
New Member
Jun 26, 2020
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United Kingdom
Hi all

Newbie here. Signed up today but have been a lurker for a while. My U1000 suddenly failed on me. Randonly, reset itself so had to start all over again. In trying to do that I can’t seem to get it to work.
It keeps power itself off automatically after a few seconds of start up. In that time I can’t connect to WiFi or anything. So I can’t even add it to my app (I thought it was an app issue before and deleted and reinstalled the app. Seems to me the device has got a power issue as it keeps turning off after like 30 seconds

Any advice? I can’t even register it with thinkware now as it states devices can only be register on the app.

Can the Thinkware reps here assist please?
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Have you tried without a memory card in the camera ?
Not sure some people just recommend to try that some times, i assume a faulty memory card can trigger behavior that's not right.
And memory cards can die really fast some times, like the guy i met at a Mitsubishi dealer where i worked once, he was there for the #2 time to have his transmission rebuild, and the car had not even done 15 K
Tried it without memory card. Asks for memory card and can’t go any further without it. However, it still loses power
Also, the Thinkware Wi-Fi doesn’t show up on my phones Wi-Fi settings anymore as well. iPhone
Damn :(

I have no experience with the brand so you will have to wait for others to spot your post.
No reset hardware switch on the camera ? often found in a little hole in the body
Hi all

Newbie here. Signed up today but have been a lurker for a while. My U1000 suddenly failed on me. Randonly, reset itself so had to start all over again. In trying to do that I can’t seem to get it to work.
It keeps power itself off automatically after a few seconds of start up. In that time I can’t connect to WiFi or anything. So I can’t even add it to my app (I thought it was an app issue before and deleted and reinstalled the app. Seems to me the device has got a power issue as it keeps turning off after like 30 seconds

Any advice? I can’t even register it with thinkware now as it states devices can only be register on the app.

Can the Thinkware reps here assist please?
What brand of memory card are you using?
Perhaps @Maddog1974 can help us out here? He's the Thinkware rep for the UK and knows his stuff very well with their products (y)

think memory card or power problem.
1) try to use another microsd card
2) try to power from another auto

also u can reflash firmware by downloading from thinkware.com and setting erase to default
think memory card or power problem.
1) try to use another microsd card
2) try to power from another auto

also u can reflash firmware by downloading from thinkware.com and setting erase to default

tried both. Same issue
Try to flash with last firmware.
Also did u check manual from box? For resetting u need press and hold mic and rec simultaneously untill beep.

How to update firmware.u also find in manual
First thing to try is a firmware reflash in this case.
The U1000's hard reset is actually by holding down the REC button for about 5 seconds, or until you hear a beep. May not help here if the dash cam is already turning off.
I think it was the memory card. Formatted it properly again and it’s worked.

However got another issue. I’ve got a spare iPhone set up as a hotspot in the car to benefit from the cloud features. Once connected it works. After I leave the car, it works and I can view remotely. However, after some time the cam disconnects from the phone and I can’t access it anymore.

Anyone know why?
However, after some time the cam disconnects from the phone and I can’t access it anymore.
if memory serves one of the the Thinkware resellers mentioned that they can't access a hotspot once they enter parking mode, an iPhone will also turn the hotspot off after a period of inactivity, that may also be an issue
if memory serves one of the the Thinkware resellers mentioned that they can't access a hotspot once they enter parking mode, an iPhone will also turn the hotspot off after a period of inactivity, that may also be an issue

If they can’t access hotspot once it gets into parking mode then what’s the point of all the cloud features? How can I remote view and get notifications? iPhone does not disconnect as long as device is connected