[App] AFT 1.3.2 - Ambarella firmware editor (development paused)

Very amusing program. Helped me in building a house, because I now have one more brick:)
I think it's worth a little more work on it.
Very amusing program. Helped me in building a house, because I now have one more brick:)
I think it's worth a little more work on it.
Huh.. thats not how it should be used. I never had the intention to develop a brick generator ;)

Which camera are you using and what have you tried to do in A7Tool?
Вы используете программу на свой страх и риск, должны это прекрасно понимать.
И не проблема в том, что у вас появился кирпич.
Проблема в том, что из кирпича вы не сможете сделать булочку.
Вы используете программу на свой страх и риск, должны это прекрасно понимать.
И не проблема в том, что у вас появился кирпич.
Проблема в том, что из кирпича вы не сможете сделать булочку.

these are very hard to brick, since the elf firmware version is available they can always be unbricked anyway
Вы используете программу на свой страх и риск, должны это прекрасно понимать.
I understand that there may be a problem. But usually it is necessary to inform about such issues. In order for the author of the program was able to improve his brainchild.
The application initially had many warning popups but IMO they are annoying sobI removed them.

BTW quote from 1st post:
This should tell you that there might be problems?
I am not responsible for any bricked devices, dead SD Cards or anything else that might happen as a result of flashing firmwares you modified with this tool to your dashcam.

Do you have any suggestions on what to improve exactly?
There are a couple.
1. Add the ability to edit the Russian language.
2. There's also add the ability to remove / add languages.
ЗЫ. And once again I repeat, I have not any claims to autor at all.
There are a couple.
1. Add the ability to edit the Russian language.
2. There's also add the ability to remove / add languages.
ЗЫ. And once again I repeat, I have not any claims to autor at all.
1. This should work, did you experience any specific issues? Which A7Tool version did you use?
2. As far as I know (can't proove it right now though) the number of languages + used languages are stored in PRI which only loads the known languages. Therefore newly added languages wont be available in menu. Just edit one of the existing languages you don't need.
3. Ok :)
1. This should work, did you experience any specific issues? Which A7Tool version did you use?
Actually, yes. This is how opens edited and saved file. I created it at home, version 0.7.6. At home It looks the same, but instead of squares hieroglyphs. And I have a strong suspicion that this is causes brick.
Yes, I tried to use it. It generate brick.
But you created it with the beta A7Tool I linked above?
Thats strange. maybe you could upload the generated firmware as well?
Tomorrow at job I will try again to flash.
Let me know if it works.
The problem with the development is that I can only test it with dashcams I own. Currently I only have 3 different models, GS8000, mini0801 and mini 0803...
plotter, сравните сгенеренный файл rom с оригинальным из фирмваре по размеру.
Если сгенеренный окажется больше по размеру оригинального возможно причина кирпича-булочки кроется здесь.
Я не пользуюсь программой от Tobi и мне сложно что-то вам сказать.
В любом случае можно многие файлы не включать в Rom, они там просто не нужны.
Этим вы сэкономите пространство Rom.

I apologize to the community, I am writing in plain language for the user.
Good luck.
@Tobi@s - PM me your address and I'll post you my a7la30 G90 for Xmas :)

It's got the camo paint job and the speaker may need resoldering from all the times it's been taken apart but you can have it :)