Street Guardian's new 2k cam SG9667DC2K

Firmware 1.11 should be released this month to fix a compatibility issue with Dashcam Viewer.

Card Full errors generally mean the card is corrupted in some way. I'd use SD Formatter and select the "overwrite" option to reset the card back to factory defaults.
If no error message put it card back in and Format in-camrea after that. (and re-test)
Will format as you suggested after it fills up again and fails to overwrite.

Is Dashcam viewer compatibility issue the only issue being addressed in the new firmware release or there are other enhancement as well?
I’m not sure yet, the change log hasn’t been translated yet. It’s a two part update though since the rear camera has its own firmware now on the DC2K.
Sensitivity is on medium and loop recording enabled
Thanks for the reply I appreciate it.
I'm guessing you never took the card out of the dashcam so you may not be able to answer this q but did you notice if you had lots of files in the reserved areas?

On a Viofo dashcam their labeled RO and Parking from memory, both these folders will hold the files until they are either moved from the card, deleted or the card is formatted.
My thinking is if you have firm suspension or rough roads it may create many stored files in the RO equivalent folder. Over time this fills up and no space is left for normal recorded footage.

I experienced this when driving on corrugated roads and this car has normal/soft suspension.
After much troubleshooting, I found the cause of my camera rebooting to be overheating. I park my truck in the sun and I live in Texas so it can get pretty hot, but from what I've seen and heard this should not be enough to overheat it. I do not use a windshield protector since that would cook the camera.

I did notice that it's only when the rear camera is plugged in and the sun has been baking my windshield all day that it continuously reboots. Even today, it was only 82F out but around 3pm my camera started rebooting every 1-2 minutes. At night, or on cooler days with clouds blocking the sun, I get no interruptions. On hot days when it starts rebooting I can unplug the rear camera and it stays on just fine so it seems to just barely reach its limit under those conditions.

Unfortunately, SG stopped responding to my ticket so I initiated a return via amazon before my 30 days dry up. However, I am willing to give SG one more shot so I re-bought the same model again. We will see if the one I had was just defective or not.
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Hi what's your ticket number? We always reply within a few minutes nearly every time. You should never use a heat shield/sun reflector, it creates a superheated oven space and will overheat ANY brand dashcam. It's a big no-no, I've seen posts on dashcamtalk of cheaper cameras completely melt in the past. Heat Damage is not covered under warranty by the way. If you do use s heat shield/sun reflector the only option is the take out the camera, can't leave it baking in the oven like that.
Hi what's your ticket number? We always reply within a few minutes nearly every time. You should never use a heat shield/sun reflector, it creates a superheated oven space and will overheat ANY brand dashcam. It's a big no-no, I've seen posts on dashcamtalk of cheaper cameras completely melt in the past. Heat Damage is not covered under warranty by the way. If you do use s heat shield/sun reflector the only option is the take out the camera, can't leave it baking in the oven like that.

My ticket number is 1979; however, I have already shipped the camera back to Amazon and ordered the new one. I am not using a sun reflector nor did I ever with this camera.
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has to be some explanation, these things are very heat tolerant.
Hi, some new info about firmware that will solve the compatibility problem with the viewer?
First off, love the products! I've had a SG9665GC V2 that has been used in my last few vehicles since 2016. Just recently it started looping, so I decided to upgrade to the 2 channel SG9667DC2K to have front and rear. Got the front cam mounted up tonight, but the rear camera cord is too short for my Dodge Durango. I didn't see any extra long cord available on your site. Is one available for purchase? (also sad I missed out on a discount code before I ordered!)
It's been a while since I posted. I received my new camera and began using it right away, however I didn't get a proper test of the extreme conditions needed until today. Texas has very bipolar weather so every day was either hot, with no sun, or sun but with 72 degree weather. Today it was 94F outside and not a cloud in sight which was exactly what I needed. I drove around at 4pm and while my old camera would reboot every 2-3minutes in these conditions, this one didn't have a single reboot with both cameras in use. Safe to say I just had a defective one.
I know TX can be hotter than Denmark in a whole host of ways, but i would expect any dashcam to do fine for regular driving around.
Not least in a car with AC which i assume most people have these days,,,,, not me though, this Dane that have worked all his life can not afford such extravagant things.

We have severe drought here ATM, and farmers are raving about lack of water, and for sure we will probably see bans on open fire use during the next week.
April turned out to be the sunniest April in 12 years as i recall, though there was also nights with frost during the month, just no precipitation CUZ summer are far from getting going here.
Actually it is highly unusual we have not yet had a day with over 20 deg C temperatures yet
After much troubleshooting, I found the cause of my camera rebooting to be overheating. I park my truck in the sun and I live in Texas so it can get pretty hot, but from what I've seen and heard this should not be enough to overheat it. I do not use a windshield protector since that would cook the camera.

I did notice that it's only when the rear camera is plugged in and the sun has been baking my windshield all day that it continuously reboots. Even today, it was only 82F out but around 3pm my camera started rebooting every 1-2 minutes. At night, or on cooler days with clouds blocking the sun, I get no interruptions. On hot days when it starts rebooting I can unplug the rear camera and it stays on just fine so it seems to just barely reach its limit under those conditions.

Unfortunately, SG stopped responding to my ticket so I initiated a return via amazon before my 30 days dry up. However, I am willing to give SG one more shot so I re-bought the same model again. We will see if the one I had was just defective or not.
Use can use a windshield protector that hooks to the outside of the windshield instead of the inside to illuminate the heat buildup. I’ve got one on my car and it does wonders over one of those at your place inside.
It is approaching time to replace my 5 year old 9663DC... the wiring harness the same? Can I just swap the two?