VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Took a break after recent insanity for something more entertaining, enjoy.

Actually that first clip of mine was 5e v2.61 not 7b. v2.61. :oops:

However, you are correct My clip at 3:50 was 7b v2.61 (y):)
Some more simultaneous test footage.

5E v2.61 Night Time No CPL Old Lens

5k v2.61 Night Time CPL New Lens

5E v2.61 Day Time No CPL Old Lens

5k v2.61 Day Time CPL New Lens
Great side-by-side MOD comparisons, you have a perfect Beta Test Rig. Viewed a few times, request few changes for future dual captures: open the OLD Lens module and re-connect both ends of ribbon cable, lower both dashcam views 1 notch then up to limit just before next click so it ends up being 1/2 click down. No rush but many are requesting Official vs MOD side-by-side, suggest highway, city slow heavy traffic, narrow streets, narrow with trees/bushes/shade both sides, full parking lot roaming, get as much plate views as possible cars on left center and right same distance what plates are readable. I've done these in parking lots but don't have the A129 wide angle Lens.
Created new A119S - Beta version 6Mb
The new VIOFO A119S Beta Firmware v4.02 has a few interesting features many have been waiting for including a 3 level Sharpness adjustment.
The Bit Rate maximum is locked to value set in MOD-06 so no way to go past 25.6Mbps using FW v4.02 to limit the over-heating scare others started.
The default non-MOD Bit Rate for Beta v4.02 remains the same 1080P@60fps = 20Mbps , 1080P@30fps = 14.7Mbps (15)
Removing the Bit Rate maximum limit will be another goal for those wanting 27Mbps quality.
The new Novatek SDK code should be interesting, looking at decompressed partition#0 in my HEX editor now, my work continues.
Creating MOD-6Mb series now with maximum Bit Rate = 25.6Mbps saved to Beta MODs > Beta Combos 402 folder.
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The new VIOFO A119S Beta Firmware v4.02 has a few interesting features many have been waiting for including a 3 level Sharpness adjustment.
The Bit Rate maximum is locked to value set in MOD-06 so no way to go past 25.6Mbps using FW v4.02 to limit the over-heating scare others started.
The default non-MOD Bit Rate for Beta v4.02 remains the same 1080P@60fps = 20Mbps , 1080P@30fps = 14.7Mbps (15)
Removing the Bit Rate maximum limit will be another goal for those wanting 27Mbps quality.
The new Novatek SDK code should be interesting, looking at decompressed partition#0 in my HEX editor now, my work continues.
Creating MOD-6M series now with maximum Bit Rate = 25.6Mbps saved to Stable MODs folder.

That was about to be the first thing I was going to ask you to do was to boost the bitrate so we can see what this beta FW is capable of. Shame that it's only 25.6Mbps max now... I feel bad because I probably played a part in that reduction. :(

But this MOD is clearly @Harsh approved though. Mmmmm freshly baked flying out quickly!
Updated post #468 in OUR thread, changed MOD location from Stable to Beta since this is a half-baked VIOFO release, we have no idea what will explode next!
clarification required it seems:
1) Beta's are never perfect just look at the extreme over-Sharpening on all 3 levels = half-baked may apply.
2) the number of posts sure has exploded, that is a fact.
3) it can't be taken literally since VIOFO isn't a Bakery and nothing they produce has the ability to explode.
4) could the half-baked & explode be taken as a joke, posted by a Hooligan with sarcasm sprinkled around the Forum going back almost 2 years?
5) Bill Zhou and I go way back (sarcasm) to March 12, 2017, If Bill or anyone he sends 'samples' to is offended by my comments I apologize (not sarcasm) and will never criticize VIOFO again for any defective hardware even if its four in a row (sarcasm).
6) I deeply appreciate the feedback and attention my unnecessary work has created (not sarcasm). @viofo @Mtz @jokiin

@borik @Moloch @ljw2k @Caerus @Koganiz @c4rc4m @BlackCloud @TCK81 @ZooDad @Dadi_T @Stephen13 @dacbuc @mad @da wei @Mr. A @tedmault @Slava7 @Paul Iddon @Leonauto @Msan2000 @kioneo @Finger @Forsberg @gse

Full credit for discovering 25.6Mbps Bit Rate limit in new Beta FW v4.02 goes to @gse , credit to algorithm that originally used 12500x2 Bit Rate value goes to MOD-06, may the eternal flames roast that script well for not making it 12700 = 26.0Mbps !!
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Seeking a decision on Beta MOD Testers name for new Logo and Video use. Anyone want to handle this and collect all previous suggestions for discussion? Graphic artists may be required for final Logo design, name is priority, followed by Intro Trailer with fire, flames and explosions, possibly a hammer?

DCTeam = DashCam Team == DashCamTalk Team
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Low sharpness is not too bad (even if saturation is a bit high).
Is your CPL on? (small vignetting on upper right corner)
Low sharpness is not too bad (even if saturation is a bit high).
Is your CPL on? (small vignetting on upper right corner)

Yes, my CPL is on. The vignetting is not bad, this is a CPL VIOFO sent me after my original CPL was vignetting all over the top corners.
Created new A119S - Beta version 6Mc
MOD-6Mc - Beta - - September 6, 2018
- new VIOFO Beta v4.02 released with limited Bit Rate.
- increased Bit Rate to maximum 25.6Mbps (rounded to 26)
- corrected version# and DEMO1 embedded ID tag on MP4 files.
- inserted DICE Logo.
- changed MOD-6Mb to 6Mc to prevent confusion with 26Mbps
- merged partition#0 + partition#1 and applied new offset value.
NOTE: The official FW v4.02 is using new Novatek SDK base code.
All my future MODs will always include both partition#0 + partition#1 during flash update procedure to ensure stability. Those creating single partition#0 MODs may discover issues switch from older v1.01 & v2.61 single partition MODs and newer v4.02. Report any issues when they occur. Easiest way to force single partition MOD is flash official FW for that version then load the MOD, thus the reason all my future MODs will always contain both.
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Here is a footage created with the FWA119S_MOD-6Mb_v4.02+26Mbps+Version+DICE.bin

High sharpness = awful

Low sharpness = ok (in my opinion it should be the high)
The three Sharpness levels are built-in but the intensity for each can be adjusted by VIOFO. Very difficult to implement fine controls with only three selectable levels.
VIOFO has done well to include this End User requested feature, lets hope there are more to come.
Beta testing current Sharpness levels for day & night should indicate where adjustments are required.

@Koganiz , do you mind if I use that High level Sharpness footage in next MOD Wold Tour, somehow it just needs a place in YouTube history (sarcasm).
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this is a half-baked VIOFO release, we have no idea what will explode next!
Which firmware was causing exploding a camera?

Which firmware was causing exploding a camera?

to be precise, exploding is a term that can apply to the numerous useless posts appearing in this thread. I never mentioned a camera exploding or even the word firmware. farewell,
The reason I opened a thread about Viofo beta firmware was to not affect your work, but I considered it is not nice to blame a beta. Maybe my english is bad and not understood correct what do you want to say by using the explode word.

I was modifying firmware about 15 years ago and I worked for free thousands and thousands of hours for DivX players like Pioneer, LG, Philips, E-Boda, Silva-Schneider, Medion, Yamada, Denver, H&B, Elta, Silvercrest, Lenco, Hyundai, and some other brands I don't remember now and I know the satisfaction is when people are happy with my firmware. The most important thing in my work was to not affect the functionality of the player. I was working in HEX and IDA Pro.

This is from 2004.


PS: my signature is from that times when I was releasing firmwares to the forums, because usually I was not asking, I was offering.
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Great side-by-side MOD comparisons, you have a perfect Beta Test Rig. Viewed a few times, request few changes for future dual captures: open the OLD Lens module and re-connect both ends of ribbon cable, lower both dashcam views 1 notch then up to limit just before next click so it ends up being 1/2 click down. No rush but many are requesting Official vs MOD side-by-side, suggest highway, city slow heavy traffic, narrow streets, narrow with trees/bushes/shade both sides, full parking lot roaming, get as much plate views as possible cars on left center and right same distance what plates are readable. I've done these in parking lots but don't have the A129 wide angle Lens.

BCHobbyist said:
open the OLD Lens module and re-connect both ends of ribbon cable
:confused:Why is this a suggestion if it is functioning? I am hesitant to do this again not wanting anything to break again. :cautious:o_O

BCHobbyist said:
lower both dashcam views 1 notch then up to limit just before next click so it ends up being 1/2 click down.
Done(y). Future clips will show this. The New camera needed this adjustment the most.

BCHobbyist said:
No rush but many are requesting Official vs MOD side-by-side, suggest highway, city slow heavy traffic, narrow streets, narrow with trees/bushes/shade both sides, full parking lot roaming, get as much plate views as possible cars on left center and right same distance what plates are readable.
I will work on getting such clips. Please Standby! ;):whistle::geek:

For Now a new clip from the new camera with either 1 click down or half click down from all previous clips from this camera.