Xiaomi Yi Camera: GUI Control & Configure from PC (Win/Lin/Mac)

Tx Andy, problem solved now i wait the app on android !! ;)
As a greatfull user I thank authors and contributors for sharing what they do and helping others to follow. I cloned the code to my raspberry pi and it just worked. I think the chunky look of the GUI suits the dependable reliability of operation. I'm using the pi's own WiFi application to connect, and it's omxplayer to view the live rtsp stream.
If you are using only live stream, you can use "Camera_video_stream.py" from StandaloneScripts
@Andy_S. Yes, thank you. I started with the scripts before trying CC. Now I've gone back and worked out how to adapt the "Camera_video_stream.py" to include the omxplayer command. After struggling with flakey android apps I can't get over how rugged these examples are!
well, i am trying to rewrite C&C for android as well, i'm struggling with new framework...
@Andy_S what kind of tool you like to "Create a package for Android with Kivy", so I will study the same tool as yours.

I just take a quick look from kivy.org, it seems Builddozer should easier to me.
well, buildozer is used for compiling, but there is huge set of tools needed to get it working. The app SHOULD be available on Google Play when it is done... Waiting for the cams :(
I currently have a "remote control looking" toy, which is an android system inside, but without monitor, and I've tested it can connect to Yi Cam's wifi successfully.

Wondering if I can install your C&C in it, and use the hardware key (total 12 keys) to control Yi Cam.
Well, if you give me what these keys do represent in the system, i think i could write you some easy script.
Andy, one request. Could you please include a 'zoom' fuction on the android app you are making? Linkineyes app has it but it's buggy.
That's the first thing I need to think, how can I get the keycode without a monitor.
intoi: ALL functionality from C&C will be in the android app as well, thus the zoom function will be there too.

luckylz: you can use ADB to get inside, can't you?
video tutorial for what? How to connect to a wifi? Tons of that on google. How to click a button in any app? Comeon...
i think i will say that to you when u asking me for the 1.0.12 firmware... anyway its ok... this forum is useless... dont act you know everything dude...ok? bye
You didn't answer my question. Video tutorial for what?