VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

not quite like that, the pixel mapping for bright and dark pixels is two separate functions, we only use the white pixel function and don't bother with the dark pixel process so it's only low light situations where it is used, (I'm pretty sure Viofo are doing the same) so daytime video in not affected at all, even the night process needs beyond a certain ISO before it works so it's really got to be dark before it happens

static masking can give you a pretty effective result, won't impact things much but the problem is hot pixels aren't always fixed so it needs to be redone from time to time, not ideal for most people
The current Hot Pixel function triggers in well lit underground parades as shown in my video. Nice to have the option to disable or run manually. Probably disable mine since night driving is limited, MOD time.
they may have the ISO trigger set a bit higher than needed, you will get the best picture results without using the function but just need to accept a couple of odd pixels now and then
they may have the ISO trigger set a bit higher than needed, you will get the best picture results without using the function but just need to accept a couple of odd pixels now and then
you may have noticed I tend to lean towards image quality, disabling extra functions like LDWS, FCWS, and WDR which may 'look' good at the cost of video frames, EV to zero never +1/3 which slows exposure speed increasing motion blur, disable Hot Pixel Mapping which also uses video frames. Disabling those will reduce motion blurring and improve image quality for accident evidence gathering. Whats better a blurry image of the collision or less motion blur? All types of video enhancement can be done after the event to brighten, sharpen but if the footage is motion blurred.....
Dump the fluff and give us image quality control.

For those that may have missed it one page back...
A119S firmware ready for Beta Testing MOD-7e.
Located in > Beta MODs > Beta Combos > FWA119S_MOD-7e_v2.61+27Mbps+Sharp34+Edge178+DICE.bin
requesting short 1min clips = day, late afternoon, evening, thanks for your continued support.
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Usually I run my DVR on 1080 60fps.
Yesterday I decided to try 1080 30fps on MOD-07.
Some strange things bother me, while the video quality looks better on 30fps (subjective), the video is jerking (copied to PC, ran with different players), and the file size didn't change (205MB\1min).

I'm trying to understand what causing the jerking and why the file size remained unchanged.
Usually I run my DVR on 1080 60fps.
Yesterday I decided to try 1080 30fps on MOD-07.
Some strange things bother me, while the video quality looks better on 30fps (subjective), the video is jerking (copied to PC, ran with different players), and the file size didn't change (205MB\1min).

I'm trying to understand what causing the jerking and why the file size remained unchanged.
Confirmed video is MOD-07 at 1080P@30fps and plays smooth here using VLC with 11 windows open while modifying the Hot-Pixel Mapping function in v2.61 firmware (next Beta shortly).
I don't think it's related to the PC resources. I tried it on 2 different computers (Windows+VLC).
I see the lags with the 30fps when I turn (most noticeable in seconds 29-31), I don't remember having them with 60fps.
Shouldn't the file be half the size on 30fps?
they may have the ISO trigger set a bit higher than needed, you will get the best picture results without using the function but just need to accept a couple of odd pixels now and then
comparing your DVR Hot Pixel ISO values to similar VIOFO model does show shift in values.
I refuse to allow my DVR firmware to have degraded image quality from some mapping function running continuously at night to map static dots that don't change even monthly or even yearly. Remove the function, improve quality in low light, offer function as separate maintenance update once a year that saves the mapping overlay in ROM. How hard is that? Why further degrade low light recording with smoke and mirrors just to mask out "around a dozen pixels would be average" sensor defects? Owners buying for BEST accident evidence footage will favor highest quality over less quality.
I see you lowered Sharpness level June 2018, good job using the 'Movie_More' embedded MP4 metadata tag, for owners instead of your product name the FW version may also be helpful. Almost no need to MOD your FW.
I don't think it's related to the PC resources. I tried it on 2 different computers (Windows+VLC).
I see the lags with the 30fps when I turn (most noticeable in seconds 29-31), I don't remember having them with 60fps.
Shouldn't the file be half the size on 30fps?
They will both be the same file size since my MOD changed Bit Rate to 20Mbps for both, default was 60fps=20Mbps & 30fps=15Mbps.
Load the clips on USB stick and view on large LCD TV.
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FWA119S_MOD-7e_v2.61+27Mbps+Sharp34+Edge178+DICE.bin 1080p@60FPS and I keep seeing stuttering on the video not smooth but only on some footage. The conditions where Dull and a little rain, I was using my DIY CPL filter which seams to drastically improve things.
The DIY CPL is BOSS! Excellent Job, 100% better than VIOFO CPL.
You Sir, have single-handedly reduced VIOFO CPL sales by 50%. Your DIY Project created a prototype and proof of concept video evidence. What ID are you giving the MOD? CPL MOD-c1 ??

Very good sample of cloudy day video,thanks. Will need more MOD-7e footage to determine if this is better than previous Sharpening in MOD-07, feedback is needed.
The frame stutter is from 60fps running in player and monitor that can't handle 60fps, its normal. Open Player/viewer controls and slow down 50% and see smooth playback, thats what 60fps is for to slow down action and read plates. Most viewers also use "+" and "-" keys to increase or decrease video playback speed.
Download MOD-7e again, I edited the ID text.
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Thanks for the comprehensive write up BC and I have now ditched the original CPL in favour of a 37mm Hoya Pro CPL which should be a much better quality filter and would result in a better image.
I found the round adapter I purchesed from Aliexpress for a few quid which fitted over the A119s lens perfect with a nice tight fit and it even has the white arrow indicating the right angle.

I just placed a yellow cloth on my dashboard to confirm it is indeed set the the right angle and it's perfect, this should now eliminate the vignetting caused to the corners of the image with the original CPL.

Pics below :












What mm size adapter did you use to get a perfect fit on the lens?
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I may try a makeshift CPL as well. The new Viofo A119S/A129 doesn't seem like it will be coming out any time soon.

What size is the step up ring you are using? The lens is 37mm, but what size is the ring the lens is screwed in to? Or am I mistaken and that is just 1 piece?

I ordered it from Gearbest and provided the link above.
I ordered it from Gearbest and provided the link above.

Right, it's sold out though, and stuff tossed on a boat from China would take a year to get to me anyway. It looks like you're using the 37mm Hoya lens, attached to an adapter ring that might make the diameter smaller to fit on the go pro. Do you know if the ring is a step down in mm at all? My plan is to purchase locally and that link doesn't really give any info other than the lens itself being 37mm.
i saw this filter also on banggood

just type gopro hero3 cpl filter...
Right, it's sold out though, and stuff tossed on a boat from China would take a year to get to me anyway. It looks like you're using the 37mm Hoya lens, attached to an adapter ring that might make the diameter smaller to fit on the go pro. Do you know if the ring is a step down in mm at all? My plan is to purchase locally and that link doesn't really give any info other than the lens itself being 37mm.
The photo of Hoya CPL is deceiving, all digital camera camcorders require adjustable CPLs meaning the out ring actually turns 360degrees to allow variety of light control. You are seeing two rings but its just the outer lens attached to its own rotating base not an adapter. All camera CPLs are thicker for this reason.
I ordered it from Gearbest and provided the link above.
The depth from glass to base might be too much for mount on A119S and touch windshield, but it can be modified hopefully. The other issue is attaching to plastic housing, I wouldn't recommend fitting the heavy GoPro type CPL to actual Lens in our DVRs because that Lens is held in the plastic shell by only 2 tiny screws. As you did with MOD-c1 we'll need to secure to flat plastic cover. (NOTE: some glues release fumes that will cloud lens, must not use them) I'm also working on smaller MOD for this issue. It would be great to have a modified plastic Lens cover with threaded or magnetic ring. Good luck with yours.
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comparing your DVR Hot Pixel ISO values to similar VIOFO model does show shift in values.
I refuse to allow my DVR firmware to have degraded image quality from some mapping function running continuously at night to map static dots that don't change even monthly or even yearly. Remove the function, improve quality in low light, offer function as separate maintenance update once a year that saves the mapping overlay in ROM. How hard is that? Why further degrade low light recording with smoke and mirrors just to mask out "around a dozen pixels would be average" sensor defects? Owners buying for BEST accident evidence footage will favor highest quality over less quality.
I see you lowered Sharpness level June 2018, good job using the 'Movie_More' embedded MP4 metadata tag, for owners instead of your product name the FW version may also be helpful. Almost no need to MOD your FW.

we're still working on our firmware, not quite there yet, there's still some things to do but we've had some bugs taking priority at the moment

hard coding the hot pixel info is a different process to the dynamic method so not something you could do during an update process, if hard coded then once it's set it's set, the hot pixels can and do change over time, it can be redone but to do it properly requires some special equipment and has to be done in engineering mode