VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

1080p@30fps - CPL - WDR Off - EV 0 - 60Hz - Lens 2 (129)

I decided to go back and use MOD 1.01 7Hb for the day. This was a nice stretch of highway at night where I had a nice traffic free lane. 7Hb still just gives such nice night video. Great colour, minimal noise, and still pretty clear for zipping down the highway.
Excellent Night footage using the old V1.01 7Hb firmware. You Sir, motivated me to once and for all locate the lost code of the Ancients hidden inside 7Hb.
Now I call upon you and the DCTeam to Beta Test the resulting MOD-6Nq , thanks for guiding the chainsaw in the right direction.
Created new A119S - Beta version 6Nq = Major IQ improvement !!! See post #1 of thread for details and ChangeLog.
Welcome to Wacky Weekend MODs !!
Request feedback on Sharpness levels, Saturation, Brightness under all lighting conditions.
6Nq contains extracted IQ table values from v1.01 FW. @Caerus and I still use MOD-7Hb v1.01 for its unique contrast and tone. After many hours of reviewing recent and older footage two differences were noticed inside v1.01 Firmware. This motivation finally paid off with the major discovery of what makes v1.01 so crisp and "pop". Special thanks to @Caerus and the DCTeam for sharing comments and footage which lead directly to this improved IQ control. More work is needed to tweak the settings and levels, all feedback is welcome.

Download >

RAW > 122MB 38seconds Night Footage Strong Sharpness

Here is some quick (nothing fancy) footage from this depressing morning :)
Everything's default.
Looks great!!!
Thanks you!!!
My Last 6vf firmware clips before going to 6Nq

Full Sun!
Both have the New CPL filter and I never have checked that they were rotated to the proper place. Just snapped them on right out of the box.
I think the Lens 1 clip seemed darker than the Lens 2 clip.

Also Note the bottom corners of the screen show the FOV differences in the lenses very clearly in these clips.

Clip #1 Lens 1 (normal)

Clip #2 Lens 2 (strong)

Also, I have noted a change in the file naming sequence. The end of the file name was tagged with a counter that would restart with each power cycle. Now it just continues to count up till card is formatted. I prefer the previous way. It helps finding clips easier.
My Last 6vf firmware clips before going to 6Nq

Full Sun!
Both have the New CPL filter and I never have checked that they were rotated to the proper place. Just snapped them on right out of the box.
I think the Lens 1 clip seemed darker than the Lens 2 clip.

Also Note the bottom corners of the screen show the FOV differences in the lenses very clearly in these clips.

Clip #1 Lens 1 (normal)

Clip #2 Lens 2 (strong)

Also, I have noted a change in the file naming sequence. The end of the file name was tagged with a counter that would restart with each power cycle. Now it just continues to count up till card is formatted. I prefer the previous way. It helps finding clips easier.
Excellent Highway overpass blue sky 6Vf footage, the Lens1 view from top showing snaking highway in distance is Spectacular !! it shows the 'crispness' missing for last 30days. These clips also highlight the field of view between Lens1+2 plus the real color tone change with Lens1 coating. Great work, thanks for sharing this new footage, this alone makes my work rewarding!

The file naming sequence wasn't changed, do you mean clips 1-50 on day one then resume 51-100 or you prefer 1-50 and again 1-50?
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Another one, 6Nq all default settings.
It looks amazing, but I think it got darker then it used to be in previous MODs.
Much better cloudy day 6Nq normal sharpness footage, you Sir, have good eyes to notice change in brightness, this MOD has the most changes of anything previously released for DCTeam. Using two different ways to control blownout white colour in full sun, not sure which is better so need your help to determine most effective without altering IQ too much.
Lowered Brightness and primary + secondary Saturation so actually using three adjustments.
Excellent Highway overpass blue sky 6Nq footage, ....
The file naming sequence wasn't changed, do you mean clips 1-50 on day one then resume 51-100 or you prefer 1-50 and again 1-50?

This was still 6Vf sorry for the confusion!

File format used to be power on YYYY_MMDD_HHMMSS_001.mp4 and count files up Till power off Off. Then power on again YYYY_MMDD_HHMMSS_001.mp4

The bold numbers would start over again each time the Camera powered back on. (which I liked and prefererd)
Now It just keeps going. the counter does not start over unless I format the card.
The new 6Nq IQ was developed two days ago and sparked by @Caerus 's recent return to the Forum. It involves highly unethical plagiarism by taking from the old and giving to the DCTeam. VIOFO's dashcams use Novatek NT96660 basecode Firmware to control chipset functions. The current SDK version includes all the functionality for Wifi, Dual camera and huge amounts for Action Camera applications which are all disabled and hidden. Due to this 'all-in-one' flexible firmware any simple request for element change is highly complex. The number of Sharpness table values is overwhelming but its always helpful for hackers to obtain version 1 of anything since its usually baseline settings and easier to detect changes during comparisons. Instead I used v1.01 MP4 modified firmware footage to recognize a minor IQ quality not found in recent official firmware, once the specific image control element was 'seen' it narrowed the v1.01 firmware code search to a nearby section already well known to Mod'ers.

BCHobbyist now has very effective two stage control over Sharpness and Saturation. The first stage was extracted from version 1 firmware with its unique warmer IQ values, the second stage is 2 byte HEX value which acts like master volume control to dial up or down a specific image quality setting. By combining these two primary and secondary control layers much greater range of IQ is possible using only a HEX Editor, the method I prefer.

- Sharpness baseline was raised from 100 to 140 to match v1.01 IQ.
- Saturation baseline was reduced from 25-15 to 20-10 to control overblown whites.
- Brightness baseline was reduced 4 points also to control overblown whites.
These changes narrowed the new Menu>Sharpness range to single digit increments which was a surprise.
Incremental adjustments are expected to each IQ value to obtain near perfect image quality with your help.

BCHobbyist will now release new Beta versions using these improvements for A129Duo + A119 + A119Pro.
Much Testing is required and with your support our reward is a Dashcam you can be proud using!
Let me know if your name is missing from scrolling credits, next batch of MOD Promos will be the best!

DCTeam Note: Special Projects Division will be making private announcement on upcoming inter-model cooperative story book outline, check your Forum Inbox frequently for next 24 days.
6Nq preliminary tests show sharpness range somehow shifted towards strong; strange how close together those values are!
I would suggest something like 53-56-59.
This was still 6Vf sorry for the confusion!

File format used to be power on YYYY_MMDD_HHMMSS_001.mp4 and count files up Till power off Off. Then power on again YYYY_MMDD_HHMMSS_001.mp4

The bold numbers would start over again each time the Camera powered back on. (which I liked and prefererd)
Now It just keeps going. the counter does not start over unless I format the card.
Interesting, with all the Alpha + Beta Firmware updating I never noticed the file naming sequence change. What firmware did you detect this new behaviour? Most digital cameras have that User selectable option. I prefer 1-999 then restart.
I'm not sure where the change occured exactly but i think the official 2.61 did it the way i like and the beta firmwares changed it.
6Nq preliminary tests show sharpness range somehow shifted towards strong; strange how close together those values are!
I would suggest something like 53-56-59.
Good suggestion, I already tried Sharpness Low 50, 51, 52, 53 and all are horribly blurry, very shocking but due to primary Sharpness 140 level boost. The number used in A119S Beta firmware 4.03/4 is insanely high and unrepeatable!
Will gather more reports and suggestions but current Sharpness 55-57-60 does require adjustments but much fewer to test.

I vote 54-57-59
I'm not sure where the change occured exactly but i think the official 2.61 did it the way i like and the beta firmwares changed it.
Excellent observation, I do have the ability to change the entire file name, with your report it could be the VIOFO A119S.6Xx ID field overlapping the actual file name field.
If anyone wants to hack their own Firmware and add .6Xxxx to see what happens it would save me some time. If I remember using only .6X causes no conflicts. Remind me about this later. Good eye!
On second thought, I am not sure who would ever need a soft option? More likely, most will appreciate a normal - strong - stronger range.
Try 56-58-60, as 56 seems to be a key value.
I think this MOD has more noise than previous ones from night scenes. Noise which i don't like.
Tomorow when it gets dark i will do a comparation between 6Nq and some other firmware. Maybe i am wrong.