Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

Motley crew/Gang,

Asking for advice, I was an early adopter to the 0801 and was able to return the camera for a full refund after experiencing some early adopter issues.

Been waiting on the sidelines, checking the boards from time to time, to jump back in the pool (shallow or deep?). However, I see the firmware & SD card failover (limited to windows app for desktop viewing gps data - sorry, I'm a Mac guy who tries to avoid firing up VM machines to run windows apps) probs appear to not be fully resolved.......right?

Has anyone tried the VICO WF-1 and the 0801 and knowing the VICO has no GPS (as a major con), which would you go for? The appeal of having direct iPhone integration access is candidly appealing to me for ease of use. However, the high cost isn't.

Is there anything else to know between the two that would help someone like me make the holiday decision on what's the better option for my wife and my cars?

Thx much!!

Most everyone is using the windows app registratorviewer because it's free and powerful. I asked Vadim (the developer) if he plans on making a Mac version. He said it would be be too much work. He wrote everything from the ground up using windows API's and he doesn't want to start from scratch again after getting as far as he did the last few years. He doesn't charge for his app even so you can't really complain.

WF1 is pricey but worth it for reliability alone if you don't need GPS. I have one in the front. My mini 0801 is in the back.
Most everyone is using the windows app registratorviewer because it's free and powerful. I asked Vadim (the developer) if he plans on making a Mac version. He said it would be be too much work. He wrote everything from the ground up using windows API's and he doesn't want to start from scratch again after getting as far as he did the last few years. He doesn't charge for his app even so you can't really complain.

WF1 is pricey but worth it for reliability alone if you don't need GPS. I have one in the front. My mini 0801 is in the back.

Thx JazJon!!
I did a small mod on my rear camera yesterday, I mounted a tiny red led on the camera side of the unit, my car has tinted side and rear windows so the rear camera is not easily visible from outside. While this is good in that as both camera's are discreet its highly unlikely it would be targeted by someone stupid enough to break-in to steal them. On the rear camera I think it has a benefit if the camera can actually be seen from the rear when out on the road. As I noticed when I previously had a suction mount dashcam mounted on the rear window which was easily visible, it had the beneficial effect of drivers dropping back a little distance when they spotted it.. and more commonly drivers using mobile phones would quickly put them down when they spotted the camera.

The mini 0801 being small and discreet, coupled with the tinted rear windows pretty much means it no longer has that positive effect, hence the reason for the tiny LED, it will still remain almost undetectable when parked up, but the non flashing lit led will make it more visible when driving, meaning drivers immediately behind me will quickly clock there is a camera fitted to the rear.
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I did the opposite on my camera, I thought that the led was too bright during night time. I disassembled it and put a little white sticker on the led. It doesn't hide it completely but the light is much more dim, while still visible during daytime, and not distracting the night.
I did the opposite on my camera, I thought that the led was too bright during night time. I disassembled it and put a little white sticker on the led. It doesn't hide it completely but the light is much more dim, while still visible during daytime, and not distracting the night.

I did the same on my front camera, using a tiny square of black tape with a pinhole cut in it, though TBH mine cannot be seen from the drivers seat as it's right behind the rearview mirror, AYS you don't want any distraction at the front at all, but I figured it was a bit different facing out the back, I just picked a feed from the 5v dropped through a resistor, I didn't want it flashing on-off as they may distract drivers, but just small always on red led might give the game away there's a cam in the window which was the idea. I also partly covered the blue led just to stop it distracting me in the rearview mirror, AYS it's way too bright at night.
After having my camera for about a month now, I am relatively pleased. However it has on a few occasions shut down unexpectedly, for example I'm driving and suddenly I hear the shutdown noise. If I unplug the power then plug it back in, it will power up again, but it may power down again in a few minutes and I have to unplug/plug it several times before it will stay on for good. This doesn't happen every time, once I drove about 5 hours non-stop and the camera did not shut down even once. Anyone know how to resolve this? I have the no gps and 8gb internal memory version.
After having my camera for about a month now, I am relatively pleased. However it has on a few occasions shut down unexpectedly, for example I'm driving and suddenly I hear the shutdown noise. If I unplug the power then plug it back in, it will power up again, but it may power down again in a few minutes and I have to unplug/plug it several times before it will stay on for good. This doesn't happen every time, once I drove about 5 hours non-stop and the camera did not shut down even once. Anyone know how to resolve this? I have the no gps and 8gb internal memory version.

Upgrade to the December firmware
It's MPH only (bad for Canada) but very stable. It's best to turn off the OSD Stamps anyway since all data can be imported and re-displayed as OSD via RegistratorViewer

If the Dec firmware doesn't fix it, next solution is buy a class 4 or class 6, 16GB or 32GB card. (Samsung)
If the new card doesnt work, next step is to disable audio. (mute microphone)

Temp fix is to format the card and it's good for many hours after that.
Ok I'll try that firmware. Question before I proceed: The first link is for gps and no internal memory, and the second link just says "with internal memory" but doesn't specify if it's with gps or not. Mine does have internal memory but it has no gps, will that firmware work for me? Just worried about bricking the thing.
Just for reference...what version of firmware is on your camera now?

EDIT: You might need this information if you should decide to go back...20131202 seems to be the most stable firmware to date, but there is always a (small) chance that it won't work for someone somewhere.
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Ok I'll try that firmware. Question before I proceed: The first link is for gps and no internal memory, and the second link just says "with internal memory" but doesn't specify if it's with gps or not. Mine does have internal memory but it has no gps, will that firmware work for me? Just worried about bricking the thing.

Yes they both have GPS, I'll ask @DashCamMan to enhance the description.
Hi everyone

I received my first dashcam from e-prance with firmware 20131202 (with GPS, no internal 8GB) - MPH only. I'm trying to find a stable firmware that displays KMH, any suggestions?

Hi everyone

I received my first dashcam from e-prance with firmware 20131202 (with GPS, no internal 8GB) - MPH only. I'm trying to find a stable firmware that displays KMH, any suggestions?


complain to the vendor that you need a metric version, get them to push their supplier
Hi everyone

I received my first dashcam from e-prance with firmware 20131202 (with GPS, no internal 8GB) - MPH only. I'm trying to find a stable firmware that displays KMH, any suggestions?


I agree with Jokiin we need to demand a new KPH version of the same firmware.

I generally leave all OSD stamps off.

The GPS data is always available in the special folder. You can add either OSD MPH or KPH via registratorviewer.exe app on your pc afterwards. (In the font and location of your choosing)
This way the main raw source video is never permanently altered.

I'll send a message to Demi and Lia from e-prance/Givoe to contact the factory. (I'm always happy to help everyone else.)
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Thanks JazJon, that's the only remaining part of firmware 20131202 which I would like to change (for me in Australia) is the kph speed unit. Everything else seems to be working in order now, no I/O Error even with my class 10 memory card, sound changed from stereo to mono and coming out from both left and right speakers. If this firmware remains stable for another month or so, maybe I can reconsider this dashcam as one of the bang-for-your-buck dashcams again.
Can I ask a stupid question? :confused: What is the green sticker in the upper right hand corner of the screen? Can you remove it? :pK that was two stupid questions.
Thanks JazJon, that's the only remaining part of firmware 20131202 which I would like to change (for me in Australia) is the kph speed unit. Everything else seems to be working in order now, no I/O Error even with my class 10 memory card, sound changed from stereo to mono and coming out from both left and right speakers. If this firmware remains stable for another month or so, maybe I can reconsider this dashcam as one of the bang-for-your-buck dashcams again.

Just sent this to E-PRANCE (eBay)
Hi Demi!

Everyone including myself are very happy with firmware 20131202

It's 100% stable and good.

The only remaining issue is this firmware is MPH only with no KPH for the OSD Stamp.

I understand there isn't enough room in the firmware to make MPH/KPH a user selectable option.

Could you ask the factory to make additional firmware that contains KPH OSD Stamp?

I'm very happy with MPH since I live in the states but wanted to ask on behalf of everyone else.

Thanks again as usual hope all is well,


And this to Givoe as a followup since I saw I actually asked about it a few weeks ago.

Hi Lia!

Everyone including myself are very happy with firmware 20131202

It's 100% stable and good.

The only remaining issue is this firmware is MPH only with no KPH for the OSD Stamp.

I understand there isn't enough room in the firmware to make MPH/KPH a user selectable option.

Could you ask the factory to make additional firmware that contains KPH OSD Stamp?

I'm very happy with MPH since I live in the states but wanted to ask on behalf of everyone else.

Thanks again as usual hope all is well,

19:23 Dec 11,2013
Yes, Jon, I heard it from steven, he said because we have a lot russia customers, they need KPH.
So we ask factory produce KPH one, that is why we still not have MPH version FW. >.<
anyway thank you for your message, and sharing,
My good friend^.^
Can I ask a stupid question? :confused: What is the green sticker in the upper right hand corner of the screen? Can you remove it? :pK that was two stupid questions.

Yes it's the screen protector that comes on most new screens of any new LCD device. You can leave it of you want but it's meant to be removed. Green sticker should be attached to the clear protector. If taken off Crooked it could be torn off accidentally.
Thanks JazJon for sending the message on our behalf. I've also sent a message to e-prance for the latest firmware with kmh.
The last good firmware came from E-PRANCE so let's see what Demi comes back with.

Here is the rseponse from Givoe for now

  • GIVOE Lia:

    22:34 Dec 29,2013


    Dear Jon,
    I heard from steven, he said now too much fw, so not sure which fit,
    and our store, still keep let factory produce mph fw to us, so we only have 1126 mph fw.
    but if in the future, we have newest fw, we will share for you.
    Bye the way. New year come.
    Good luck and happiness, good health and prosperity, energy and good mood.
    Success in the New 2014!