XIMODE 2.1 - Video & photo modes for Xiaomi Yi [Auto/Normal/Night/Yitune/SupYiView/...]

Can I just confirm that if I select option 2 it will stay on option 2 even after battery has been taken out and SD Card has been removed to get photos on computer?

Yes. It is like this.
You choose mode: 2. By all the codes inside XIMODE, your Xiaomi is going to replace the current autoexec.ash script with the mode: 2.
Now this autoexec.ash script will stay as long as:
A. You didnt select any other script.
B. Deleted/removed/edited the script via pc.
C. Used XYC Configurator.
I have another question.
So I purchased the XIMODE. I managed to make it work without any issue. It's great, however I'm a bit disapointed regarding RAW timelapse configuration.

Basically those RAWs are not useful as they are having 13MB only and you can't convert them using raw2dng program. When I try to do that, raw2dng says that the file is corrupted.
I guess this comes form the fact that there is no true loop in the ash script but you just enabled the RAW+JPG option using:
t app test debug_dump 14
and then if I start the timelapse via Yi application, it runs timelapse, takes jpgs and raws but those raws are corrupted (13MB)

From my experience, the true RAW timelapse must be done via ash script.
Something like that:

#RAW loop
while true
#rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*.jpg
rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*.bin
rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*.Y
rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*.UV
sleep 1
#take raw
t cal -raw 2 1 0
sleep 10

and then it works... but it's not really stable. Sometimes camera is freezing, all leds are down except small red led next to shutter button.
The only way to unblock it is to remove the battery

Anybody any idea how to make a proper RAW timelapse with 31MB raw file(s)?


Hm... never really worked with RAW timelapse, since - for videos, they take a lot of space to recieve the result of 13MB pictures, where 100% JPEG have around 7MB.
But what i would suggest is to remove the rm's command and implement them later when connected to pc?
For example:
Script 1
#RAW loop
while true
#take raw
t cal -raw 2 1 0
sleep 10
And later, when connecting to pc,
Script 2.
#RAW loop
#rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*.jpg
rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*.bin
rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*.Y
rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*.UV
sleep 1

By this the Xiaomi will not be under pressure to delete all files, create new, delete, create etc. .
This could also be an completely stupid idea, but if you feel the same, maybe give it a try?
Will give a try, but the reason why I'm deleting those files in the loop is that they take lot of space (20MB per one RAW which has 31MB)
If I don't clean them they will eat whole card space very quickly
Wow! Didnt know that... But why Raw timelapse? Is JPEG not enough?
Wow! Didnt know that... But why Raw timelapse? Is JPEG not enough?

it's simply due to amount of details RAW contains vs JPEG. Unfortunatelly, xiaomi is really destroying the picture when taking in jpeg format. When you zoom such a picture you can't see details of it, all looks like painted with pastels. I already tried to put jpeg on 100% quality, no noise reduction etc, but still it looks bad.
Check below link

In the place where I live and cycle (Swiss Alps) I really need/want to capture photos with high quality
I did some jpegs with xiaomi but I'm not really happy with the results

so since couple of days&nights I'm trying to crack this cam to make a stable loop in ash file with 31MB RAWs or use build in timelapse and open somehow 13MB RAWs. More and more I think is that maybe those 13MB raws are not really broken and maybe we should simply use different software to open them, as everybody in the network are trying only raw2dng which can't handle that 'smaller' RAW

I would really appreciate if you could use your network of people to check if anybody made it properly. Maybe there is already some solution for it....

the issue is fixed.
Here is the correct loop to capture RAWs with 31MB size

#create RAW files
t app test debug_dump 14

#Time-lapse: 1 10
sleep 10
while true; do
t app key shutter
t app key shutter_rel
sleep 10

it works, it's stable, no trash files etc.
One tip from my side: always use XYC configurator to generate a proper script and then copy paste to your own customized ash file.

I'm very happy now... going for some cycling :D
it's simply due to amount of details RAW contains vs JPEG. Unfortunatelly, xiaomi is really destroying the picture when taking in jpeg format. When you zoom such a picture you can't see details of it, all looks like painted with pastels. I already tried to put jpeg on 100% quality, no noise reduction etc, but still it looks bad.
Check below link

In the place where I live and cycle (Swiss Alps) I really need/want to capture photos with high quality
I did some jpegs with xiaomi but I'm not really happy with the results

so since couple of days&nights I'm trying to crack this cam to make a stable loop in ash file with 31MB RAWs or use build in timelapse and open somehow 13MB RAWs. More and more I think is that maybe those 13MB raws are not really broken and maybe we should simply use different software to open them, as everybody in the network are trying only raw2dng which can't handle that 'smaller' RAW

I would really appreciate if you could use your network of people to check if anybody made it properly. Maybe there is already some solution for it....


this info is for a mobile phone but some interesting examples of raw and what you can achieve compared with jpg encoded by the device


I know that RAW creates more detailed and beautiful pictures, but didnt know that you needed sooo god Quality ;)
(Been working with RAW for years)
However, niiicee picture you got there from the swiss alps! :D
the issue is fixed.
Here is the correct loop to capture RAWs with 31MB size

#create RAW files
t app test debug_dump 14

#Time-lapse: 1 10
sleep 10
while true; do
t app key shutter
t app key shutter_rel
sleep 10

it works, it's stable, no trash files etc.
One tip from my side: always use XYC configurator to generate a proper script and then copy paste to your own customized ash file.

I'm very happy now... going for some cycling :D

Okay, just looked at your previous script and this one. Didnt see that your previous script made direct RAW pictures :P
If i knew that, would have told you the same solution, to first set picture mode to RAW and then loop the key shutter, however good that you found it out :)
Okay, just looked at your previous script and this one. Didnt see that your previous script made direct RAW pictures :p
If i knew that, would have told you the same solution, to first set picture mode to RAW and then loop the key shutter, however good that you found it out :)

Yes, but there is a tiny difference... in all the scripts in the web, nobody was using "t app key shutter_rel"
So in my previous loops, with "t app key shutter" only, system was making RAWs but only for first few minutes, and then camera was freezing.

With this one, all is stable. I went for 1.5 ride today and all is good. Loving camera and Ximode :-). Now consider Ximode for Xiaomi 2 (4K)!
Yes, but there is a tiny difference... in all the scripts in the web, nobody was using "t app key shutter_rel"
So in my previous loops, with "t app key shutter" only, system was making RAWs but only for first few minutes, and then camera was freezing.

With this one, all is stable. I went for 1.5 ride today and all is good. Loving camera and Ximode :). Now consider Ximode for Xiaomi 2 (4K)!

Hehe okay ;) good to now.
Actually not needed, since the Xiaomi 2 has all features Ximode is creating :p
the issue is fixed.
Here is the correct loop to capture RAWs with 31MB size

#create RAW files
t app test debug_dump 14

#Time-lapse: 1 10
sleep 10
while true; do
t app key shutter
t app key shutter_rel
sleep 10

it works, it's stable, no trash files etc.
One tip from my side: always use XYC configurator to generate a proper script and then copy paste to your own customized ash file.

I'm very happy now... going for some cycling :D
This script is still creating trash files for me. Any ideas?
How does one find the ISO of my current settings. Or change the ISO to a different value?

How does one find the ISO of my current settings. Or change the ISO to a different value?

Please have a look at this video since the question has been answered here.
It creates .mp4 .THM and .jpg
Those actaully are not trash files, but I know that you want to get rid of them (me too) ;)
What you can do is:
sleep 4
lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/*MEDIA/*_thm.mp4
lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/*MEDIA/*.THM
lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/*MEDIA/*.jpg

#create RAW files
t app test debug_dump 14

#Time-lapse: 1 10
sleep 10
while true; do
t app key shutter
t app key shutter_rel
sleep 10

Now everytime the device boots up, it deletes all "trash" files.
Which means, after the succesfull RAW timelapse, turn off and then turn on your camera. That's it, now all files from your previous sessions have been deleted
Those actaully are not trash files, but I know that you want to get rid of them (me too) ;)
What you can do is:
sleep 4
lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/*MEDIA/*_thm.mp4
lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/*MEDIA/*.THM
lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/*MEDIA/*.jpg

#create RAW files
t app test debug_dump 14

#Time-lapse: 1 10
sleep 10
while true; do
t app key shutter
t app key shutter_rel
sleep 10

Now everytime the device boots up, it deletes all "trash" files.
Which means, after the succesfull RAW timelapse, turn off and then turn on your camera. That's it, now all files from your previous sessions have been deleted
Thank you
Those actaully are not trash files, but I know that you want to get rid of them (me too) ;)
What you can do is:
sleep 4
lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/*MEDIA/*_thm.mp4
lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/*MEDIA/*.THM
lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/*MEDIA/*.jpg

#create RAW files
t app test debug_dump 14

#Time-lapse: 1 10
sleep 10
while true; do
t app key shutter
t app key shutter_rel
sleep 10

Now everytime the device boots up, it deletes all "trash" files.
Which means, after the succesfull RAW timelapse, turn off and then turn on your camera. That's it, now all files from your previous sessions have been deleted
I tested this script by running it for 2 hours.
It only captured 3 RAW files and 10 mp4 videos (5-15 min long each). Don't know what did i do wrong
What have you done?
I mean, tell me step by step how you took pictures/videos?