware differences I suspect
The TS version doesn't stop randomly if that's what you mean, may not apply to all versions though, not something I've tested, I don't get lockups with either format but more likely due to hardware differences I suspect

I was thinking those who got it with the mov version of the firmware can put the earlier .ts firmware on and see.

It is solves the issue than people will just have to live with the .ts format.

the TS version is certainly more stable as the file management methods are superior for this application, it's not as versatile otherwise though as far as file handling, viewing etc, nothing wrong with the format, just doesn't have as widespread support from 3rd party apps, Registrator Viewer etc
I've yet to see the TS firmware made available, and nobody has been able to read/extract their TS firmware that I know of yet as well. The first publicly available firmware was for MOV and every new one since was still MOV.
the TS version is certainly more stable as the file management methods are superior for this application, it's not as versatile otherwise though as far as file handling, viewing etc, nothing wrong with the format, just doesn't have as widespread support from 3rd party apps, Registrator Viewer etc

Probably easier to ask the apps ppl to make it support ts format? :)

so far so good, its loop recording so its working, i cant turn the beep off on mine (no option) but thats not a problem, ordered a 90 degree mini usb connecto, ive noticed not all mini/micro usb leads will power the mini 0801 anyone else found this? my other dash cam lead dont work with the 0801 but works with everthink else