
my internet connection is too slow for 1080p.
I'm gonna put the camera outside somewhere on a bright, sunny day, and make videos without windshield in front. Because the windshield is a bit darker as a normal glass, and that can affect the quality of the video.
Is it normal, that "gsensor" setting resets itself to "off" every time camera is turned off and back on ? And that zoom works with lower resolutions only ? (Zoom not available at the highest resolution. Not that I need it, but if they advertise "4x digital zoom", one would expect it works at all resolutions).
javr said:
my internet connection is too slow for 1080p.
I'm gonna put the camera outside somewhere on a bright, sunny day, and make videos without windshield in front. Because the windshield is a bit darker as a normal glass, and that can affect the quality of the video.
Is it normal, that "gsensor" setting resets itself to "off" every time camera is turned off and back on ? And that zoom works with lower resolutions only ? (Zoom not available at the highest resolution. Not that I need it, but if they advertise "4x digital zoom", one would expect it works at all resolutions).

I'm not sure about the zoom function to be honest.

I wouldn't worry about tint on the glass darkening the image, I was looking at both our videos and noticed yours was very grainy and since there are lots of GS1000 models out there I was curious what colour the menu screen is?
Milamber - just looking at your footage to compare to mine, what bit-rate does your camera use in 1080p?
andrew73 said:
Milamber - just looking at your footage to compare to mine, what bit-rate does your camera use in 1080p?

Here you go, this camera is about 12mths old and I dont use it anymore but the quality still out performs the overpriced Blackvue junk and Itronics :)

My rear dashcam is a 15mb bit rate.

Milamber said:
jokiin said:
Milamber said:
Here you go,

that's higher than some I've seen

Here is your camera Jokiin :)

well, I meant some others I'd seen, a lot of the generic ones are set to around 6Mbit

you actually prompted me to go and have a look but I have one stuck up in the window pointing at the traffic outside (12 lanes outside my window) that has been recording at 15Mbit for a bit over 400 hours straight, we updated the recycle strategy in the last firmware so it's been having a bit of a soak test
What firmware is that Milamber? 9Mb/s would be a good improvement if it's compatible with my GS1000 (only 7Mb/s).
there are lots of GS1000 models out there I was curious what colour the menu screen is?
what you see as blue, is actually grey. I don't know, why camera sees it as blue.



I tried just for fun to load texet firmware to my iTracker camera, and it went well except camera turns half dead.
No worries, luckily directusb saved my day and then i loaded another texet firmware and that indeed worked. I did not get any more bitrate than before, but one interesting feature was automatic gps time setting.
And i tried this this because i recall that i have seen somewhere that bitrate setting, but it was long time ago and i can't remember what firmware it was.
javr said:
what you see as blue, is actually grey. I don't know, why camera sees it as blue.

If it's grey then I would say it's a fake as per this guide. It would would also explain the very grainy video output... how much did you pay for the camera?
Now i have found firmware that allows to change bitrate to 7,9, or 12 mbps, i will release samples later.
But now i start to wonder why iTracker runs it only 7 mbps, does camera get hotter with higher bitrate, and will it get more unstable?
Nice find, where did you find it?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Sabe said:
Now i have found firmware that allows to change bitrate to 7,9, or 12 mbps, i will release samples later.
But now i start to wonder why iTracker runs it only 7 mbps, does camera get hotter with higher bitrate, and will it get more unstable?

A2 is stable up to 18Mbit, heat isn't such an issue, stability can be a problem at higher bitrates if using Hynix memory though
Milamber said:
Nice find, where did you find it?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

My camera is iTracker from DX.
This new fw is from Gmini MagicEye HD50G, newest fw MEHN4.36.030912
And yes, i't a risky business to use unknown firmwares, but i have two of those so i can do experiments with other.

To Jokiin
Camera has hynix memory chips so time will tell what happen.
Sabe said:
Milamber said:
Nice find, where did you find it?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

My camera is iTracker from DX.
This new fw is from Gmini MagicEye HD50G, newest fw MEHN4.36.030912
And yes, i't a risky business to use unknown firmwares, but i have two of those so i can do experiments with other.

To Jokiin
Camera has hynix memory chips so time will tell what happen.

12Mbit is not excessive but if you find it locking up try knocking it back to 9 and see how it goes
jokiin said:
A2 is stable up to 18Mbit, heat isn't such an issue, stability can be a problem at higher bitrates if using Hynix memory though

Is this why you use Samsung memory?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Sabe said:
But now i start to wonder why iTracker runs it only 7 mbps, does camera get hotter with higher bitrate, and will it get more unstable?

Anyone know how to contact whoever makes the iTracker firmware? If enough of us ask they might update it to include a 10Mb/s option, I expect it would be a pretty simple mod... I'm going to send an email to EPrance about mine, but it would be better to contact the factory direct.
andrew73 said:
Sabe said:
But now i start to wonder why iTracker runs it only 7 mbps, does camera get hotter with higher bitrate, and will it get more unstable?

Anyone know how to contact whoever makes the iTracker firmware? If enough of us ask they might update it to include a 10Mb/s option, I expect it would be a pretty simple mod... I'm going to send an email to EPrance about mine, but it would be better to contact the factory direct.

What is your current firmware version?
Milamber said:
jokiin said:
A2 is stable up to 18Mbit, heat isn't such an issue, stability can be a problem at higher bitrates if using Hynix memory though

Is this why you use Samsung memory?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Taps talk 2

Yes, we were using Hynix 18 months ago but too many random glitches that we couldn't sort, changed to Samsung and stability improved massively