Street Guardian has the SG9665GC listed

Nice post. Is WDR / HDR on?

I'd like to see what the day and night footage looks like with the WDR / HDR off.

we still have some fine tuning to do with image quality, I think we have an acceptable baseline to work from but we are looking at what we can do to make it better
we still have some fine tuning to do with image quality, I think we have an acceptable baseline to work from but we are looking at what we can do to make it better

So I know how most digital cameras work with WDR and HDR - they take multiple exposures and blend them together. Any idea what the IMX322 is doing? I wonder if WDR/HDR is introducing more motion blur at the expense of a 'nicer,' more exposed image.

Regardless in daylight it looks nice and clear from edge to edge.
the first time I like the focus, it is in principle an ideal
keep it up!
WDR is a software thing, some may prefer the results with, others may prefer without, we would never hard code the setting and not give the choice though

Regardless in daylight it looks nice and clear from edge to edge.

That's the result of using an expensive lens
To date I think most custom firmware versions have come about because what was delivered was not up to scratch, I'd hope we can meet people's expectations and not have to need that
I hear ya, I don't expect him to waste his time on your stuff.
I'm not against hacking, sometimes some really good ideas come out of the community, you only have to look at the iPhone and how much of what's there now used to require jailbreaking to get

to date there's no real hacking tools for the Novatek platform though so a bit of a challenge
Custom firmware will not, it makes no sense.
The manufacturer does its job well.
Custom firmware appears when the manufacturer does not pay attention to your client, here on the contrary, too much attention to the wishes of the client.
that's not to say we aren't open to ideas and requests though, not everything is possible or practical but always interested to hear feedback and ideas and things we might be able to do better
unlike pittasuck blackspew, you don't release things until they are fully tested and don't use the world to beta test your stuff once it hits the market.
you don't release things until they are fully tested and don't use the world to beta test your stuff once it hits the market.

doesn't mean we can't or don't make mistakes, we try not to of course and rectify if we do but hopefully overall we are doing the right thing and to the best of our ability
Alex, can you take a picture from the front of your car to show how visible the camera is?

Thanks in advance.
Yes you can open the GPS antenna and flip the PCB antenna upside down. It's just four small screws. I'll create a YouTube video. That way you can stick it against the glass upside down instead of to the dashboard.

Hi Pier28, did you ever get around to making the video about reversing the PCB antenna so that it could be attached to the windscreen?
Hurry up Monday so I can order. Is it best to go through Street Guardian site?
Hurry up Monday so I can order. Is it best to go through Street Guardian site?
contact jokiin, he will bill you $289 and you pay and he sends and you get it the next day or 2 after.
contact jokiin, he will bill you $289 and you pay and he sends and you get it the next day or 2 after.

I thought if there was a local retailer Jokiin preferred we use them.

As Stevesau is in SA (as I am) I thought we had to use Auto Barn at Kilburn?
Hi Pier28, did you ever get around to making the video about reversing the PCB antenna so that it could be attached to the windscreen?

No but thanks for reminding me I just added it to my iPhone reminder list via Siri. I can knock that out this weekend.
yeah if you're somewhere where there's a dealer we'd prefer you to pickup locally, @wozzzzza lives far north qld, we don't have anyone up there so looking after him direct was suitable

we have three Autobarn stores in SA that are dealers so whichever is closest, they haven't ordered as yet (they only arrived 2 days ago though) but let them know you want one and they'll be able to get one in for you