VIOFO A119 Mini 2 - Test and Review RCG

I only hope the Viofo iOS app isn’t nearly as bad as the App Store reviews I read last night. I know most people don’t leave positive reviews on there, so hopefully the negative reviews are the minority.
Just like here. Ordinary users come here only when they have problems with the DVR.
If a person bought a model and it works for him without problems, then he does not write anything anywhere.
Just enjoy the operation of the DVR.
I put together a video with A119 Mini 2 video samples and an audio sample. The recorded audio from the A119 Mini and A119 Mini 2 has a very low volume level.

People who know me here on the forum know I'm a long time fan of the Mobius platform for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the amazing ability to adjust a remarkable array of photographic and other camera functionalities.

So, the other day I got home and was reviewing some footage from my varifocal telephoto 1440p Mobius 1S and noticed that some of the audio files were quite distorted because I was driving on the interstate with the windows wide open. The wind noise really over whelmed the usually excellent audio.

So, you know what I did? I checked the audio level in the GUI and noticed that I had it set to "HIGH". I switched it to "MEDIUM", did a little testing - Problem fixed.

Suddenly, I remembered this thread and all the discussion about low volume levels on some Viofo cameras and had to give myself a slap on the forehead. :facepalm:

Why can't other cameras have adjustable audio levels? It should be a fairly simple feature to implement and perhaps it could eliminate some of these audio level complaints that have been reported for years. How about it @viofo, would that be doable?

Maybe there really is a problem with the microphone in the mini2? ....or the firmware? Still, adjustable recording volume would be a great feature.

Why can't other cameras have adjustable audio levels? It should be a fairly simple feature to implement and perhaps it could eliminate some of these audio level complaints that have been reported for years. How about it @viofo, would that be doable?

Maybe there really is a problem with the microphone in the mini2? ....or the firmware? Still, adjustable recording volume would be a great feature.
I disagree. lol
This high level of adjustment / settings is beyond the scope of the "average consumer".
All @viofo has to do is make all their cameras sound as good as the A229 right out of the box.
I don't know man. Surely, the average consumer who can navigate a typical dash cam menu tree can handle High, Medium and Low. How hard can that be?
My bad, the way you described making the adjustment sounded like the consumer would have to connect the camera to a Windows PC to change the settings.
Don't you remember how sensitive I am about Windows PC's? lol
But I still disagree, because the A229 is perfect right out of the gate, no adjustment needed.
My bad, the way you described making the adjustment sounded like the consumer would have to connect the camera to a Windows PC to change the settings.
Don't you remember how sensitive I am about Windows PC's? lol
But I still disagree, because the A229 is perfect right out of the gate, no adjustment needed.

I agree that the AGC shouuld work properly out of the box with good audio but I think adjustable volume could be a cool feature and one that is probably easy to implement.

The Mobius M1S is a whole different animal because is has no screen or wifi, only a dedicated PC GUI.
but I think adjustable volume could be a cool feature and one that is probably easy to implement.
I still disagree.
How many times have you seen new users come here for help because they can't figure out how to configure, or change settings on their camera, or smartphone App? lol
They should be making dash cams easier to use, not more difficult.
K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) to prevent F.U.B.A.R. & S.N.A.F.U.
We are dealing with 2023 humans. lol
I still disagree.
How many times have you seen new users come here for help because they can't figure out how to configure, or change settings on their camera, or smartphone App? lol
They should be making dash cams easier to use, not more difficult.
K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) to prevent F.U.B.A.R. & S.N.A.F.U.
We are dealing with 2023 humans. lol

Well, that's what default settings are for. I mean I wouldn't expect many of these folks to be able to configure and optimize a Mobius camera but anyone who can operate a TV remote should be able to handle three simple options for volume control (if and when they want to).

This dumbing down and deliberate oversimplification of everything needs to have some limits. Dash cams should have a middle ground for how complicated the menu options are.

I disagree. lol
This high level of adjustment / settings is beyond the scope of the "average consumer".
All @viofo has to do is make all their cameras sound as good as the A229 right out of the box.
Lol you should see all of the settings in the app I run for my Valentine one gen 2 radar detector (JBV1).
This dumbing down and deliberate oversimplification of everything needs to have some limits.
I still disagree.
Human intelligence is at an all time historical low, and is only getting stupider. lol
It's why BBMC has to answer questions like these;
I still disagree.
Human intelligence is at an all time historical low, and is only getting stupider. lol
It's why BBMC has to answer questions like these;
Sad, but true. Common sense is no longer “common”. I saw a warning label on kids clothing yesterday that said “remove child before washing”! ‍♂️
This dumbing down and deliberate oversimplification of everything needs to have some limits. Dash cams should have a middle ground for how complicated the menu options are.
Come on, let's simplify further! But which of the users will say that they connected some new device, having previously studied the manual in detail? Most do it like that - first we turn on the device, and then, when something went wrong, we begin to study the manual.:ROFLMAO:
Whoever needs it will figure it out.
And everything is always bad for lazy people - both instructions and anything else. :unsure:
People who know me here on the forum know I'm a long time fan of the Mobius platform for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the amazing ability to adjust a remarkable array of photographic and other camera functionalities.

So, the other day I got home and was reviewing some footage from my varifocal telephoto 1440p Mobius 1S and noticed that some of the audio files were quite distorted because I was driving on the interstate with the windows wide open. The wind noise really over whelmed the usually excellent audio.

So, you know what I did? I checked the audio level in the GUI and noticed that I had it set to "HIGH". I switched it to "MEDIUM", did a little testing - Problem fixed.

Suddenly, I remembered this thread and all the discussion about low volume levels on some Viofo cameras and had to give myself a slap on the forehead. :facepalm:

Why can't other cameras have adjustable audio levels? It should be a fairly simple feature to implement and perhaps it could eliminate some of these audio level complaints that have been reported for years. How about it @viofo, would that be doable?

Maybe there really is a problem with the microphone in the mini2? ....or the firmware? Still, adjustable recording volume would be a great feature.

View attachment 65361

I mentioned months ago that there should be a "low, medium, and high" option to adjust the volume of notifications and beeps. Viofo took it into consideration and added it to the mini and a229, a139 models over time.

For sound recording, the situation I had with the a139 was able to adjust itself according to the ambient level. For example, at the time of parking, he could clearly pick up the outside sound. I noticed that the sound recording level increased in an environment with no sound.

I must state again that the sound recording volume may cause different expectations for users depending on the location of the camera and the ambient sound. but it's a better job if it can adjust it according to the camera ambient sound and do it yourself so that there is no interference.
Because if a higher sound recording is selected for a stable sound recording level of a quiet vehicle, there will be explosions in the recording, for example, if you turn on loud music, since there will be no automatic balancing.
That's why automatic sound recording stabilization would be my preference. Of course, this should be the standard.
I mentioned months ago that there should be a "low, medium, and high" option to adjust the volume of notifications and beeps. Viofo took it into consideration and added it to the mini and a229, a139 models over time.

For sound recording, the situation I had with the a139 was able to adjust itself according to the ambient level. For example, at the time of parking, he could clearly pick up the outside sound. I noticed that the sound recording level increased in an environment with no sound.

I must state again that the sound recording volume may cause different expectations for users depending on the location of the camera and the ambient sound. but it's a better job if it can adjust it according to the camera ambient sound and do it yourself so that there is no interference.
Because if a higher sound recording is selected for a stable sound recording level of a quiet vehicle, there will be explosions in the recording, for example, if you turn on loud music, since there will be no automatic balancing.
That's why automatic sound recording stabilization would be my preference. Of course, this should be the standard.

Even cameras that have High, Medium and Low volume controls use AGC (Automatic Gain Control) to modulate amplitude parameters within the designated settings, otherwise there would be distortion if the input levels become too high or the sound output would be too low if the input levels are too quiet.

I'm pleased to hear that Viofo took your suggestions into consideration.
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Come on, let's simplify further! But which of the users will say that they connected some new device, having previously studied the manual in detail? Most do it like that - first we turn on the device, and then, when something went wrong, we begin to study the manual.:ROFLMAO:
Whoever needs it will figure it out.
And everything is always bad for lazy people - both instructions and anything else. :unsure:
That's the quote of the year for me! So true. And so depressing when you consider what the human brain is capable of.

I've got into the habit of always downloading manuals from manufacturer websites even before I purchase an item. TVs, radios, computers, lawn mowers, even cars. I must have 60 or 70 dashcam manuals in PDF format. Only then will I draw up a shortlist and purchase a dashcam based on information in the manual and its suitability to my particular application.

In most other areas of life I'm pretty lazy though!
I am strongly against catering for stupid or lazy people, CUZ that is the norm where i live, and it is so expensive with literally genrations that have never once worked.
I dont mind a camera having a extensive settings tree, but the default should be good, and it might be worth considering at least hiding the more advanced stuff.

As a subject of my benevolent masters i am highly for having choice, and in my personal case much more choice than i have.
When i have proven i am unable to handle something, then yes you can call me stupid and help me, but you cant just call me stupid and dangerous with no proof and force your " help" down my throat.
Nice comparison, one mistake I saw... Wm1 gps logger isnt part of windshield mount its part of the camera that attaches to the plastic mount on windshield.