Street Guardian has the SG9665GC listed

no, I think in that case the best bet would be to shim the front of the mount to aim it down a bit

Hmmm, ok. Might be a last resort option. Have to think about any impacts to aesthetics, which are important to me.
That's an excellent suggestion. I don't own a 3D printer, but perhaps I can find someone who does. So far, something like this is the closest thing I'm able to find:

we have a 3D printer for prototyping stuff so that's not for everyone, from memory @Pier28 had someone he used locally to do something when he was playing with custom CPL filter brackets, there's some sort of user group that do these prints locally and it was quite cheap, I think another user @erewhon it might have been has done some also
That's an excellent suggestion. I don't own a 3D printer, but perhaps I can find someone who does. So far, something like this is the closest thing I'm able to find:

That wedge looks good, looks like the ones used to install hard wood floors etc.

If you want to find a 3D printer owner/ enthusiast check out
It worked for me in San Francisco for my old Mini 0801 CPL base project.
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Well the background certainly does any way...;):rolleyes:
I have these for all the products, our designer doesn't speak English so I draw the boxes up to show him how I want them laid out
Hi, Guess I'll post my first issue. Yesterday went out for ride to meet some friends at a club. Trip was maybe 20 minutes in each direction, when I checked the micro card recording with Reg. viewer I noticed there was no information from the GPS. The car was parked w/ clear skyview for atleast 3hrs before I returned home, yet no GPS recorded. If it's a setting on the Reg. viewer I sure couldn't find it.
As an FYI, I have taken several short rides, prior to this, with the GPS recording location and speed. Only thing I did that's different was using a Transcend 64gb microsd(formatted with GC) instead of the one which came with the GC unit. I have a full video of the trip w/ sound just no speed or map location.
The GPS was plugged into the GC, I only unplugged it when removing it from the car.

Is the GPS plugged in all the way? Do you have a Amber/Green GPS icon on the screen? Do you have the GPS installed on the dashboard with the ether GPS logo facing up towards the sky?

You have a second GC on the way to you from your second order. You'll be able to quickly troubleshoot with the new 2nd GC. (Swap GPS antenna over etc)
Is the GPS plugged in all the way? Do you have a Amber/Green GPS icon on the screen? Do you have the GPS installed on the dashboard with the ether GPS logo facing up towards the sky?

You have a second GC on the way to you from your second order. You'll be able to quickly troubleshoot with the new 2nd GC. (Swap GPS antenna over etc)

Thanks for the quick response. Didn't know anything was amiss until today when I played it back using Reg. Viewer. I plugged everything in as usual before going out but I'll double check and try another ride today. Maybe the GPS wasn't plugged in completely but I'm almost positive it was, it looked solidly in place when I removed it for playback. Yes, the GPS is mounted correctly on my dash, it's worked on other rides.
Got a couple of days before the new one arrives so I'll play with this and make sure I'm doing everything correctly. Frankly, I hope it was my mistake in that I didn't plug it in correctly.
Sounds like a plan. Maybe it got plugged into the far AV port by mistake instead of the "in" port next to the miniUSB in the Center. I had one other customer confirm they didn't push the GPS plug in all the way. (That fixed theirs)
Standing by for your results.
Dunno if this have somthing to do with it.
But today as i put in the 64Gb card i notised GPS was set to OFF in the menu, this confuse me a lot as i am sure i set it to ON when i first installed the cam in my car with the supplied 32 Gb card.

I have no idea as to why GPS was suddenly off, only thing thats new is i put in 64Gb card - got card error MSG on screen - whent to format in menu and formatted 64 Gb card.
It was pure chance i notised GPS was off but i had to set the time again as it was 1 hour off.

The last recording from the 32 Gb card ( 28 - 3 - 2015 ) have GPS data all the way.

The little i recorded today allso had GPS data as it should as i set GPS to ON in the menu.

Will try to replicate this issue again in a fjew hours, have just formatted sd card on computer again, so i should go thru the same when i have to format card in dashcam again.
Interesting could be a 64gb card bug that needs to be looked at. Not sure why GPS would get turned off but I'm sure we'll sort it out with this feedback. I would go back and forth from the 32GB and 64Gb to see what happens.