Blueskysea B1W dashcam

what am i doing wrong

new cam arrived , sd card in and it says sd card detected , i turn on the app and it just stays at the connecting page ?
Does it voice prompt "SD card detected, recording start" ?
If yes, it indicates it takes recording normal after power on!
new samsung class 10 64gb....plugged it in and it said sd card detected , phone app just hangs on conneting
new samsung class 10 64gb....plugged it in and it said sd card detected , phone app just hangs on conneting
It happens if you plug laptop USB socket for power source!
plugged it in and it said sd card detected , phone app just hangs on conneting
@steveo3002 I need more details to tell me what is the problem? How about the led lights? if it flashes green, it indicates its recording was working! If it lights up green always, it indicates card error, and you should format it as FAT32 with tool Guiformat by Windows computer!
whats Guiformat ? struggling to find it (sorry not great on computers)

the green led flashes and says recording stuck
the green led flashes and says recording stuck
It indicates that camera works normally, and card is ok also!
Now, it is clear that it is the problem on its WiFi connection with your cellphone!
So, please tell me your smartphone module and APP version, you can find its APP version in APP About section!
i formated the sd and now it sounds beep beep led flashes

android phone b1w-carcvr 1.7.9
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i formated the sd and now it sounds beep beep twice
:( If card error it will sound beep per 5 seconds.
This 64GB card was format as EXFAT by Windows computer, it is the problem why camera sound beep now!
You should use this Guiformat tool to format it as FAT32. And you can download this tool here
android phone b1w-carcvr 1.7.9
Switch your cellphone mobile data, and give it a try!
After download, you should unzip it. And then you can find there is an exe file name with guiformat, just install it to your computer!
Android phone will switch to mobile data mode automatically since the B1W Wi-Fi SSID cannot access to internet. This will break the Wi-Fi connection between the camera and the smart phone. So suggest that you give it a try after you switch off phone mobile data!
ok had it connect once in the house with the camera powered by the wall socket

tried again...wifi connected but app just says connecting...

randomly when powering on it will say insert empty sd card even though ive not touched it..maybe loose socket?
house wifi connected still nothing
Do you mean your smartphone connected to your house WiFi? if yes, you should forget your house WiFi also!
And suggest that you have a try after you switch on Airplane mode, so your phone disable mobile data and house WiFi both!
ok had it connect once in the house with the camera powered by the wall socket
Better to test it in your car, and plug into car cigarette lighter for power source!
If you want to test it at home, you should use a 5V USB phone charger for power source!
ok i get it to connect and the app open now i tried airplane mode

it randomly says insert empty sd card without touching the card...turn on /off and it see's it , then doesnt and so on