Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

It was indeed purchased through Street Guardian by way of Amazon in August of 2017. Really like the setup, simply looking for the added rearward facing camera feature.
It was indeed purchased through Street Guardian by way of Amazon in August of 2017. Really like the setup, simply looking for the added rearward facing camera feature.

ok, they will look after you on any subsequent purchase, just let them know beforehand that you're a return customer
I haven’t read through all 131 pages, but I’m pondering an upgrade to the dual channel camera system coming off the 9665GCV3 because I really want to start capturing what’s going on behind me. I don’t dislike my V3 at all, but wasn’t sure what my options may be aside from buying a different rearward facing camera only. Thoughts from the professionals? Thanks in advance!
I am not a professional, but that is the path I took to the DC and am very pleased that I did so. The entertainment value alone of people doing things behind you is worth the upgrade.
I haven’t read through all 131 pages, but I’m pondering an upgrade to the dual channel camera system coming off the 9665GCV3 because I really want to start capturing what’s going on behind me. I don’t dislike my V3 at all, but wasn’t sure what my options may be aside from buying a different rearward facing camera only. Thoughts from the professionals? Thanks in advance!
There are pros and cons of a dual channel camera or two single channels.

Biggest advantages of a dual channel are:
1 - you're recording both cameras on the same memory card and the videos are always in sync.
2 - easier to review front and rear videos because they're on the same card

1 - Dual channel costs more.
2 - To get the same recording time you need a card twice as large = $$$
3 - If the front camera should fail you lose both

Advantage for 2 single channel:
1 - If one fails you can always swap the failed camera for the other if they're the same
2 - Single channel is cheaper than dual

1 - Usually more of a PITA to get to the rear camera to review videos
2 - Almost impossible to 'Lock' a video on the rear camera because it's not accessible from the driver's seat

You have to decide what's important to you and make a decision. I've gone both ways and prefer the dual channel but then I've never had a failure either.
Just got this installed with hardwire kit.. thanks @jokiin

Have put in the SD card and formatted.. and tried to go through various basic settings


1) Any particular settings I should do?

2) Wifi - is that to connect to iPhone and see videos without taking SD card out? What app would you recommend?

3) Is there a guide to each setting and options ?

Sorry new to dashcam world :)
you can download the user manual from our website as it has more detail, it has been updated to suit the firmware version that your camera has installed

we are working on an app but not ready yet, for iPhone some users report the Novacam app working for them, may depend which version of iPhone and iOS you have

most of the preset defaults are going to cover what you want already
Just picked one of these up, looking forward to it as I have the single channel version and it has been spectacular. Few others I have are Thinkware 770 (horrible firmware), Rexing V1, Vantrue dual (junk), Anker, etc. . Searching for the SGDCHW hardwire kit. Looking forward to a smooth install......
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Private message sent to the SGDCHW
(Sellers not allowed to post product links in public)

Just search our main website or amazon for

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The GPS Antenna

We need to install that right? it's not optional? I mean there is no inbuilt unit in the camera and only need the external one IF signal is not strong?
The GPS Antenna

We need to install that right? it's not optional? I mean there is no inbuilt unit in the camera and only need the external one IF signal is not strong?
If you don't have the GPS connected you won't get any map data, speed information, time sync etc
If you don't have the GPS connected you won't get any map data, speed information, time sync etc

Doh!!! We missed that... is it dash install or window? Will call the installer back!!! :(

USA install, other side for Australia.
Thanks.. Why the other side? i think for me it will coeme on the right hand side as well (since the camera is above my steering wheel on right hand side)

we generally recommend running cables to the passenger side, only reason is in case a cable ever dropped it's not going to be in the way of the driver, there's no technical reason you can't have it on the drivers side