Street Guardian has the SG9665GC listed

To be honest its hard to get it right so I expect it will take some time, we'll keep working at making it the best we can though
sorry, I moved the message
Its good to have these different experiments of different settings under difficult conditions such as snow and sky, its very hard to try and emulate these real world conditions to evaluate changes
So there is the blue skies, how about sending some of that up here, i need some good weather to do dashcam installs in, and a lot of demolition work in my friends garden.
I sped up the footage from a ~50 mile trip tonight to show the full transition between dusk and darkness to give you an idea of exactly how the camera copes.

As always Youtube degrades the quality so a raw version is included too which if you freeze frame that it shows you exactly the same footage that the camera captured.

You can see from the footage on unlit motorway that this camera is much better at handling dark roads than say the A118.

Raw footage:!kVYVSZyD!8POc8aj34VY5lcEUcMqMsCNLWReHRtwwjiIQlmvZ9rU
You can see from the footage on unlit motorway that this camera is much better at handling dark roads than say the A118.

I think the superiority of SG9665GC's night video over A118 has already been compared and mentioned. Even though they are of similar design but SG9665GC is about 2.5 times more expensive than A118, so we expect SG9665GC to perform better. May be we should start comparing to similarly priced dashcams e.g. SGZC12RC and Panorama range. I believe one comparison has already been done by niko?
:) you will never catch up to that triangular red UFO

Allso what car will you be driving at le mans this year :D with that speed you should do well.

I will compare to my lukas witch was / is in the same price range, but i am pretty sure the "low" bitrate lukas will get its butt spanked.

Maybe not in daylight with the current SG firmware and only looking at the top half of the footage, but when it get dark i think the lukas must drop its pants and prepare to get whipped.
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I just ordered one from the pier28 amazon shop! Been thinking about buying one for a while. I'm a first time buyer and this looks like what I have been looking for. I was always concerned about mixed reviews, multiple versions and counterfeit cameras. Small size and capacitor were big selling points. Glad I found this site.
Think its safe to say you will do well with this dashcam, and seller of it :)
I'll pop in and see him tomorrow morning. If it's going to be too long then will order through website. Alexsoll's videos only make the wait harder.

just to give you an update, Kong sent an order through this morning and they shipped today
Jokiin, have these gone out to any of your listed stockists in the blacktown/mt druitt area?
Jokiin, have these gone out to any of your listed stockists in the blacktown/mt druitt area?

Xtreme Car Audio ↠ 153 Main Street, Blacktown 2148 ↠ Phone: 02 8814 9244 is probably your best bet, one of our guys lives in Seven Hills and calls on them, I think he's going in there on Wednesday or Thursday, if you speak to Jay and let him know you want one he'd be able to get it then
... Kong sent an order through this morning and they shipped today

Just curious, who is Kong? I assume he's not the big hairy movie actor that co-starred with Fay Wray back in the 1930's and climbed the Empire State Building. :D
no, but you might be surprised to learn he's Asian ;)
Not surprised about that at all. But I really am curious who he is as you've mentioned him in a few other posts as well.
Not surprised about that at all. But I really am curious who he is as you've mentioned him in a few other posts as well.

he's from a particular chain of stores in the state those guys are in so has been mentioned a few times

meet Kong everyone

king kong. is that you jokiin there as well?