VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Okay, here's a few clips from FWA119S_MOD-6Mc_v4.02+26Mbps+Version+DICE.bin.

Settings: 1080p@30fps + CPL + WDR Off + EV 0 + Frequency 60Hz + Sharpness Soft

Stretch of road (see 1.01 7Hb, 2.61 7K from previous posts for direct comparisons):

Parking lot:

1.01 7Hb still clearly has the best picture. The Beta 4.02 sharpness is definitely too high, even on the lowest setting. Colours are way off, and lots of detail is missing. The whole picture seems to have a cell shaded cartoonish white outline to it. The edges of the light poles are shimmering and the picture (white balance or exposure?) is overblown.

@viofo this video is one you should pay attention too, even if you may not agree with how we think the picture should be.

Pay extra attention to the last 20 seconds of the video and focus on the license plate of the car in front of me. The extreme sharpness causing the shimmering of light poles and shimmering outlines on the buildings, is also occurring on the license plate of the car in front of me. The time of day provides excellent lighting so license plates should be easy to read.

First, look how close I need to get before the plate is actually readable, and this is at slow speed (and 25.6Mbps bitrate). The sharpness has actually taken away a lot of detail and thickness of the letters/numbers on the license plate so I need to actually be closer than usual before it's clear. More importantly though, look at the effect occurring on those letters and numbers of the license plate. As soon as any movement is introduced, even at close range, the letters and numbers shimmer and flicker, just like the light poles, buildings, and everything else. The over sharpening is affecting the ability to read the licence plate even at close range with excellent lighting.
1. :confused:Why is this a suggestion if it is functioning? I am hesitant to do this again not wanting anything to break again. :cautious:o_O
Agreed, the ribbon cable isn't the easiest thing to reconnect. I suggested for one reason, on clips from that original Lens and new Ribbon cable there is a floating rainbow but not shown on new DVR. The rainbow could be from sunlight thru CPL or tinted windshield or even cleaner left on glass but if so should appear in both side-by-side Cams. Just an idea to check the ribbon was straight and all the way in the clip.
The new slightly lower camera angle is better. Now you can test the new Beta v4.02 two settings at a time.
Okay, here's a few clips from FWA119S_MOD-6Mc_v4.02+26Mbps+Version+DICE.bin.

Settings: 1080p@30fps + CPL + WDR Off + EV 0 + Frequency 60Hz + Sharpness Soft

Stretch of road (see 1.01 7Hb, 2.61 7K from previous posts for direct comparisons):

Parking lot:

1.01 7Hb still clearly has the best picture. The Beta 4.02 sharpness is definitely too high, even on the lowest setting. Colours are way off, and lots of detail is missing. The whole picture seems to have a cell shaded cartoonish white outline to it. The edges of the light poles are shimmering and the picture (white balance or exposure?) is overblown.

@viofo this video is one you should pay attention too, even if you may not agree with how we think the picture should be.

Pay extra attention to the last 20 seconds of the video and focus on the license plate of the car in front of me. The extreme sharpness causing the shimmering of light poles and shimmering outlines on the buildings, is also occurring on the license plate of the car in front of me. The time of day provides excellent lighting so license plates should be easy to read.

First, look how close I need to get before the plate is actually readable, and this is at slow speed (and 25.6Mbps bitrate). The sharpness has actually taken away a lot of detail and thickness of the letters/numbers on the license plate so I need to actually be closer than usual before it's clear. More importantly though, look at the effect occurring on those letters and numbers of the license plate. As soon as any movement is introduced, even at close range, the letters and numbers shimmer and flicker, just like the light poles, buildings, and everything else. The over sharpening is affecting the ability to read the licence plate even at close range with excellent lighting.
Great work, very easy to compare with previous footage taken using MOD'd v1.01 , agreed the Soft (lowest) setting is way too sharp just like original v2.61 and the reason I created MODs, to reduce the horrible over-sharpening. VIOFO will make an adjustment to correct this Beta Sharpness level. . . . . . too late I already created a MOD to fix this issue, just need confirmation its better.
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Just a bit of physics: any HD sensor (1080p) has a somewhat lower resolution (0.7 x 1080).
This means it will be able to discriminate only about 756 separate vertical lines, and those lines are a bit thicker than sensor's pixel width. Anything thinner will start to flicker as hell with camera movements. That is why inside camera the signal from sensor is actually softened before encoding.
Created new A119S - Beta version 6Na
Seeking verification my 6Na fixed the Soft/Normal/Strong Sharpness crazy levels by adjusting them much lower, possibly too weak, let me know, very easy to adjust by simple MOD.

MOD-6Na - Beta - - September 7, 2018
- new Soft/Normal/Strong Sharpness levels FIXED - Alpha #1
- renamed Sharpness Levels = Low 20 / Med 60 / High 80
- increased Bit Rate to maximum 25.6Mbps (rounded to 26)
- corrected version# and DEMO1 embedded ID tag on MP4 files.
- inserted DICE Logo.
- merged partition#0 + partition#1 and applied new offset value.

next up = improved Edge Detection & Saturation
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Some clips from my previously requested mod (day and night):
Excellent night footage using 4C, suggest to improve focus aim cam up 1/2 click. Many don't know Novatek firmware has auto focus adjustment and can change based on scene. To verify this isn't affecting your video aim up slightly, your previous footage of same route was not out of focus at center like this daytime clip.
Many don't know Novatek firmware has auto focus adjustment and can change based on scene.

Car DVRs do not have auto focus, they have a constant focal length, tuned to infinity.
Excellent night footage using 4C, suggest to improve focus aim cam up 1/2 click. Many don't know Novatek firmware has auto focus adjustment and can change based on scene. To verify this isn't affecting your video aim up slightly, your previous footage of same route was not out of focus at center like this daytime clip.

Thanks, I try to choose same routes for comparison.
I'll test the MOD-6Na today and double check the lens position. I think it's better going up a bit - this is a clip from today, but I don't know if I should post it here because it's the new beta fw from @viofo - and not a modded one. Sharpness level low. Just to see the focus difference (if there is any).
but look very very closely at this BlackCloud footage he did an amazing job to capture the Novatek software AUTO-FOCUS in action.
It's physically impossible! There is no autofocus on the DVR. Change of exposure to a lighter plan gives the best adjustment.
The position of the lens above and below will affect the exposure setting and the overall scene of the image. The exposure is regulated in accordance with a spot of light (sky).

Also in the firmware there is an expo table, they automatically adjust to lighting, the expo tables in the firmware are disgusted, apparently it's just the default SDK values
Correctly adjusted values on the last photo, Viofo will be as on the two photos above.
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Created new A119S - Beta version 6Nb
My apologies for releasing the Sharpness Fix so soon after VIOFO Beta v4.02, should have waited 10 hours longer to include Edge Detection & Saturation adjustments, I felt like baking. In my opinion Beta testing should be exciting and involve a Team spread over all time zones providing footage & feedback on all issues with quick adjustments for others to test and compare advancing progress towards final version for the End User.
MOD-6Nb - Beta - - September 7, 2018
  • new Soft/Normal/Strong Sharpness levels FIXED - Alpha #1.
  • renamed Sharpness Levels = Low 20 / Med 60 / High 80 .
  • increased Bit Rate to maximum 25.6Mbps (rounded to 26).
  • increased Edge Detection from 128 to 178.
  • increased Saturation +1 from 25-25-15-15 to 26-26-16-16

Saved in Beta MODs > Beta Combos 4.02 folder
DOWNLOAD A119S Modified Firmware =
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@BCHobbyist Which are the default values in original v1.01 for: Saturation, Edge detection, Sharpness?

Let's refer all modifications to these original values, instead of the previous modded values.
E.g. mod x +3sat. (vs. original) and mod y +5sat. (vs. original), instead of mod y +2 sat. (vs mod x)]
Took a break from Baking and replaced the shorter MOD-7Hb+IQ-H binary file names back to longer format = FWA119S_MOD-7Hb_v1.01+27.5Mbps+Sharp64+Edge148+Sat15.bin so VIOFO can easily follow my adjustments without having to open the firmware. Providing more 'before and after' values in ChangeLog going forward for those wanting to create their own MODs.

Firmware v1.01 default table values (now you understand its not single values, its a table of HEX values, converted into relatable integer values)

Edge Detection

Sharpness (one of many sharpness tables)
Price is good but always compare the Read & Write speeds, that Kingston 128GB card has only 10MB/s write speed, Samsung EVO has 100MB/s Read & 60MB/s Write burst speeds then drop to lower. They both will work, setting clip looping to 1min on slower cards may help if there was issues. These 1080P DVRs don't need the highest quality cards as others have explained, my preferences is no slower than 20MB/s Write, prefer 40MB/s or higher if priced right.
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After reviewing assorted footage this cloudy day, lower light clip 6Nb_v4.02 with Sharpness level Med 40 (actually 60) suggests this should be the HIGH level.
Created another MOD for comparison 6Nc_v4.02+26Mbps+Sharp204060+Edge148+Sat1,
video evidence suggests 6Nb_v4.02+26Mbps+Sharp206080+Edge178+Sat1 is too over-sharpened but less than official Beta.

A119S footage using = 6Nb_v4.02+26Mbps+Sharp206080+Edge178+Sat1
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Price is good but always compare the Read & Write speeds, that Kingston 128GB card has only 10MB/s write speed, Samsung EVO has 100MB/s Read & 60MB/s Write burst speeds then drop to lower. They both will work, setting clip looping to 1min on slower cards may help if there was issues. These 1080P DVRs don't need the highest quality cards as others have explained, my preferences is no slower than 20MB/s Write, prefer 40MB/s or higher if priced right.

You just wet my bonfire there mate but in a good way as I don't know much about cards and speeds.

Thanks and will look for a faster card.
Firmware v1.01 default table values (now you understand its not single values, its a table of HEX values, converted into relatable integer values)
This curve has not tried to change?
Good afternoon @Falsificator
It's good to see in this thread.
It would be very useful to connect you to modifying the firmware, but you need to have 119S on your hands for this.
Can @viofo help?
It would be very useful to connect you to modifying the firmware, but you need to have 119S on your hands for this.
Can @viofo help?
I have never had a gadget on the NOVATEK platform...)
If it is on your hands, then you can connect to the modification process.
At the moment I'm in the observer stage...