Joovuu X cam footage

Here is some more video for everyone to chew on. Again this is very early beta stuff here and does not represent a final product

Tunnel clips is nice.
Can you check your windshield part just above the lens ( top centre area of the footage). Its looks like greasy "half-moon", probably from suction mount ?
Yeah I need to clean it it's from the V5 suction cup
Those mounts do suck ;)

I pray the supplied Suction cup mount is good, cuz i plan to use it and the camera outside on my car for the next ride in good weather, and i would hate to see both depart my car while i do 80 km/h :eek:

Perhaps i should rig up a fishing line safty just in case.
Well i was asked to beat on the camera, but i dont want to start out too hard, i would hate to see a steady stream of replacement X cams to my door. not least as it cost me a little money every time DHL come calling as free is not really free here.

Not too bad, but as i am a poor man on a set path to the bottom of the Danish welfare society, money is getting more and more tight here.
Well i was asked to beat on the camera, but i dont want to start out too hard,....
Then just use a piece of fishing line long enough that the camera will bounce along the roadway right next to the car and you will hear it before too much damage is done. :D
Those mounts do suck ;)

I pray the supplied Suction cup mount is good, .

I went trough 100-ds of dashcams, few dozens of suction mounts, and THE ONLY good / strong / reliable one I can recommend is coming from factory which makes them for ARKON and used by Garmin. I guess GoPro might also use the same factory ? But of course high quality stuff cost 5-10 times more than after-market "look-a-like". You get what you pay !
Perhaps i should rig up a fishing line safty just in case.
You might consider using super glue on the smallest mount. Glue the quick connect to the base and then remove the 3M stick and apply 3M Dual Lock. This way you have a strong but remove able set up.



I have done this with a C3 lens as well as an action cam and had no issue.


Perhaps i should rig up a fishing line safty just in case

Fly fishing. Let us see if you catch any. Mosquito in Denmark got the size of a B52.
Those mounts do suck ;)

I pray the supplied Suction cup mount is good, cuz i plan to use it and the camera outside on my car for the next ride in good weather, and i would hate to see both depart my car while i do 80 km/h :eek:

Perhaps i should rig up a fishing line safty just in case.

They will be better quality - especially the suction cups. All mounts we supplied were at short notice as our usual supplier who supplies better quality (not as good as ARKON - but I haven't found a company that beats them yet) could not get us the mounts in time so we had to quickly change supplier. The suction cup even angers me, but it was better than nothing haha.


Well last i aired my 9 foot rod AFTM 7-8 i did catch a sea- trout, much to my suprice as i sure as hell aint one of the lucky anglers when you factor all the months i have spent in salt water with my bottom 2/3 clad in neoprene and my gonads 4 Inches below the surface.

Thru most of the 90ties i was out fishing at least 4 houres a day 12-15 days a month, thanks to the cool job i had back then with only 11 - 12 work days every month.

Fly fishing in winter when the line freeze to your rod sure isent fun, so i gave up on that after a fjew years, after that it was spinning or even better for cold hands bait fishing in winter.
Not least as i have a partly crushed finger on my L hand, and when it get a little cold it feeel like some one is pounding on that finger with a hammer.
Here is a short video of the X mounted to a shopping cart.
This was filmed in 720P as more of a proof of concept type thing. The camera is mounted to the cart handle bar with a handle bar mount, but the locking screw is not long enough to put the washer on once it is around the bar.

As you can see in end of the video the lady was not paying attention to where she was going and her daughter had to say something to her and move the cart away.
Even inside a store you just can't get away from bad drivers.

Here is a short video of the X mounted to a shopping cart.
This was filmed in 720P as more of a proof of concept type thing. The camera is mounted to the cart handle bar with a handle bar mount, but the locking screw is not long enough to put the washer on once it is around the bar.

As you can see in end of the video the lady was not paying attention to where she was going and her daughter had to say something to her and move the cart away.
Even inside a store you just can't get away from bad drivers.

I am sure if you would not cut the footage we would see you puting a 6-pack of beer into the shopping trolley ;)
I am sure if you would not cut the footage we would see you puting a 6-pack of beer into the shopping trolley ;)
Ha. I am a tea and water person, but on occasion I do try a beer now and again to try something different. Had some New Castle Brown Ale a little bit ago. I always like to try new things I find that are main stays in England like NCBA, Salad Cream, HP Sauce, and PG Tips
Very nice video quality. If that is an indication of things to come, we are in for a real treat.
Ha. I am a tea and water person, but on occasion I do try a beer now and again to try something different. Had some New Castle Brown Ale a little bit ago. I always like to try new things I find that are main stays in England like NCBA, Salad Cream, HP Sauce, and PG Tips

Whatever beer to buy, I learned lesson that bottled beer taste different to can beer.

Regarding "X" and other action- dashcams, I like they have a fixed focus. Even recording trough obstructions of your shopping trolley "bars" we can still see nice clear focused "infinity scene", - perfect for covert recording !
I realised you named video clip "Push Cart". Is that how you call it "there" ?
Even recording trough obstructions of your shopping trolley "bars" we can still see nice clear focused "infinity scene", - perfect for covert recording !
I know things seem to be going well for the most part with the X. I am rather excited to see the camera get going along.

Next time I mount it to a trolly i'll try to make sure it is set to a higher resolution, I was trying to do some DIY with the WiFi settings and did something wrong on my part so I had to reset the camera to get the WiFi working again

Is that how you call it "there" ?
Yes. While I tend to pick up terms from watching different UK TV shows here it is called a shopping cart or buggy.
I was trying to do some DIY with the WiFi settings and did something wrong on my part so I had to reset the camera to get the WiFi working again

We all first learn to crawl and only then to walk, so it is normal for child ( @"X" ) to make those first steps before start properly walking ;)

Yes. While I tend to pick up terms from watching different UK TV shows here it is called a shopping cart or buggy.

Being and living here-and-there, I had to adopt to 4 different "English Languages": British-English, American-English, Irish-English and International "universal-English".
There are some words and expressions which are common only to a certain region, like "push cart" ( USA ), "shopping cart" ( UK ) and here in Ireland we use "shopping trolley". From those type of words / sentences you can understand from which part of the world person is without even have to look at Mobius X-cam footage ;)