Street Guardian SGZC12RC Remote Lens, Sony Exmor IMX322, WDR

Can the display of the X11 unit be mounted upside down i.e. Can you set the display orientation in reverse? My car's perfect setup when I checked today would be to mount upside down.
those of you who have the X1 up and do you feel about the image quality? I'm kinda mixed
Can the display of the X11 unit be mounted upside down i.e. Can you set the display orientation in reverse? My car's perfect setup when I checked today would be to mount upside down.
nope. i would personally like that feature as well.
those of you who have the X1 up and do you feel about the image quality? I'm kinda mixed

nope. i would personally like that feature as well.
image defensively need improvement, but dont forget it just came out on the market. im sure future firmware will improve the image quality. currently i have my x2 and x1 on the front and when compare, the x2 is way better, sharper image. i think is because of the lans, on the x2 is 120 degree, where on the x1 is 150 degree. or maybe the focus is off a little bit . on my x2 was off and i fix it. i watched the how @niko did it and now is way better. I may do it with the x1.
yup. I'm looking forward to new firmware sharpening up the image a bit. is yours also way over-exposed? I'm used to having only 1/3 of the frame as sky so my previous cams would expose properly for the road and traffic. with the X1, I have the horizon right in the middle but the road and traffic is still over-exposed. if I aim it any higher, I won't have any of my hood in the frame. but on the other hand, the picture during dawn/dusk and night footage looks fantastic.
For me does not look way over exposed. I will hook the remote lens from my x2 to the x1 and see what is the difference. I think the remote lens on the x2 is a little bit dark. Ill check it out and update
when comparing my images to the raw video files on page 1, mine are definitely more washed out and a bit softer. the new firmware really needs exposure bias settings. I'm hoping the soft image can be fixed via firmware but I know there's only so much software sharpening can do until it's jagged and noisy.
hmm, hope there's a solution to your problems as so much about this camera is excellent. I'm intending to get one myself.... actually hoping to get 3 if all goes well! One for front window, one for rear and a 3rd for looking forwards from the rear window in case someone bashes either side of my car with their door when parked.... that's the plan at least!
Has anyone had any luck finding longer cables from a third party? I would really like to install mine, but the cable is at least 2-3 feet short to make it anywhere unless I put the main unit on the top of my dash.
the longer cables should be available soon, check with Jon @Pier28 and he might be able to give you an ETA

I saw that he said they would be showing up sometime after the Chinese new year. So I was figuring they were still awhile out. I figured if I could find one I would just pick it up in the between time.
I saw that he said they would be showing up sometime after the Chinese new year. So I was figuring they were still awhile out. I figured if I could find one I would just pick it up in the between time.

they were being arranged this week
The longer cables are being sent with my next Panorama G shipment to save on freight, which should be on the way soon. I'll have a better ETA soon.
Sounds good. I didn't know it would be difficult to find before I started looking.
Yeah. I can't hook mine up either. I thought it would fit, but I don't want to dash mount it.
I am in the same boat here, my cable is too short as well. I might try a different route on the weekend to see if I can get the length needed shortened.
Sorry for the short cables everyone I'll keep you posted on long cable ETA. My incoming Tracking should update soon.
I wouldn't worry; my camera arrived in the UK on the 1st according to the tracking page but still hasn't made it the two hundred miles north to my house.

Hopefully the longer cable won't take as long to arrive. This is the first time I've had things delayed coming from the U.S. I suppose it serves me right for saying U.S. deliveries to the UK are quick earlier in this thread :)
That sounds like customs have got their grubby hands on it - they confuse me these days. I got hit with a near on £60 bill for an X2 which I had to pay before Parcel Force would hand it over, likewise when I ordered a Pebble I paid the DHL driver the £11 import tax.

I ordered two cameras from elsewhere and nearly two months later got a bill for £40 through the post!

I've got to admit I'd much rather pay up front as if the charges are bonkers you can reject it, otherwise the couriers can add on their random handling charges at a later date!!
Turns out 5 mins after my last post the tracking updates to "processed through sort facility" so hopefully it should arrive soon.