Street Guardian has the SG9665GC listed

@taoh, those other type, flat green card readers, are way better. Order one of these. They last forever and don't have those card positioning problems.

I broke more than one of the kind you're having trouble with.
I was having the same problems with the included card reader and decided to take it apart to see what was going on.

I found that on the black plastic piece of the case, there are grooves that are supposed to press the card down onto the contacts when the card is inserted. When the card is inserted ever so slightly angle up in the slot, it will push against the black grooves and prevent the card from going any further into the reader. You can see how mine show marks of pushing against the grooves with the card.

If the card is inserted in a downward angle into the reader, you should be able to get it further in. Just don't insert with too much force when it starts to resist. The stopper isn't very strong and can break. You can see how I managed to break mine with that gray silver piece off to the side there.

yeah we've had a couple of people break these, our previous one was better, we'll be changing the card reader in the next production lot, if anyone has one that fails just get in touch with your seller and we'll send you out one of the new type as soon as they arrive
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SG9665GC set to start recording 5 seconds after ignition on. Can hear Blackvue start 25 seconds after in background.

Sitting out in the sun my camera keeps falling off the sticky tape. Using the thick mounting plate. I note it's not a flat surface that the tape sticks to but a cris cross affair as if it's reinforcing framework, not sure how to describe it but like a honeycomb so the tape would effectively be using less than half the surface area were it flat. I've used the tape that came with it and when that failed and the camera was just hanging by the wires when I returned to the car I tried my own 3M double sided tape. That failed too with the camera again dangling by the wires. Both tapes remain stuck to the glass no problem just not to the mounting plate on the camera. I'm now trying the thinner mounting plate with the original sticky and adding another of the supplied sticky things in order to have the camera sit out a bit otherwise the connectors touch the glass. The thinner plate appears to be a fully flat surface that the sticky tape sits on (altho I haven't removed the tape to check). Seems to me the thicker plate as it is might be a dud unless I bog it up with filler and make it a flat surface for the sticky.
When an updated firmware comes out how do customers get to know, for those of us that do not log-on daily and keep up to date on this forum that is?
Sitting out in the sun my camera keeps falling off the sticky tape. Using the thick mounting plate. I note it's not a flat surface that the tape sticks to but a cris cross affair as if it's reinforcing framework, not sure how to describe it but like a honeycomb so the tape would effectively be using less than half the surface area were it flat. I've used the tape that came with it and when that failed and the camera was just hanging by the wires when I returned to the car I tried my own 3M double sided tape. That failed too with the camera again dangling by the wires. Both tapes remain stuck to the glass no problem just not to the mounting plate on the camera. I'm now trying the thinner mounting plate with the original sticky and adding another of the supplied sticky things in order to have the camera sit out a bit otherwise the connectors touch the glass. The thinner plate appears to be a fully flat surface that the sticky tape sits on (altho I haven't removed the tape to check). Seems to me the thicker plate as it is might be a dud unless I bog it up with filler and make it a flat surface for the sticky.

the thin plate I'm sure won't have this issue, we've used those for over a year without a problem, the tape that is on there relies on surface tension to adhere, the lack of a smooth surface on the larger mount is the cause of the problem, it will either mean a different tape is needed or we need to revise the mount, we're just doing a production run now so will get this sorted whichever way it needs, we'll make replacement tape or mounts available for anyone that has one of these as soon as we get that sorted, appreciate the feedback, will work on getting it sorted ASAP
When an updated firmware comes out how do customers get to know, for those of us that do not log-on daily and keep up to date on this forum that is?

we're working on another beta version right now, there's a holiday end of this week and a couple of bugs we still need to fix before the next beta but we should see that late next week, if everything is fixed you can probably expect to see it available a week or so later, will be on the support pages of our website available for download as soon as it's released, we don't have a mailing list setup as yet but will be adding an opt in mailing list where you can be notified of any updates etc, in the interim though it will mean manually checking until we get that sorted
we're working on another beta version right now, there's a holiday end of this week and a couple of bugs we still need to fix before the next beta but we should see that late next week, if everything is fixed you can probably expect to see it available a week or so later, will be on the support pages of our website available for download as soon as it's released, we don't have a mailing list setup as yet but will be adding an opt in mailing list where you can be notified of any updates etc, in the interim though it will mean manually checking until we get that sorted

I suggest people maybe setting up a free Page Monitor web site update checker monitor
(I use a Chrome extension called "Page Monitor")
to the following URL

We are looking into some type of other automatic firmware update notification/ email distro option as well.
SG9665GC set to start recording 5 seconds after ignition on. Can hear Blackvue start 25 seconds after in background.
yeah blackspews are crap, I have never caught on video my exit from my driveway with blackspew, as soon as the SG9665GC was installed I got me backing out and driving out of the driveway which I have never seen captured before.
the thin plate I'm sure won't have this issue, we've used those for over a year without a problem, the tape that is on there relies on surface tension to adhere, the lack of a smooth surface on the larger mount is the cause of the problem, it will either mean a different tape is needed or we need to revise the mount, we're just doing a production run now so will get this sorted whichever way it needs, we'll make replacement tape or mounts available for anyone that has one of these as soon as we get that sorted, appreciate the feedback, will work on getting it sorted ASAP

3M has such a vast array of VHB tapes available it seems there must be one that would solve this problem easily. They also have a small army of engineers and design consultants including an online platform geared specifically to industrial users that includes a "design challenge" component. I've heard stories about people contacting them and immediately receiving advice about the exact product that works for their intended application or to resolve their issue.
3M has such a vast array of VHB tapes available it seems there must be one that would solve this problem easily. They also have a small army of engineers and design consultants including an online platform geared specifically to industrial users that includes a "design challenge" component. I've heard stories about people contacting them and immediately receiving advice about the exact product that works for their intended application or to resolve their issue.

yeah a different tape is a possibility but our preferred option is to redo the larger bracket (we're just checking on that now), most possibly don't use that one anyway as it was really only intended for near vertical windows but regardless whatever the solution is we'll make replacements available at no cost for anyone that has a problem one, next production will come with a revised solution for the larger bracket anyway but for anyone that has a camera already we're not going to leave them stranded
I was thinking that a different tape would be the most expedient and least expensive approach but I am not surprised to hear that you'd rather go to the trouble and expense of redesigning the problematic component. :)
I was thinking that a different tape would be the most expedient and least expensive approach but I am not surprised to hear that you'd rather go to the trouble and expense of redesigning the problematic component. :)

there may be a suitable tape but then if we then have to include different types of tapes, it's not clear which is which etc it just ends up being more trouble than it's worth, I'd rather just fix it right and make sure whichever one you pickup and use it's going to work exactly as intended, it's a small thing but not something we want to overlook, not the way we like to do things
could fill up the criss cross pattern with an epoxy to make it flat.
could fill up the criss cross pattern with an epoxy to make it flat.

or we could just make a new one :)

we'll be getting it sorted properly, knew the cross hatch was in the corners but didn't see that it was under the sticker as well, my error in not picking that up but thankfully @Piggy. noticed it and told us when he did, we were just about to make 1200 brackets so have the chance to do something about it beforehand, good luck, not good management that saved us, thankful we found out when we did
if this was blackvue, maybe they would think about it on the next model and keep selling the dodgey bracket and let people sort it out for themeselves.
You really have a thing for Blackvue :D
could fill up the criss cross pattern with an epoxy to make it flat.

You know come to think of it, when I used a thicker, different 3M VHB tape on the honeycombed bracket I had no adhesion problems.

Because of my unique installation I've experimented with the thick bracket and needed to remove it a couple of times for adjustments. This required changing the tape several times and so I used a roll of 3M type 414/DC (ten pound holding) I had around. My installation requires tilting the angle of the camera slightly towards the center of the vehicle's hood so I put an extra strip of 3M tape along the left side of the bracket. When doing this you even end up with little or no glass contact on a small portion of the bracket next to that extra strip of tape. I didn't experience any adhesion problems and the honeycomb pattern may actually have enhanced how well it held in this use because of the thicker tape.

What I'm suggesting here is that if anyone wants a DIY resolution to this problem, if they should happen to experience it, one is available.
I've had no trouble whatever with the 3M tape I used on etoll tags and other cameras like C1W's holding on without issue. The tape that comes with the SG is pretty darn good too I think. I hate to imagine what sort of tape you're talking about that would hold the thick plate, you'd never get it off the glass. lol. I think Rick is right, fix the thick plate... once... properly... job done.