Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

Yeah i am sure it is, we users can speculate and dream up all manner of dashcams, but a manufacturer got to keep it real or never release a product.

This i think are also evident from a lot of crowd funding projects, lots of good ideas but getting off drawing board or 3D printer is hard.
you can register on our website also, there's no info collected as such, we'll just send an email notification once they're available, at the moment we're expecting that should be in around 30 to 40 days, got a component we're waiting on that is due in 25 days, everything else is waiting pending that

Register on
Yeah i am sure it is, we users can speculate and dream up all manner of dashcams, but a manufacturer got to keep it real or never release a product.

This i think are also evident from a lot of crowd funding projects, lots of good ideas but getting off drawing board or 3D printer is hard.

I agree with you, there can always be more transparency.
jokiin, this?
Click here to receive updates about availability.
I cant click it, nothing to click. :(

I notified our web developer he should be able to look into it later today. (He's in Australia, so not quite morning there yet)
It just worked for me.

Edit: Win 7 Pro, Firefox 54.0.1
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jokiin, this?
Click here to receive updates about availability.
I cant click it, nothing to click. :(

it opens a form, have you got a popup blocker in your browser at all? It's not a popup but some of those programs can get it wrong at times, try with a different browser also
Using firefox i cant pay online import taxes, everything else are fine, so for taxes i resort to using edge.
It come as no surprise to me that a public branch like Danish tax authorities would have a homepage that do not work with major browsers :rolleyes::oops:
Turned off uBlock and it worked.

btw, its:
Static filter /plugins/popup-maker/$script,
that blocks it.
i dont know what is going on with internet browser standards these days, some larger sites work with some and not with others, very annoying.
i dont know what is going on with internet browser standards these days, some larger sites work with some and not with others, very annoying.
Used to be you could blame Micro$oft for that as they would incorporate into Internet Explorer (proprietary?) 'extensions' of standard HTML. Sites that were developed using those extensions would only work properly when viewed with I.E.
Pop up form worked fine with Win 7 Ultimate with IE 10 and Adblock Pro running
Used to be you could blame Micro$oft for that as they would incorporate into Internet Explorer (proprietary?) 'extensions' of standard HTML. Sites that were developed using those extensions would only work properly when viewed with I.E.

Good point but not these days obviously........... Microshaft still amazes me how they have kept IE alive which is a good thing IMO
i have left IE and gone to chrome a few months back and happy now. IE used to crash all the time, bog the computer down, be slow etc...
Google already being so invasive as they are I wont use their Chrome browser either
Crome just freak me out, so do edge.
i use to be IE then changed to the fox, so now fox are standard and IE backup.

You would not believe the hoops i have jumped thru in regard to google :rolleyes: its at a stage where my android phone will barely work with all the things i have turned off.

They might have set out not to be evil, but they are on so many ways today.
If some one comment on a YT video of mine, i am not told in anyway, sp some times i stumbe over week old questions or comments :oops: but google force my hand in this matter too.