Street Guardian has the SG9665GC listed

I doubt anyone could even contact him but I'm sure they cop plenty of flack at times

When I worked at Hewlett Packard, I was part of IT Executive Support. (for the VPs etc) The CEO at the time (Carly) had three dedicated Assistants just to keep up sorting through incoming communications etc. I would imagine Apple flack is 100x that even.
He's further than a two day drive away from us

But its all down hill:rolleyes:

Have to be serious for a mo and say a couple of years ago I picked up a camper van in Tas and returned it to QLD cost me two dollars a day - 6 days in total enjoyed every mile or KM in your currency..
It was but for a 'Pom' Down Under it was a real joy of a drive - once I had negotiated Sydney of course..
I'm very keen to buy. I am also in South East Queensland.i have emailed Ruiyou to find a Aussie dealer :)
Our first batch will be arriving soon!
Scheduled Delivery Updated To: Friday, 20/03/2015, By End of Day

I want to expedite all pre-orders so I'll be working overtime through all orders. (late Friday afternoon/evening and shipping on Saturday)
Everyone with a USA address should receive their package early next week Monday/Tuesday.

Thanks for going above and beyond! :D:D:D
Been emailing with Jon at Pier28 over the last 24 hours (can i just say that he's a BEAST in responding to emails? - It was practically a chat over email. responses within 3 minutes).

I have a 2009 santa fe and am planning on purchasing 2 cams, one for front one for rear. For the front I was debating between the GC and Panorama G and I am leaning to the GC (I like the small form factor and small footprint when mounted; in videos the GC seems a bit sharper and looks to have better colors and clearer night vision), however I am still undecided on the rear. I’ve narrowed it down to the GC, the Panorama G or the X1. I like the tiny form factor of the x1, however the main base unit looks a bit bulky and I am not sure where I would mount it. I guess I could just stick it in a corner in the trunk. My main issue with the rear is that I don’t want it to be a distraction in the rear view mirror.

Any thoughts or comments about a good mount for an SUV hatchback between the 3 (or the front for that matter)?
Anything specific that pushes you to the gc over the panorama for the front?
Either way is fine actually. Panorama has pre-buffered motion detection though.
GC doesn't have a parking mode? I see on your website it has motion detection. What is the rpe buffering?
GC doesn't have a parking mode? I see on your website it has motion detection. What is the rpe buffering?

it does have motion detect but the Panorama does it differently (and probably a bit better at it right now), it's something we'll be looking at improving on the GC though