VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Excellent 6Vf Sharp50Low comparison! Welcome back, didn't realize how warm it still is there, October can get snow often, enjoy it while you can.
Your A119S with Lens2 is perfectly focused and works well with Sharpness > Soft50 level, you may be surprised what Normal60 level will do. Agreed CPL is a 'must have' dashcam accessory. The floating sparkles is interior cabin dust shining, I get same effect with my indoor security cam pointing out the window when sun shines on lens. Very impressive RainX Promo, suggest contacting company to submit, will include in our next compilation video.
Agreed this newest Stable MOD-6Vf approaches IQ of MOD-7Hb v1.01 old school hack. Was awaiting your return to combine 6Vf + 7Hb for unknown IQ results. Thanks for the UofM memory!

Yeah, we've already had snow a couple of times, but then it warmed up again. I already swapped to my winter tires but now it feels like I'm just burning through the treads. It's too warm for this time of year here. Today it was 6C, and the next couple of days it's supposed to hit over 12C. But of course there's no such thing as climate change...
MOD 6Vf – 1080p@30fps – 60Hz – CPL – WDR Off – Sharp Strong – Lens Type 2 (A129)

Here's a clip with strong sharpness. You can see from the civic in front of me, the rear lights are already showing the jagged staircase effect. The light poles and the wiring above are all suffering as well. It's really apparent when you look at the rear of the aloha car at the end. The outline of the trunk door really shows how jagged it is. It's not a smooth gap. Strong sharpness is definitely too sharp for my lens. That probably is the correct upper limit though for those with lens alignment different than mine.
MOD 6Vf – 1080p@30fps – 60Hz – CPL – WDR Off – Sharp Strong – Lens Type 2 (A129)

Here's a clip with strong sharpness. You can see from the civic in front of me, the rear lights are already showing the jagged staircase effect. The light poles and the wiring above are all suffering as well. It's really apparent when you look at the rear of the aloha car at the end. The outline of the trunk door really shows how jagged it is. It's not a smooth gap. Strong sharpness is definitely too sharp for my lens. That probably is the correct upper limit though for those with lens alignment different than mine.
Excellent 6Vf Strong Sharpness, almost no halo effect on wires, very clear and focused, near perfect and acceptable for maximum sharpness level in my opinion. Agreed edge tearing is visible and its missing the pop that 7Hb offers. How does Normal level appear with Lens2 ?
Got to do some testing this AM. covered the same stretches of road a couple hours apart. Both sun at back and in sun.

1080p/30fps, WDR Off, EV 0, Strong/70 sharpness

Morning Sun Behind (Colors)

Morning Sun Behind (Freeway - Color van)

Morning Sun Behind (Intersection)

Morning Sun Ahead (Freeway on-ramp)

Morning Sun Ahead (Country Road)

Morning Sun Behind (Country Road)

Morning Sun Behind (Freeway Off-Ramp Intersection)

Great footage.
Much better 6Vf footage, that Lens can handle Sharp70 with some halo effect on edges. Wide variety of test clips at different speeds aids IQ assessment. Thanks for sharing.
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Created new A119S - Beta version 4Np with lower 24Mbps Bit Rate to reduce file sizes, increased Brightness slightly and boosted Saturation for testing limits.
See post #1 of thread for details and ChangeLog.

Download >

RAW 256MB 1:27min repacked cloudy day sample Sharp60

RAW 194MB 1:06min repacked cloudy day sample Sharp70

A little too much saturation for my likings. Do you happen to have control of highlights/midtones/shadows individually? I find that the highlights sometimes blow out all the way becoming pure white (meaning no data in pixels) on sunny days on the 6vf firmware. And turning down the exposure even -1/3 makes everything underexposed. If not, do you have control of contrast? maybe possible to crank it down a little to bring back the extreme contrast?
Here are some clips from my cams in their new location.
Still on 6Vf firmware and Lens1 = Normal Sharp Lens2 = Strong Sharp

Clip 1 Lens 2 Day Cloudy (homeless guy with hitch in his git-a-long and nearly T-boned by Jetta)

Clip 2 Lens 2 Day Rain (Weird Cloud Flash after wipers) Not in real life just the video

Clip 3 Same as Clip 1 but with Lens 1

Clip 4 Same as Clip 2 but with Lens 1
Great 6Vf Lens + Sharpness comparison. Not a perfect day but better to see how lower light levels are handled. The Strong Sharpness 70 level works well but Normal 60 wins. The color tone is better with Lens1 but just slightly, both good. The rain and intermittent sky flashes are just the Dashcam auto-brighten as black wiper sweeps over Lens, normal, its auto adjusting. You own two perfectly focused Lenses. Thanks for sharing, very revealing for all, well done.
A little too much saturation for my likings. Do you happen to have control of highlights/midtones/shadows individually? I find that the highlights sometimes blow out all the way becoming pure white (meaning no data in pixels) on sunny days on the 6vf firmware. And turning down the exposure even -1/3 makes everything underexposed. If not, do you have control of contrast? maybe possible to crank it down a little to bring back the extreme contrast?
4Np was created to locate highest acceptable Saturation limit, sounds like you agree. Interesting after 2 years only now End Users are requesting changes to bitrate, sharpness, saturation, highlights/midtones/shadows, contrast. Load up the official on sunny days and compare, which is worse. VIOFO has control of IQ, have you asked them to change Contrast? My plan is to keep searching the Firmware for all IQ controls.

BCHobbyist can modify :
Bit Rate
Frame Rate
Edge Detection
Color Tone / Hue
Audio Quality
Menu Text + icons
MP4 embedded Text
Startup Logo
>>> working on it <<<
Contrast, White Balance, Color Profiles, ISO speed
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Excellent 6Vf Strong Sharpness, almost no halo effect on wires, very clear and focused, near perfect and acceptable for maximum sharpness level in my opinion. Agreed edge tearing is visible and its missing the pop that 7Hb offers. How does Normal level appear with Lens2 ?

I wasn't able to get any clear daytime video to compare using Normal today. Left for work in the morning when it was dark, and left from work and it was already dark again...

4Np was created to locate highest acceptable Saturation limit, sounds like you agree. Interesting after 2 years only now End Users are requesting changes to bitrate, sharpness, saturation, highlights/midtones/shadows, contrast. Load up the official on sunny days and compare, which is worse. VIOFO has control of IQ, have you asked them to change Contrast? My plan is to keep searching the Firmware for all IQ controls.

Yeah I agree as well. I'm liking the additional saturation, but it's just a touch over I think. I also agree that the whites seem to come out a bit overblown in 6Vf.

The picture settings of 7Hb are still the best to me though, compared to both 4Np and 6Vf. I'm not sure if it's just the time of year/day, but I think 7Hb is also on the warmer side, which looked more natural. 4Np and 6Vf I think are cooler perhaps? It might give it some of the pop of 7Hb if there was a way to make the image a tad warmer.
Beta 4Np image quality observations based on RAW clip60 & clip70 :
- 24Mbps still creates mushy blocky pixelation on complex patterns like road surface, clouds, tree leaves, while 26Mbps does not.
- lower light levels increase halo effect using Sharp60 + 70.
- Users need Bit Rate control.
- Users need more than 3 Sharpness levels.
- Users need Contrast control.
- Users need Brightness control.
- Users need Saturation control.
- CPL Filter needs improvement.
- Audi drivers are all the same.
Would be great if Viofo would allow for the entire range for contrast, brightness, saturation, sharpness, rather than be restricted to just a few presets. The ability to dial a custom number would be ideal. Something like the interface with the up and down arrows to change the date, but make it for the image settings so users can get really detailed into their customization to fit their driving environments. Or something like what we traditionally see on hud of televisions with a gauge.
I wasn't able to get any clear daytime video to compare using Normal today. Left for work in the morning when it was dark, and left from work and it was already dark again...
Yeah I agree as well. I'm liking the additional saturation, but it's just a touch over I think. I also agree that the whites seem to come out a bit overblown in 6Vf.

The picture settings of 7Hb are still the best to me though, compared to both 4Np and 6Vf. I'm not sure if it's just the time of year/day, but I think 7Hb is also on the warmer side, which looked more natural. 4Np and 6Vf I think are cooler perhaps? It might give it some of the pop of 7Hb if there was a way to make the image a tad warmer.
Interesting image comments, always seeking more to improve IQ.
6Vf has zero change to color it uses official defaults. Without Contrast control the only way to lessen blown out whites is to either change camera angle or darken image or decrease all color Saturation.
The older v1.01 FW 7Hb has almost zero Saturation and lower Contrast which translates to warmer image.
This labeled photo may be useful in other threads, download a copy for future reference.

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1080p@30fps - CPL - WDR Off - EV 0 - 60Hz - Lens 2 (129)

I decided to go back and use MOD 1.01 7Hb for the day. This was a nice stretch of highway at night where I had a nice traffic free lane. 7Hb still just gives such nice night video. Great colour, minimal noise, and still pretty clear for zipping down the highway.
Created new A119S - Beta version 6Nq = Major IQ improvement !!! See post #1 of thread for details and ChangeLog.
Welcome to Wacky Weekend MODs !!
Request feedback on Sharpness levels, Saturation, Brightness under all lighting conditions.
6Nq contains extracted IQ table values from v1.01 FW. @Caerus and I still use MOD-7Hb v1.01 for its unique contrast and tone. After many hours of reviewing recent and older footage two differences were noticed inside v1.01 Firmware. This motivation finally paid off with the major discovery of what makes v1.01 so crisp and "pop". Special thanks to @Caerus and the DCTeam for sharing comments and footage which lead directly to this improved IQ control. More work is needed to tweak the settings and levels, all feedback is welcome.

Download >

RAW > 122MB 38seconds Night Footage Strong Sharpness
YouTube Channel:
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