Street Guardian has the SG9665GC listed

I go for a short drive in 30 minutes, will just format card and record, then when i go back see if GPS is off, and if so put it ON so i should have GPS data for the return trip.
No i was not able to replicate the issue, but now i have yanked the camera out of my car as i have to do a GPS flip anyway, so i will do a little further investigating here on my work/computer table.
Sounds like a plan. Maybe it got plugged into the far AV port by mistake instead of the "in" port next to the miniUSB in the Center. I had one other customer confirm they didn't push the GPS plug in all the way. (That fixed theirs)
Standing by for your results.
Just took a short 10 minute ride, the GPS worked but didn't come on till atleast 5min. into the ride. Don't know how long it takes for GPS to lock on or if cloudy day has any effect, just seemed like a long time for it to start recording.
On another point I noticed on playback a stuttering affect on the video. Don't know if it's something that's normal or what? Didn't notice it before so I'll keep looking out for it. Seems video goes on smoothly for a while then it stutters for a second or two then continues on for a few min. then it stutters again. Seems to repeat throughout the entire segment. I even stopped at a store for about 20min. and left the GC on recording while parked and I notice the video on replay still had the stutters.
Just took a short 10 minute ride, the GPS worked but didn't come on till atleast 5min. into the ride. Don't know how long it takes for GPS to lock on or if cloudy day has any effect, just seemed like a long time for it to start recording.
On another point I noticed on playback a stuttering affect on the video. Don't know if it's something that's normal or what? Didn't notice it before so I'll keep looking out for it. Seems video goes on smoothly for a while then it stutters for a second or two then continues on for a few min. then it stutters again. Seems to repeat throughout the entire segment. I even stopped at a store for about 20min. and left the GC on recording while parked and I notice the video on replay still had the stutters.

I just spoke with Fred @sftl97 on the phone and wanted to follow up here so we can all learn/try

Cold GPS lock will be a few minutes and is much faster once locked recently. Here's more on how cold/warm GPS lock works:

If the video stutters in your computer this is most likely because you're trying to play videos directly off the new SDXC 64GB card via the included SDHC keychain USB 2.0 microSD card reader we include.

You'll want to copy the video folder/files off the card to your computer and play them directly off the computer hard drive. (for best performance)

You can also use the SD to microSD adapter your transcend 64GB card came with and pop that into your laptop SD card reader.

You can also invest in a USB 3.0 SDXC microSD/SD card reader as well to see if that performance boost lets you play back directly off the 64GB card.
I had the same issue so decided to just let it sit there with no adhesive pad to hold it in place and so far after a couple of days it has not moved - mind you it really has no chance to move because I made sure that the absolute minimum of the GPS sensor lead was left exposed from beneath the 'A' pillar trim.

Ok, that's a good idea. Appreciate the feedback.

That wedge looks good, looks like the ones used to install hard wood floors etc.

If you want to find a 3D printer owner/ enthusiast check out
It worked for me in San Francisco for my old Mini 0801 CPL base project.

Ok, great information. Appreciate the feedback.
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I am looking into a new card reader though the one i have can handle the SDXC cards, but for some strange reason it often bordering on allways loose contact to my 64 Gb kingston card ( the one i am trying in the SG now )
No fault of the SG though, its been that way since day one in the mobius, allso a reason as to why i bring the mobius with me when i need to get footage off it, cuz reading the card while it is in the mobius is no problem.

What you say Jon above make sense :)
I just spoke with Fred @sftl97 on the phone and wanted to follow up here so we can all learn/try

Cold GPS lock will be a few minutes and is much faster once locked recently. Here's more on how cold/warm GPS lock works:

If the video stutters in your computer this is most likely because you're trying to play videos directly off the new SDXC 64GB card via the included SDHC keychain USB 2.0 microSD card reader we include.

You'll want to copy the video folder/files off the card to your computer and play them directly off the computer hard drive. (for best performance)

You can also use the SD to microSD adapter your transcend 64GB card came with and pop that into your laptop SD card reader.

You can also invest in a USB 3.0 SDXC microSD/SD card reader as well to see if that performance boost lets you play back directly off the 64GB card.

Hey Jon, just a quick update.
I tried the following to check on video stutter:
- Present when viewing SDXC 64gb card via the SDHC keychain adapter.
- Present when viewing SDXC 64gb card via microsd card adapter that came with the card.
- Not Present once contents of SDXC card is copied to computer then played directly from computer hard drive.

Will do some reviewing of the GPS stuff so I can have a better understanding of how it works.

Looks like I'll still have to find some solution to the glare/reflection from the windshield, in some places the reflection is terrible and yet others there doesn't seem to be much at all. Hopefully the rear cam doesn't experience the same thing, since there's no dash.

always copy the contents to the PC for best results
Lesson learned.
I viewed a couple of recordings made with the 32gb card supplied with the GC and didn't notice any video stutter so I first thought it might be do to the new transcend 64gb card. Which was my reason for calling Jon, and then performing the test above.
Anyways I'm new to all this so will be learning as I go.
Lesson learned.
I viewed a couple of recordings made with the 32gb card supplied with the GC and didn't notice any video stutter so I first thought it might be do to the new transcend 64gb card. Which was my reason for calling Jon, and then performing the test above.
Anyways I'm new to all this so will be learning as I go.

Not having a stutter while playing a directly from MicroSDcard, is if you use USB3.0 card reader inserted into PC usb-port which is also USB3.0
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Is there a limit to the recording of speed? I heard most cameras won't record speed above 250 kph (155mph), is that the case with this camera? (I wonder if that's some sort of gps limitation)
Is there a limit to the recording of speed? I heard most cameras won't record speed above 250 kph, is that the case with this camera?

someone's going on a trip to the NT then ;)

the GPS updates 4 times per second, (the data is logged once per second), not sure if that's a limiting factor or not, the GPS itself is only capable of 515m/s which works out to 1854 kilometers per hour
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someone's going on a trip to the NT then ;)

the GPS updates 4 times per second, (the data is logged once per second), not sure if that's a limiting factor or not, the GPS itself is only capable of 515m/s which works out to 1854 kilometers per hour

lol, yeah. It was a friend of mine asking that question in another forum, wanted to know which cameras were capable of it so I posted a reply with the pic below.... Anyway I'll let you know mid May if it does, assuming I'm still alive. :)

Found Camera that WILL record speed above 250kph.
I've actually seen someone that held a GPS logger in the window of a plane on a flight from Taiwan to Hong Kong and it had speeds recorded up to 1000kph so I'd say it should be fine

and yeah that camera you found is one we all need to avoid ;) been over 30 years since I've been on the wrong end of one of those, not looking to change that anytime soon
I don't know where he got the info from that most cameras won't record it, he says they show 0 beyond 250. He has blackvue f/r.
I don't know where he got the info from that most cameras won't record it, he says they show 0 beyond 250. He has blackvue f/r.

sounds like a firmware issue, not sure what they're using for GPS offhand but I don't think it's a hardware limitation
It seems the cam will work with 64gb micro SD cards

Are locally available brands like Sandisc or Toshiba accepted?
It seems the cam will work with 64gb micro SD cards

Are locally available brands like Sandisc or Toshiba accepted?

Make sure the 64GB microSD card you choose is rated class 10 (don't use slower Class 4/6 cards) Also make sure you buy from a reputable source, there are many fakes on ebay etc.
Thanks, it will be either of the brands I mentioned from a nationwide retailer

Oh you were too quick -- so it looks like Toshiba