GitUp Git2- Support, FAQ, Review

Is the official remote the only remote that works on the Git2?
Because it does not have bluetooth?
Most likely. it's very low power, and is one-way communication, like a garage door opener or a car's keyless entry remote. In theory, you could probably bind one remote to multiple cameras, but i'm not sure if it'll work. Once my Git2 arrives, I'll try binding one remote to both the Git1 and Git2 and see what happens.

if you're curious, you can see inside the git1 and the wristband remote here:

you can plainly see the PCB traces that make up the "antennas" in both the remote and on the small board at the side of the camera. i don't know anything about RF engineering, but someone could probably figure out approximately what frequencies they operate based on the lengths and sizes of the traces.
Once my Git2 arrives, I'll try binding one remote to both the Git1 and Git2 and see what happens.
Not possible, I already tried.

Git1 have bigger pixel than git2 that is why. Git1 is a 2 mp (i belive) sensor vs git2 16mp sensor. So the pixel is bigger on git1 so it help with low light.

Is there any video that do git1 vs gopro 4 in the dark? Go pro sensor have more pixel so git1 can have a edge over gopro in low ligth.
Git1 have bigger pixel than git2 that is why. Git1 is a 2 mp (i belive) sensor vs git2 16mp sensor. So the pixel is bigger on git1 so it help with low light.

Is there any video that do git1 vs gopro 4 in the dark? Go pro sensor have more pixel so git1 can have a edge over gopro in low ligth.
I will do this comparison next week, before I did some testing, the Git1 should be better in low light.
Before we did much testing while choosing the lens, to offer a better video quality in low light, finally we used this F2.8 7G lens.
I tested the Git1 compared to Street Guardian few weeks ago and the quality is the same on both, is very hard to find differences.
But if doing snapshots comparison is possible in some scene to find Git1 a little better and in some other scene the Street Guardian, so a snapshot comparison will be not correct for any of them, but only a video comparison. In that video comparison is almost impossible to find a winner.
But this was surprising for me because I expected GitUp Git1 to be not so good as Street Guardian because before GitUp I knew jokiin and his hard work to offer the best dashcam on the market. From jokiin will be no surprise to be the best, the surprise was from gitup as a new entry in the market.

Because great performance of Git1 in low light and not only, a lot of people will expect more from Git2, but as already wrote daoust, the smaller sensor will offer brighter images. Again my advice: GitUp Git1 is the best action cam which can be used as dashcam and I recommend it for people which dont want a permanent dashcam setup in their car.

I have a feeling the guys behind gitup are not rookies. They knew which parts to use to make a good product right from the start. They didn't get the microphone quite right in the git1 I have but that's pretty minor really. Also the fact that they're listening to our suggestions says volumes about them. Right now they rank right up there with jokiin in my book because of that.
The winner is................. Git1
Should I have used the Git1 for my sunrise photo instead of the Git2?


No filters, Default settings (except Raw), No colour adjustments, just a little sharpening.
Should I have used the Git1 for my sunrise photo instead of the Git2?


No filters, Default settings (except Raw), No colour adjustments, just a little sharpening.

Great photo, perhaps it would be better even GIT1.......;)
I made a cable for external microphone without changing housing, and now I would like to make a cable for DC supply.

I didn´t have any doubts with micrphone cable. I used these pins (I used 33K resistor):

micro gorpo.jpg

I have doubts with power supply cable. Is the connection of mini-usb exactly the same like gopro? In gopro is:

Pin1: +5Vcc
Pin2: Data-
Pin3: Data+
Pin4: ID
Pin5: Ground
Pin6: Microphone IN
Pin7: Microphone IN
Pin8: MIC/Video GND
Pin9: Video Out
Pin10: Audio OUT

Then, are the pins 1 and 5 the pins to use?

Thanks so much and sorry for my english
pins 1 through 5 are standard for ALL micro-USB plugs, no matter if it's a computer, phone, camera, or whatever.

also, your english is fine. i have no trouble understanding you. :)
Any Idea when Gearbest will be getting their next batch of git 2's? Mines still processing so I guess there could be a big queue!
How many of you that have order there git2 by that they recieve it. I placemy preorder around the 23 october. They ship my camera sround 12 or 15 november and I m still waiting for it.

Thank you
How many of you that have order there git2 by that they recieve it. I placemy preorder around the 23 october. They ship my camera sround 12 or 15 november and I m still waiting for it.

Thank you
We have enough in stock, offer products to gearbest everyday, wish gearbest will ship all of the orders in 2 to 3 days.
Well , I just realize that my question is not well formulated.

How many Canadian that hace order there git2 by gearbest. Did you recive it yet?
My camera was shipped around the 12 or 15 movember and I did not recieve anything yet...

Thank all
pins 1 through 5 are standard for ALL micro-USB plugs, no matter if it's a computer, phone, camera, or whatever.

also, your english is fine. i have no trouble understanding you. :)


if my english was fine.....I was wrong ,jaja
i have received my gitup today! overall i am happy with the quality, nicely build, solid kind of design which make it a sense of premium. too bad i haven't buy the microSD card yet (any recommendation?)

meanwhile, many thanks for Gitup for helping throughout the problem, a big likefor your team support!;)
i have received my gitup today! overall i am happy with the quality, nicely build, solid kind of design which make it a sense of premium. too bad i haven't buy the microSD card yet (any recommendation?)
Suggest buy Transcend, Samsung class 10 micr SD card, 32GB or 64GB card is OK.