VIOFO A139 Pro - Testing / Review Info

First quick look at the 139 Pro vs the 129 Pro. See the lights towards the end of the video.

I'm surprised and a little disappointed.
The A129 Pro seems sharper and perhaps a little over exposed. Adjusting the ev might give a better result.

Great example footage eg xmas lights and their patterns.
First quick look at the 139 Pro vs the 129 Pro. See the lights towards the end of the video.

Definitely an improvement, but we still have a long way to go. Most license plates and road signs are illegible on both cameras.
First quick look at the 139 Pro vs the 129 Pro. See the lights towards the end of the video.

It's important to note that Paul is using a CPL on both cameras. I think this is the first time I've seen A139 Pro night footage with a CPL filter.
It's important to note that Paul is using a CPL on both cameras. I think this is the first time I've seen A139 Pro night footage with a CPL filter.

Well, I just happen to have same journey recorded about 10 minutes earlier, without the CPL on....

I previously stated that Parking Mode worked fine over OBD2 power, but that assumption may have been flawed due to the constant swaying of palm trees in my parking area. Upon further testing it seems that the camera records constantly over OBD2 power and shuts off when the battery threshold limit is reached. I've now ordered a proper hardwire kit.
While working on my A139 Pro review video, I decided to upload some raw video files to my channel.

VIOFO A139 Pro 4K 2160P 24fps HDR On - Raw Daytime Test Footage

VIOFO A139 Pro 4K 2160P 24fps HDR Off - Raw Daytime Test Footage

VIOFO A139 Pro 4K 1600P 30fps HDR On - Raw Daytime Test Footage

VIOFO A139 Pro 4K 1600P 30fps HDR Off - Raw Daytime Test Footage

VIOFO A139 Pro 4K 2160P 24fps HDR On - Raw Nighttime Test Footage

VIOFO A139 Pro 4K 2160P 24fps HDR Off - Raw Nighttime Test Footage

VIOFO A139 Pro 4K 1600P 30fps HDR On - Raw Nighttime Test Footage

VIOFO A139 Pro 4K 1600P 30fps HDR Off - Raw Nighttime Test Footage
What is the bitrate of the two cameras from mini to maxi??
I have not run that test to document every video file bitrate for each total number of cameras (1,2 or 3) / firmware bitrate selection.
Well, I was going to be uploading my A139 Pro review video to my YouTube channel, but my laptop's GPU / video memory have decided that after 4.5 years of service to fail while rendering the video file.

I hope to get this resolved with a new laptop that I just purchased later this week. :(
Well, I was going to be uploading my A139 Pro review video to my YouTube channel, but my laptop's GPU / video memory have decided that after 4.5 years of service to fail while rendering the video file.

I hope to get this resolved with a new laptop that I just purchased later this week. :(
Oh my gosh.
I was having similar anxiety uploading my A139 Pro review to YouTube too.
Because I had to "edit" the sample footage along with my table top review I have to edit the footage in my iPhone.
Then I have to upload it directly from my iPhone to YouTube, and that takes around 45 minutes with the iPhone just "processing".
The whole time I was thinking the power was going to go out due to our ongoing "extreme" rain / wind storms. lol
Well, I was going to be uploading my A139 Pro review video to my YouTube channel, but my laptop's GPU / video memory have decided that after 4.5 years of service to fail while rendering the video file.

I hope to get this resolved with a new laptop that I just purchased later this week. :(

Oh my gosh.
I was having similar anxiety uploading my A139 Pro review to YouTube too.
Because I had to "edit" the sample footage along with my table top review I have to edit the footage in my iPhone.
Then I have to upload it directly from my iPhone to YouTube, and that takes around 45 minutes with the iPhone just "processing".
The whole time I was thinking the power was going to go out due to our ongoing "extreme" rain / wind storms. lol
What?! No backup computer(s)? :inpain: ;)

Seriously though, it really sucks what that kind of stuff happens. I went down the same road a few months ago but was fortunate that my laptop died a slow death (intermittent hard drive errors) and was still usable while obtaining a new one.
Well, I was going to be uploading my A139 Pro review video to my YouTube channel, but my laptop's GPU / video memory have decided that after 4.5 years of service to fail while rendering the video file.

I hope to get this resolved with a new laptop that I just purchased later this week. :(

Oh my gosh.
I was having similar anxiety uploading my A139 Pro review to YouTube too.
Because I had to "edit" the sample footage along with my table top review I have to edit the footage in my iPhone.
Then I have to upload it directly from my iPhone to YouTube, and that takes around 45 minutes with the iPhone just "processing".
The whole time I was thinking the power was going to go out due to our ongoing "extreme" rain / wind storms. lol
No offense, guys, but I find it odd that enthusiasts of the latest and greatest dashcams are editing and uploading their videos on decrepit computers and iPhones!
No offense, guys, but I find it odd that enthusiasts of the latest and greatest dashcams are editing and uploading their videos on decrepit computers and iPhones!
My laptop was on the higher end of the spectrum for CPU/GPU back when I purchased it. My small company (single member LLC) does not have the luxury of buying the latest/greatest computer equipment each year.
No offense, guys, but I find it odd that enthusiasts of the latest and greatest dashcams are editing and uploading their videos on decrepit computers and iPhones!
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
― Theodore Roosevelt

My YouTube channel is NOT monetized. I am NOT an Amazon Associate. I earn ZERO dollars making content, or reviewing dash cams. I actually spend my own money on testing equipment, and other production costs. My efforts are simply to enjoy, and share my hobbies with other like minded enthusiasts. Reading your negative criticism was a little disheartening but then I realized, you sir are nothing more than a critic.
-Chuck McCoy


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“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
― Theodore Roosevelt

My YouTube channel is NOT monetized. I am NOT an Amazon Associate. I earn ZERO dollars making content, or reviewing dash cams. I actually spend my own money on testing equipment, and other production costs. My efforts are simply to enjoy, and share my hobbies with other like minded enthusiasts. Reading your negative criticism was a little disheartening but then I realized, you sir are nothing more than a critic. Thank you for exposing your intelligence, and narrow mindedness so I may avoid you in the future.
-Chuck McCoy
Dear God, Chuck! A little touchy? As I said, no offense was intended. Mine was just a curious observation, and not intended as criticism. Your response is the equivalent of killing an ant with a sledgehammer. I'd hate to see how you respond when someone actually criticizes you. Nuclear annihilation?
Reading your negative criticism was a little disheartening but then I realized, you sir are nothing more than a critic.
-Chuck McCoy
As I wrote previously, no offense was intended. I'm sorry you were offended nonetheless. I have great respect and appreciation for all your meticulous, informative work. Your response, however, is offensive in choosing to overreact with personal insults.
If you use the A139 Pro 3 Ch in the lowest settings in Parking Mode (low bit-rate,1080p 30) how does this affect the battery consumption?
If you use the A139 Pro 3 Ch in the lowest settings in Parking Mode (low bit-rate,1080p 30) how does this affect the battery consumption?
A139 Pro - Power Consumption Test Results

The A139 Pro is a power-hungry dash camera. I recently spent good portion of a day testing the A139 Pro in its various modes of operation (some 2-channel configurations and some 3-channel configurations). Parking mode power consumption is similar to the power consumption during normal recording modes. Based on my test results, the A139 Pro 3-channel may only last 8 to 9 hours with the 6000 mAh / 76.8 Wh dash camera battery packs on the market. The higher capacity BlackboxMyCar PowerCell 8 7500 mAh / 96 Wh dash camera battery pack should be able to power the A139 Pro 3-channel for 10 to 11 hours. If you intend on using the A139 Pro 3-channel for long parking mode sessions, you may need to have the base dash camera battery pack plus a second or third expansion battery pack to provide power for your parking needs.

I do not have the previous generation A139 3-channel dash camera, so I cannot gather power consumption data for the A139 3-channel to compare it with the A139 Pro 3-channel power consumption. In my opinion, powering the A139 Pro 3-channel configuration with the HK3-C hardwire kit using fuse taps to source power from your vehicle's fuse box would not be recommended if you're intending on getting a decent amount of parking mode recording time.

* Updated 11-05-2022 20:19 GMT-7: Retested with v1.0_1105 firmware & tested ALL camera combinations :) *
* Updated 11-16-2022 10:55 GMT-8: Added a note that the "Infrared LED" setting was "On" while testing with the interior infrared camera *

3-Channel Power Consumption

View attachment 62535 View attachment 62290

2-Channel (Front + Interior) Power Consumption

View attachment 62534 View attachment 62292

2-Channel (Front + Rear) Power Consumption

View attachment 62293View attachment 62294

1-Channel (Front) Power Consumption

View attachment 62298 View attachment 62299

You may notice that I added two columns to my power consumption spreadsheet showing the Max and Avg Watt values converted to 5-volt amp values. I noticed that the Watt values were quite high for some of the normal mode operations (Wi-Fi on with Live View active). The existing versions of the HK3-C and HK4 hardwire kits have a max power output rating of 5-volts / 2 Amps. The A139 Pro in a 3-channel configuration has power demands (calculated from Watt values) exceeding the 5V/2A max of the HK3-C and HK4 hardwire kits. At no time during my testing did I observe any odd/wrong behavior that might be attributed to a power starvation situation. I raised my concerns with VIOFO. I was told an updated HK3-C will be released in the near future that addresses this concern. The 12-volt cigarette/power port adapter has a max power output rating of 5V/3A, so it should be able to supply the proper amount of power to the A139 Pro in all modes of operation.

A139 Pro - Case Temps

The A139 Pro's front camera case can get a bit warm while the front camera is configured to record 4K 2160P 24fps or 4K 1600P 30fps video. The outdoor temperatures in my location have tapered off a bit over the past several weeks. Most of my testing was with outside temps in the 70F/21.1C to 80F/26.6C range. During today's test trip, outside temps were in the mid 50F/10C range.

Today, the upper portion of the A139 Pro front camera case had temps in 155F/68.3C range. The area around the buttons was a bit warm to the touch with temps in the 115F/46.1C range.

View attachment 62282
After a 24-hour session to reconstruct my replacement laptop, I have my A139 Pro review video file rendered. It's uploading now. I plan on making it public tomorrow morning and that's assuming YouTube doesn't take forever to process my 4K UHD uploaded file.
Not long ago my computer screen died, so i went and got a new one, only to find out it was my little more than 2 year old GFX card that died.
Now i have a nice 32" screen + a spare 27" one, powered by a anemic spare GFX card that are 4 - 5 years old.
Fortunately the 12 / 24 cores of my Threadripper CPU can also do video encoding in a speed i am able to deal with.