Street Guardian SGZC12RC Remote Lens, Sony Exmor IMX322, WDR

...I also don't have much room in the window as my car has sensors for the auto high-beam, lane assist, dipping mirror and auto wipers.

I have the same issue. Even an A118/B40 style will have to be mounted a bit low because of that, more so because there will have to be clearance above the mounting plate to install/remove the camera and attach the cables.

A capacitor version of the SG7LA50x would be perfect for me as the camera will slide up into the mounting instead of down and the power cable comes into the side. (Maybe I should come out of retirement and get a job in product development at S.G. as I think this is a great idea. ;) )

(I know, I could mount the camera off to the side but I'm a bit OCD about having it on the center line of the vehicle. :eek: )
I'm watching with baited breath as I was very close to buying a dashcam when I got my new car in December but held off when I spotted the x1. I really want a separate unit and recorder to keep the visible components to a minimum. I also don't have much room in the window as my car has sensors for the auto high-beam, lane assist, dipping mirror and auto wipers.
whats a few more?? who needs to see out the front window with all that safety gear, the car can drive itself. the dash cam can be used as evidence of safety system failure when you run into something so you can sue the car manufacturer.
Announcement with new details and opening of pre-sales is a few days away.
man, gonna have to sleep with my computer next to me and when I get email reply to this thread set volume up high so it wakes me up at night.
Correct it will be a non-GPS version for the first release.
how long until the GPS model comes out?
Adding external GPS will be a PCB change which is expensive and takes some time. (no ETA)

The early hand sample prototypes didn't work well with GPS hidden inside the housing. (since most people will be hiding it out of sight)

non-GPS is the best we can do, step by step approach.
True the X1 will need a GPS antenna on a wire too.
Any plans for another housing ? i mean if there in no onbord GPS and no radar detector, the main unit can be more versatile when it come to mounting it.
Current design for the main unit do exclude some places for installing IMHO
We are continuing to look at what the options are via the step by step approach. So in time, while we might have some ideas what is possible it would be months away.
:) Dont hurry for my sake, i dont have mony to buy anything, and i have a sneaky feeling i will be done dry by the tax - man this year ( will see in 3-4 month time )
so basically if we want a decent remote cam, just buy up in a few days, shut up and wait for the next update.
what are the dimensions of the camera on this thing, without mount, diameter, length in millimeters.
hopefully he will see this and answer. niko, you got any raw footage you can post up here as well.? or anyone else who has one testing it?
Chomping at the bit :D