Xiaomi Action Cam...

Not sure you would want to leave it in your car with those bright colors.
Not sure you would want to leave it in your car with those bright colors.
not a problem in China, you'd never notice it amongst all the other stuff, the air freshners, tissue boxes, power rangers, ninja turtles, pillows etc that adorn the dashboard
China has all kinds of wild ideas for what can be put on the dash. How's this for a discrete "DashCam"? haha

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China has all kinds of wild ideas for what can be put on the dash. How's this for a discrete "DashCam"? haha

When I first saw one of those, I had contemplated gutting it, and putting Mobius internals inside.

I thought it would make for a good rear cam on the parcel shelf, but had second thoughts about getting the lens module to fit correctly.
China has all kinds of wild ideas for what can be put on the dash. How's this for a discrete "DashCam"? haha

Ahhh, not only those children, but looks like the ducks are also cursed in the Village Of The Damned :D
I will not use a selfie stick, i have no idea what to use that for as i am not self-centered enuff to need it, and second i dont use any of those social media where pictures/videos like that is posted.
Lol love that duck...

But like jokiin mentioned, bright color dashcam isn't a problem in China or Hong Kong as many people have a lot of plush, tissue box, toys, etc. for decoration. Seems like in North America, so far, the only color that is suitable for us would be black, as many of us would be afraid of people breaking in our car stealing things if it is easily spotted.
No display.
The accessories will kill the camera great price of the standard version.

not a problem in China, you'd never notice it amongst all the other stuff, the air freshners, tissue boxes, power rangers, ninja turtles, pillows etc that adorn the dashboard
How the heck do they cope with the reflections?
It annoys the heck out of me when the bright sun brings up the air vents - at least they only appear on the very bottom of the screen, I really couldn't be doing with loads of bright, random objects being reflected all over the place.
And as for people loading their parcel shelf with crap...
They obviously haven't seen the damage that can be done by even a small/light object hurtling through the car at 30mph.
And why is it even called a parcel shelf? Who, in their right mind, would lean through the back door to place a parcel in their rear screen?
When my first car was hit from behind by a huge van doing 80 ( we was doing 10 and just about to make a left turn )
We had a old 70ties transistor radio lying in the back window, along with a walkman connected to a DIY FM transmitter, one of the guys in the back seat got that radio in the back of his head, and he said that was the worst part of my volvo 121 beeing made 1 M shorter in a millisecond.

Parcel shelf is for sure a stupid name, shold be named teddybear and jacket shelf.
Lol love that duck...

But like jokiin mentioned, bright color dashcam isn't a problem in China or Hong Kong as many people have a lot of plush, tissue box, toys, etc. for decoration. Seems like in North America, so far, the only color that is suitable for us would be black, as many of us would be afraid of people breaking in our car stealing things if it is easily spotted.

Yeah, you're right. Why can't we get a black duck cam geared towards the American market? :)
Parcel shelf is for sure a stupid name, shold be named teddybear and jacket shelf.

And why is it even called a parcel shelf? Who, in their right mind, would lean through the back door to place a parcel in their rear screen?

I can't remember when I last heard the term parcel shelf. I think it was when I was a kid. Nowadays, at least here in the US the space between the back seats and the windscreen is called the rear deck.

Yeah i assume parcel shelf are a term from way back when ppl dident know better.

"Yeah, you're right. Why can't we get a black duck cam geared towards the American market? :)"

Hehe a black rubber duck :D do you want it to have the rest of the gear too ;)


I lean more towards one of the one eyed minions.

Promlem as i see it, need to use a pinhole lens in eye, and how to secure it so it dont make jello footage.
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Still called a parcel shelf by most people in Australia.

Most seem to have a hat, or stuffed toys up there, with the occasional tissue box.
Just curious if anyone actually pre-order the Xiaomi Sports Camera?

I've notice the price been going up since release... ibuygou had it for $85 w/ free shipping but now it's $90 + shipping..
Already got a small batch xiaomi YiCamera in, and took some pictures few minutes ago. Really a mini camera I think :)


