Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

Oh well, I just hardwired my A119s today. Neat job with a Vico vation power plus. Tomorrow i'll wire the rear cam. Have to hardwire that one as well. Temperatures are too high to be comfortable with LiIon power packs. Sicily is already on fire. Don't want to add my suv to the lot.

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no idea, taxes and customs fees are higher in your market, not sure if @niko has worked it out yet, as a long time member here I'm sure something could be worked out for you anyway

That's awesome thanks Rick

Niko... I'm already sub'd to your update thread :)
is there another thread for updates? or are you referring to this one?

you can register on our website also, there's no info collected as such, we'll just send an email notification once they're available, at the moment we're expecting that should be in around 30 to 40 days, got a component we're waiting on that is due in 25 days, everything else is waiting pending that
What happen if we get naughty in between x-mas or Santa get arrested.:(
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You'll get it from the easter bunny, he's not so fussy.
If that is the same easter bunny i have a pic off on my harddrive, then i say screw santa :p
Biting my nails in anticipation :eek:
@niko and @jokiin will there be any upgrade discounts for the existing SG customers?

If so any time limit? I'm upgrading my car in the next 12 months so plan to upgrade my dashcam at the same time for one of these.

Don't really want to go through all the agro of fitting/unfitting/refitting within 6-12 months.
Any updates to availability in the US? Waiting patiently as I continue to lurk the forum.


And that's a good thing, i am at a loss for words to explain how i feel about the thing i ordered 2 months ago and which i was promised i would have at the end of June, now it seem like i maybe will be getting my new toy at the end of August.
And in the spring the company claimed it would be released before summer, they more or less have since the spring of 2016 it seem.

I dont mind waiting even with no word from the maker as long as i have not been given dates that change all the time, to be honest that way the product just become more and more appealing to me.

On the other hand waiting for dates that constantly get pushed back, that make me extremely frustrated and make me think about taking my business elsewhere, at least when all you get are just new dates and not even good or bad excuses as to why date keep changing.
And that's a good thing, i am at a loss for words to explain how i feel about the thing i ordered 2 months ago and which i was promised i would have at the end of June, now it seem like i maybe will be getting my new toy at the end of August.
And in the spring the company claimed it would be released before summer, they more or less have since the spring of 2016 it seem.

I dont mind waiting even with no word from the maker as long as i have not been given dates that change all the time, to be honest that way the product just become more and more appealing to me.

On the other hand waiting for dates that constantly get pushed back, that make me extremely frustrated and make me think about taking my business elsewhere, at least when all you get are just new dates and not even good or bad excuses as to why date keep changing.

I agree it is frustrating to see the release date being pushed back farther and farther, but I stick with Street Guardian because I know they have great customer service and do their best for their products. I am not saying what they did is entirely fair, but I sympathize with SG as I know they are doing their best to release the products ASAP once the DC has met their standards. I imagine that it is frustrating for them most of all. I figure that product production for any company has and always will have some sort of delay, some more than others.