
Hi Rehan,

Thanks for sharing the mount. The 3M Dual Lock solution looks very good and simple!

I have the "fake GS1000 orange menu" type camera. Can anyone else confirm that the "autoexec.ash" does work?
I can update the firmware by naming the file "hd13up.bin", but I would like to do some more with the autoexec as well :-)

robots said:

I have the "fake GS1000 orange menu" type camera. Can anyone else confirm that the "autoexec.ash" does work?
I can update the firmware by naming the file "hd13up.bin", but I would like to do some more with the autoexec as well :-)

It works but not with all models.
I have gs5000 and it doesn't work with that, it works just fine with my other gs1000 camera.
Hi robots,

Just try to backup your firmware using the autoexec.ash command. That is the easiest way to find out if it will work with your unit.
I have tried that, and it did not work. I thought there might be some trick, to get it to work.
Hi robots,

There might be another way but I am currently not aware of it.
The firmware for fake orange menu 201201122 has video bitrate 15000 kbps, so it's only 2 hours video possible to record on 16gb microsd.
timjosten said:
Hi! I have fake GS1000. This is the one with Orange menu, firmware version 20120929. I bricked it with a wrong firmware from Texet.
It can be resurrected by flasing Texet's F600 ELF firmware image using Ambarella Direct USB. The device will turn on, works as a flash disk, but will not display anything on the screen. This lets you to flash firmware.bin using the built-in firmware update functionality.
Here is the latest firmware 201201122 (22 Nov 2012).

To unbrick your 'Fake Orange Menu' (version 20120929) GS1000 from any firmware mistake you made, using DirectUSB:
Take the bricked cam, remove the SD card and the USB cable.
Press 'Reset' for about 5 seconds and release.
Press 'REC/OK' and hold. Plug in the USB. AMBA device will show in Windows device manager. Release 'REC/OK'
Follow Firmware Update via USB, using the firmware GPS_v1.1.1SG1KB.elf. This works the same way as Texet's F600 ELF file.
After flashing that file, remove the cam from USB and press 'Reset' for about 5 seconds and release.
Prepare your SD card following the Complete Firmware Update Instructions. For the required firmware, use hd13up.bin as provided by timjosten as above. Insert the SD card into your cam and switch it on. Your cam should be alive again in a few seconds.
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CUBOT GS1000 at DX

Hi !

I found a new GSx000 vendor on DX, called CUBOT.




As I was planning to buy a GS1000 anyway (preferably the best available=orange menu), so I asked DX for the firmware.
DX posted the firmware version: V2.0.5 G2HB A. What I read on the forum until now I assume this is a newer :) new blue menu...
Does somebody have any experience with this cam / manufacturer?

Since the price tag of this cam is very nice $79,90, I am thinking to buy one of these.
What do you think, it is worth to spend $121 (1,5x) for an orange menu, does it worth the $40 difference?

Hi gluckb,

Never heard of CUBOT. For $80, the price is good assuming it is a real "Blue Menu" and not a fake Novatek or iCatch camera. They don't mention Ambarella in the ad which is strange. They also indicate 60fps, which the Amabarella A2S60 doesn't do. Perhaps ask them what processor is it.

Even if it is a "Blue Menu", it really is a bit of a lottery. Blurry lens, GPS issues are not uncommon issues with this camera. If you want to take the risk, it is not a bad buy. Many Russians actually buy this camera with the intention of changing the lens, making it a good value for money. The "Orange Menu" is a better quality camera. I'm surprised prices haven't dropped given all the new cameras coming out.
Did you try several times?
I had once one camera and it started recording only after you once manually started recording from a button, next time i plugged it in it worked automatically.

I get same menu than with data transfer usb cable
Tekno said:

I get same menu than with data transfer usb cable

Ok, then it's really not working.
Hi Tekno,

That is strange. Contact the seller to see if they have a solution / replacement.
Should I try that OTG adapter thing, like discussed in another thread?
yacusya said:
Got another questions: the feature "Split files to 1/5/10/so-on" minutes doesn't work at all. The cam continues to shoot an infinite file, till I manually stop it. Didn't work at old firmware, don't work with the new either. How can I fix that?
Motion-detection option works fine, but only together with "Split files"-option, otherwise it doesn't record other the old files. Is it normal, if not how do I fix this too?

I noticed next problem, similar to yours. When the memory card is full of the recorded files the camera stops recording. It does not overwrite the oldest files in spite of the fact I have set the "Record overwrite" option to 1, 5 or 10 minutes. "Card full" or "Data Error" appears on the screen in such situations. The option "Motion detection" is set to "off".

The camera does not freeze at all at 720p resolution, but when I set the full HD it freezed after several minutes.

So perhaps should I try the texet firmware, as you found a method to repair camera bricked with a wrong firmware?
Totti said:
timjosten said:
Hi! I have fake GS1000. This is the one with Orange menu, firmware version 20120929. I bricked it with a wrong firmware from Texet.
It can be resurrected by flasing Texet's F600 ELF firmware image using Ambarella Direct USB. The device will turn on, works as a flash disk, but will not display anything on the screen. This lets you to flash firmware.bin using the built-in firmware update functionality.
Here is the latest firmware 201201122 (22 Nov 2012).

To unbrick your 'Fake Orange Menu' (version 20120929) GS1000 from any firmware mistake you made, using DirectUSB:
Take the bricked cam, remove the SD card and the USB cable.
Press 'Reset' for about 5 seconds and release.
Press 'REC/OK' and hold. Plug in the USB. AMBA device will show in Windows device manager. Release 'REC/OK'
Follow Firmware Update via USB, using the firmware GPS_v1.1.1SG1KB.elf. This works the same way as Texet's F600 ELF file.
After flashing that file, remove the cam from USB and press 'Reset' for about 5 seconds and release.
Prepare your SD card following the Complete Firmware Update Instructions. For the required firmware, use hd13up.bin as provided by timjosten as above. Insert the SD card into your cam and switch it on. Your cam should be alive again in a few seconds.

I have just spent 2 hours with my devil camera. Because today in addition to troubles with file overwriting today the device freezed. :(
I tried to install Texet firmware indicated by Dash Cam Man. First by SD card but with no result. Then I tried the SUB method. And a disaster. The camera was like a brick. I tried to install a few different firmware versions , the Ambarella Direct USB informed that "flashing was succesful" but the camera was still dead. I tried to disconnect the internal battery - the same effect. And in the end your method with ELF firmware was susscessful! :D An the firmware I saved on the memory card was the same I used previously : 4.35.210512A.bin - I had a copy on my PC :twisted: And now the orange menu is different - there are more options (and languages - Russian is default, but you are to be cautious not to select e.g. Chinese "bushes" :mrgreen: . And TEXET appears on the initial screen.
I am wondering if my camera is going to start operate without troubles!
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Interesting, i ordered another one too, should be with this newer firmware also.
Although i don't know what has changed to previous fw.