[Xiaomi Yi] Share your scripts and settings

Guess you can lower those bitrates by 10Mbps each without any quality loss.

Depends. Higher bitrates are of greater importance as the codec chain gets longer and more varied. A higher and a lower bitrate that look almost indistinguishable after minimal editing and a one-off transfer to DVD can look very different on a home TV at the end of a long broadcast chain.
I would like to use my yi as a rear view camera for my car. I need to flip the image to do this. I have tried following script line

t app test vin_rotate flip_h

It works fine for live viewing with an HDMI but I can't make any photos or videos in this mode. Any help?
You can flip via software...
just refocused my xiaomi, running a bit of boost in vibrance, saturation, gamma at 10, shadow/highlight clipping adjustments, fix ae/awb/adj locks and coring, what do you guys recommend for adjustments for the better? :)



plus timelapse video, don't mind my camera case little fogged haha
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Very nice strAvus,
can you share your settings?
just refocused my xiaomi, running a bit of boost in vibrance, saturation, gamma at 10, shadow/highlight clipping adjustments, fix ae/awb/adj locks and coring, what do you guys recommend for adjustments for the better? :)



plus timelapse video, don't mind my camera case little fogged haha
Nice settings man. Can you share your script/firmware?
I would like to take pictures at ISO 100 and a long shutter speed. Is 8 sec. the maximum or can you push it to 30 sec.?
I think 8 is the max...

About my script, well guys, I'm always changing it, just seen now those messages requesting the script, I'm rocking this now:

#vibrance/saturation adjustments
t ia2 -adj ev 0 0 140 0 0 150 0

#shadow/highlight clipping adjustments
#this makes blacks not crushed
t ia2 -adj l_expo 163

#this gets back the highlights
t ia2 -adj autoknee 255

#set gamma level - makes picture darker, more highlights?
t ia2 -adj gamma 220

#RAW WB (auskommentiert) + IMPROVED HIGHLIGHTS script by nutsey
t ia2 -3a 1 0 0 1
t ia2 -awb off

#4GB no split files
writew 0xC03A8620 0x2004

#de-noise values between 0-16383 (0x0000-0x3FFF)
t ia2 -adj tidx -1 1024 -1

#lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/100MEDIA/*_thm.mp4

sleep 9​

Try it up and show some pictures with your cameras! ;)
And a video from today, ima get a better angle next time.
Is it possible write script that start recording automatically and also takes picture each 10 seconds?
For auto starting video recording just use this:

#Autostart video recording on boot up
sleep 10
t app key record

For auto starting time laps video I have no idea.
standard lens 23L, because of the color mistakes and white flares from sun???
yes Z23L standard lens, I'm tweaking saturation too, gama and shadows.
Video test with new changes.

Anything to improve dudes?
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Video test with new changes.

Anything to improve dudes?
The biggest improvement you could make is replacing the lens! I was stunned by the improvement. A lens hood to block out sun from coming into the side or top of the lens wouldn't be a bad improvement either.