Street Guardian SGZC12RC Remote Lens, Sony Exmor IMX322, WDR

The motion detect should only be in operation when parked, at least thats how it is with my Lukas, as soon as i start to move the camera say changing to driving mode, and vise versa it say changing to parking mode after a fjew minutes not moving.

I assume the G-sensor in my lukas can allso be triggered if the car is bumped while parked, but i have only had the G-sensor turned on the first 2 days i owned the camera.
My lukas have seperate G-sensor sensetivity settings for driving and for parking, i had to enter custom values to stop the camera from creating g-sensor triggered recordings while driving.
And for parking i assume you want it as sensetive as possible, just enuff that passing cars and wind dont trigger locked event recordings

I assume the panorama dashcams work in a simmilar way, but i am guessing here.
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it doesn't work the same as our Lukas cams. the panorama doesn't switch over to a true parking mode automatically. instead, you can just leave the camera on motion detect mode while parked and while driving. jon has assured me that it's sensitive enough to not lose any time while you're driving on a road that has uniform scenery. if it's anything like what I've read on previous panoramas left in motion detect mode then I suppose I can trust that.
...and the device won't lock everything with motion detect. I'll set mine up to only lock files that have a high impact on the Gsensor.
Thanks abarth, that's good to know. Now just got the question of what causes the drive to protect a recording.

Also, has anyone had issues with rain on the windscreen triggering the motion detection whilst parked?
rain will definitely trigger a motion detect recording. currently, dash cams aren't "smart" enough to determine what's important to record. :)
Yeah, I figured as much. As long as the recordings aren't locked resulting in a full memory card.
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So if u leave it in motion detect mode it just records loops, then locks the file if it senses a shock? I'm disappointed it doesn't have a parking mode. Wish I'd realized that earlier.

If it rains all night, it will record a night's worth of loops and lock any files during that period that are tripped by the g shock. Is that accurate?
I have allways argued against ppl having too much faith in the parking guard on dashcams.
If you use motion detect you will have a lot of false triggers, either from ppl driving or walking by or as mentioned drops of rain, or falling leaves and so on.

This is allso the one factor that keep me from getting too exited about installing side cameras in my car, just a little rain and my side windows is more or less bloked by droplets, so if i go there i will have to nano-stuff treat my side windows to make the moisture peel off better.

The G-sensor i can undestand if it can be calibrated right to that sweet spot where wind and cars/trucks driving by dont trigger it, but still sensetive enuff to be triggered by the guy reversing into your car while it is parked at the mall, or that idiot parked beside you who dent your side when he rip open his door.

And then you still have to hope its good weather and the window / windows havent been obscured by rain or snow or whatever can ruin that crucial recording.

Offcourse you might be able to work around dew and rain on the windows using some form on nano-stuff on the windows to make rain run off more quickly, this will allso be a good idea for ppl with rear cameras and sedans without a wiper on the rear window.

Myself i dont yet use parking modes on my dashcam, but i might give it a try in the future, but still i have no fait in it beeing able to have all the factors come together at that crucial time.
I dont use G-sensor while i am driving as i record all the time anyway, and i am sure i can feel if some one put a dent in my car while i am in it.

Allso i better mention that up here in Denmark most days of the year is,,,,, well, anything but sunshine :D

Here at home i have a illigal IP camera on my car where its parked behind the block, so i am pretty sure if it get vandalized again i will be able to identify the person, and later on punish him as the law here dont seem to bother with such mondane things.
I share your frustrations with the current tech. I'd still rather have a bunch of false positives than miss that one incident, though. storage is relatively cheap these days but there are a whole lot of other factors to consider as you've pointed out.
Yeah i dont rule it out either, and when i get around to hardwire my gear ( or some of it ) i will give it a try, just need a good discharge protection as the battery in my motorized shoebox is equally small :)
And i am lucky that if i go any places it is for the most to visit my friend and he have as much CCTV gear as i have :D

BTW i just found out, per capita we actually have more CCTV cameras in our streets than the UK have :eek: and it seem like they want more in respons to recent events in Copenhagen :eek:
Now they just have to find out where all those CCTV cameras are as thats a mystery to most ppl, witch then get me to think how the hell do they know we have +600.000 cctv cameras in Denmark :confused:
USA doesn't have as many public CCTV in place but I have it setup around my home since there are a lot of postal theft stories especially around the Christmas season. the other reason I have mine up is for a particular jerk of a neighbor that my family had to contact the police about a handful of instances. he doesn't like others parking in the street in front of his house even though it's public property. I no longer park there but it's inevitable when others in the neighborhood have parties. so I have one of the cameras pointing his direction.
...and in related news, I just saw the postman drop off my X1 through my CCTV app. :)
Mine's still in the States waiting for a plane to cross the pond. Hopefully it should be here in a few days
Mine's still in the States waiting for a plane to cross the pond. Hopefully it should be here in a few days
Pardon my ignorance: buying from USA does not mean you will have to pay additional taxes besides the purchase price?
Any idea when the owner's manual will be available?