VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Good information being shared on improving image quality. With the growing collection of modified firmware and ability to adjust and combine previously unavailable settings everyone can load-up any revision or request a new one to test themselves, such as what @dacbuc has done. Make you own comparisons. Its helpful to all of us to share the test footage so we can decide which way to tweak these settings. The newest MOD-7D should be the BEST quality so far but the 7K series can beat it if the Sharpness tables are tuned further(involves changing over 400 values), just need more samples and feedback.
FYI: for those with A129 or A119Pro & A119, all MODs tested here will filter down to those other models. We are the most active group so my focus remains here.
Is that under the same lighting conditions? The second picture (lens angled down) looks like the sun is behind a cloud or building.
Yes, you are right: those are taken some 4 hours apart. Still, the hood has a significant contribution to overall scene ilumination.
Yes, you are right: those are taken some 4 hours apart.
4 hours is very much, especially since on the second photo the sun is already at sunset.
I am thinking that maybe darker hoods should be minimized, while brighter ones might take a larger portion of the image in order to keep the exposure times optimal.
@BCHobbyist Please explain the differences between IQ-D and IQ-K. Also, a few words about Sharpness table tuning phase 1 vs. phase 4 would be nice. Thank you!
@BCHobbyist Please explain the differences between IQ-D and IQ-K. Also, a few words about Sharpness table tuning phase 1 vs. phase 4 would be nice. Thank you!
Thanks for asking this important question, you'll notice I rarely use few words...
Early feedback indicated few were interested in the actual data adjustment values and preferred shorter binary file names, so it was shorted from < to >

Unlike other commonly used version/revision numbering systems, decided to be different and attract attention by using an insane alphanumeric system which changes randomly. Its only been 23 days since launch. But your question is valid, The 'current' short version has never been explained outside the Pub. My Beta work will always have higher alphanumeric value over current Stable versions, my insane ID system is restricted to two digits so the 'Movie_More' embedded MP4 ID tag fits 261S7D, using shortest possible ID (it was previously hidden for my use only to track MOD use). This is just background information so no other questions about this are asked again.

Stable MOD IQ-D uses image quality first discovered by @gse and others which I wasn't going to explain but is extremely effective in creating crisp images, lets call it Sharpness phase-0. I used phase-0 in the Novatek NT96660 Firmware Modification Guide only because its the easiest Sharpness adjustment.
Beta MOD IQ-K is a totally different Sharpness adjustment involving different size tables on the various DVR models. The A119S Sharpness phase-4 modification involves changing all 16x39=624 HEX data values, also, I didn't want to reveal additional hidden Sharpness tables not listed here yet. The precise fine tune adjustments using all +624 values will produce a much better image over phase-0 (only 337 changes).

The only way for me to perfect K-series MODs is to collect and review raw footage and get a consensus of End User input to direct the incremental adjustments in the correct direction for all. This to my knowledge has never been done for any DVR out in a Public Forum, DashCamTalk is the best so good place to try it. My hope is our cooperative effort towards improving our devices will eventually be incorporated in Official Firmware Releases in the near future with credit given to End Users World wide.

I'd like to take a moment and thank everyone following the A119S, A129DUO, A119, & A119PRO Modified Firmware threads. The A119S alone now has 15 pages of revealing, interesting and helpful posts related to image quality improvements on VIOFO Dash Cams.
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So, the firmware I am currently using (FWA119S_MOD-6K_v1.01+25Mbps+IQ.bin) refers to IQ-K (phase 1)?
IQ-D means Sharp34+Edge178+Satg?
So, the firmware I am currently using (FWA119S_MOD-6K_v1.01+25Mbps+IQ.bin) refers to IQ-K (phase 1)?
IQ-D means Sharp34+Edge178+Satg?

Phase-1 Sharpness was deemed to soft by consensus thus dropped. Suggest you put all previous downloaded MODs in OLD folder and grab new accurately named Beta & Stable MODs today.
IQ-K = Sharpness phase-4 (all 624 values modified) + Edge178 unchanged + Saturation-g(lower 5 levels) unchanged

FWA119S_MOD-6K_v1.01+25Mbps+IQ.bin = old FW v1.01 + Sharpness phase-4 + Edge178 unchanged + Saturation-g(up 10 levels) unchanged
some want the details, most see higher ID assume its improved which is true, but with Beta its a work in progress.
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Couple of clips from MOD 7D - 2.61 + 27Mpbs + IQ
Settings: 1080p@30fps + WDR Off + No CPL + EV 0 + Frequency 60Hz

Just wanted to test 30fps out, more so for night video to see if I get a better image. 7Da.MP4?dl=0 7Db.MP4?dl=0

I think my preference is for more vibrancy of colour. A little bit more pop in the colour is just more visually appealing to me. The video in 7D seems a bit muted, and the picture I think seems darker as a result. Maybe a bit grainier? Kind of hard to describe.

Take into consideration that both of the vids below have the slightly higher bitrate, so clarity will be higher. They were also done at 60fps. 2.6.MP4?dl=0
This one I think is the 27.5Mbps FW2.6. I saved it a while ago so I don't remember exactly. The colours here really pop. A little excessive, like it could be a Windows XP wallpaper, but vibrant and appealing nonetheless. In the distance you can see the geese flying through the clouds pretty clearly despite being various shades of black and grey. When the truck drives past me, it's a very vibrant maroon.
This is the Alpha MOD7 FW2.61. Lots of colour and vibrancy here too. Colours are more realistic, but still pop. The picture seems more lively as a result.

I think my preferences so far are v1.01 at night. The day video seemed off to me. The settings in the Alpha MOD7 are so far what I like the most for day video.

I guess I'm super picky! :LOL:
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Couple of clips from MOD 7D - 2.61 + 27Mpbs + IQ
Settings: 1080p@30fps + WDR Off + No CPL + EV 0 + Frequency 60Hz

Just wanted to test 30fps out, more so for night video to see if I get a better image. 7Da.MP4?dl=0 7Db.MP4?dl=0

I think my preference is for more vibrancy of colour. A little bit more pop in the colour is just more visually appealing to me. The video in 7D seems a bit muted, and the picture I think seems darker as a result. Maybe a bit grainier? Kind of hard to describe.

Take into consideration that both of the vids below have the slightly higher bitrate, so clarity with be higher. They were also done at 60fps. 2.6.MP4?dl=0
This one I think is the 27.5Mbps FW2.6. I saved it a while ago so I don't remember exactly. The colours here really pop. A little excessive, like it could be a Windows XP wallpaper, but vibrant and appealing nonetheless. In the distance you can see the geese flying through the clouds pretty clearly despite being various shades of black and grey. When the truck drives past me, it's a very vibrant maroon.
This is the Alpha MOD7 FW2.61. Lots of colour and vibrancy here too. Colours are more realistic, but still pop. The picture seems more lively as a result.

I think my preferences so far are v1.01 at night. The day video seemed off to me. The settings in the Alpha MOD7 are so far what I like the most for day video.

I guess I'm super picky! :LOL:
Created a custom MOD based on your observations. saved in the Requested MODs folder.
Bit Rate = 27.5Mbps this old FW doesn't support Parking Mode.
Sharpness = slightly more +2 phase-0 adjustment for crisp image.
Edge = 178 seems best so far.
Saturation = +10 twice original value.

recommend Polarizing UV Blue Ray-Ban sunglasses when viewing footage to reduce eye bleed. @Caerus @gse

Bit Rate = 27.5Mbps limit to support Parking Mode.
Sharpness = +2 phase-0 adjustment for crisp image.
Edge = 178 seems best so far.
Saturation = +3 for increased color & eye strain
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Created a custom MOD based on your observations. saved in the Requested MODs folder.
Bit Rate = 27.5Mbps this old FW doesn't support Parking Mode.
Sharpness = slightly more +2 phase-0 adjustment for crisp image.
Edge = 178 seems best so far.
Saturation = +10 twice previous value.

recommend Polarizing UV Blue Ray-Ban sunglasses when viewing footage to reduce eye bleed.
Note: will create another custom using FW v2.61 when I get back.

Wow, was not expecting that! :D Very much appreciated, I'll be testing both out a bunch.

Here are a couple of clips of MOD 7K - 2.61 + 27Mpbs + IQ - K
Settings: 1080p@30fps + WDR Off + EV 0 + No CPL + Frequency 60Hz 7K.MP4?dl=0 7K-2.MP4?dl=0

Here's a reference photo I snapped right before I left if it helps.
Samsung S7 Edge, default camera settings, no filters/adjustments. I did crop and shrink the size though.
MOD 7K Comparison.jpg
@Caerus , that is excellent MOD comparisons!! Just a reminder, after using my MODs you forfeit all perfectly focused Lens to me and must be placed in a small box with prepaid postage to my Vancouver address. Also I want that little bush beside the driveway.
That max bit rate Alpha you grabbed earlier does seem less grainy, the back lighting may be enhancing colors but it does pop. Its very good to see positive results for the 7K series with phase-4 sharpening which gave me a headache. Don't delete those older MODs just in case I need to verify the data tables, I've since made three K phase-3&4 adjustments. The 7D series is good but lacks the pop from 7K. These sample video clips demonstrate how the A119S can look, takes time to get all the values perfectly balanced. I must admit I've been very lucky in selecting the baseline for adjustments.
Once you get footage using those Custom 7G - 27.5Mbps we should know the limits.

@Caerus, May I suggest short detour route through my old U of M campus? Take Dafoe Rd into campus then Gillson St and once around Admin building, then back to Dafoe Rd and north on University Crescent all the way to Pembina HWY possibly during day and early evening? The U Crescent at night always looked good. We need someone from Toronto area to brave the mighty 401 with a VIOFO dash cam and roll-cage.
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May I suggest short detour route through my old U of M campus? Take Dafoe Rd into campus then Gillson St and once around Admin building, then back to Dafoe Rd and north on University Crescent all the way to Pembina HWY possibly during day and early evening? The U Crescent at night always looked good. We need someone from Toronto area to brave the mighty 401 with a VIOFO dash cam and roll-cage.

Sure, I can do that. I'm also expecting my CPL filter tomorrow so hopefully videos from now on will be that extra bit better.
Sure, I can do that. I'm also expecting my CPL filter tomorrow so hopefully videos from now on will be that extra bit better.
send me photo of your dog 640x480 or smaller to fit 320x240 Logo