Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

yes thats true. but another certain percent that will be notified and have no idea how to do it even after reading instructions.
yes thats true. but another certain percent that will be notified and have no idea how to do it even after reading instructions.

we'll walk anyone through the process that needs it, quite often we make improvements in firmware that people aren't aware of, they open a support ticket asking about some function or feature that has been addressed already in a firmware and we get comments back telling us they weren't aware and they'd like to have been notified
we'll walk anyone through the process that needs it, quite often we make improvements in firmware that people aren't aware of, they open a support ticket asking about some function or feature that has been addressed already in a firmware and we get comments back telling us they weren't aware and they'd like to have been notified
Email notifications for firmware updates and general information is a great idea. Everything in one place, thanks.
Email notifications for firmware updates and general information is a great idea. Everything in one place, thanks.

it's one of the driving factors behind the 2 year warranty we're offering now, getting people to give us a point of contact to keep them updated ultimately saves us a lot more time than a few warranties and allows us to improve our service levels
love the video quality. best camera to date i think.
yep i know, still room for improvements, about to look at the files from the last testing ive done and got some feedback will post soon as well.
The manual says minimum of 32GB Memory Card. Can we use a 16GB for the FW update? Wiping the 128GB every time there is a FW update.... I have a 16GB laying here perfect for FW update.
The manual says minimum of 32GB Memory Card. Can we use a 16GB for the FW update? Wiping the 128GB every time there is a FW update.... I have a 16GB laying here perfect for FW update.

yes 16gb will still work, just not a size that is practical for using for dual channel recording
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if updating firmware isnt it recommended you format the card any way?? incase the previous recordings cause issues with new firmware?
Congrats Jokiin on hooking up with a very clever software/firmware developer which is key to get these cameras running sweet
Congrats Jokiin on hooking up with a very clever software/firmware developer which is key to get these cameras running sweet

actually I previously worked with Ambarella but found them to be a totally disorganised nightmare to deal with, the dev I had back then was great with their platform but the help you get from Ambarella, or rather the lack of help was mind numbing, was always intrigued by Novatek but could never find anyone that was capable, fortunately that changed about 4 years ago when I found a dev I could work with on the Novatek platform, took a while at first to adapt what we knew to their eco system but we have progressed a lot since then, still plenty to learn though
@jokiin - Speaking of development/developers, is there any new news on playback software (other than DCV) that will support video files from the 'DC'?
@jokiin - Speaking of development/developers, is there any new news on playback software (other than DCV) that will support video files from the 'DC'?

there's a couple of players that are being developed at the moment but none are ready for release, we don't have anyone in house that can do it
there's a couple of players that are being developed at the moment but none are ready for release, we don't have anyone in house that can do it
Yeah I know that SG doesn't do that development but kind of assumed you were/are in touch with those that are. If/when they are looking for beta testers I'm available.