JooVuu X Camera

obviously late to even suggest that, but 4g (lte) modules aren't that expensive, just (clueless here myself) size and main board compatibility, apart from physical fit...
just an idea! :ducks behind sofa:
I am wondering how do you incorporate 4G/LTE feature into a car dashcam? What is the use of it?
I am wondering how do you incorporate 4G/LTE feature into a car dashcam? What is the use of it?
Not just DashCam.
let's say, I want instant (or almost) transmitting of me driving(riding) over amazing crest on a road ;)
sports journalism for the masses?
We have actually looked at this and currently decided against it.

There's only one 100% safe reason to use it and that is to upload footage to the cloud if something happens or once a day etc.

Livestreaming gets you into all kinds of trouble as different countries, states, counties etc have different laws governing what is allowed to be broadcast and meeting certain regulations etc. Therefore, we decided NOT to implement this feature, though this is not to say we do not have our eye on this feature.

Kind regards,

We have actually looked at this and currently decided against it.

There's only one 100% safe reason to use it and that is to upload footage to the cloud if something happens or once a day etc.

Livestreaming gets you into all kinds of trouble as different countries, states, counties etc have different laws governing what is allowed to be broadcast and meeting certain regulations etc. Therefore, we decided NOT to implement this feature, though this is not to say we do not have our eye on this feature.

Kind regards,


aside from all that show me a country where there is a network that would sustain this both reliably and cost effectively
We have actually looked at this and currently decided against it.

There's only one 100% safe reason to use it and that is to upload footage to the cloud if something happens or once a day etc.

Livestreaming gets you into all kinds of trouble as different countries, states, counties etc have different laws governing what is allowed to be broadcast and meeting certain regulations etc. Therefore, we decided NOT to implement this feature, though this is not to say we do not have our eye on this feature.

Kind regards,

just imagine... quality camera and law forces! if you'd implement it - I MENTIONED IT FIRST! (and kindly, you'll sell me one before the others)
aside from all that show me a country where there is a network that would sustain this both reliably and cost effectively
I'm not saying about regular (+loop recording), but as a feature , even in reduced framerate?
In UK in few areas, (only few devices) you can watch high quality movie on the mobile device, so proposition for reversed streaming...

I am adding the point of all sports convenience, not just motorsports.

Appreciated, that for example in the streaming mode you'd need extra power (as battery or plug in to the socket) as normal battery would drain in half time. In real terms (sorry, as it's hardly making sense) but my cheap plug in additional 2200mAh battery last in normal recording almost 5hrs, so let's say in streaming mode, you could gain 1Hrs footage.... wow!!!!! just wow it would be
...Livestreaming gets you into all kinds of trouble as different countries, states, counties etc have different laws governing what is allowed to be broadcast and meeting certain regulations etc. Therefore, we decided NOT to implement this feature, though this is not to say we do not have our eye on this feature.
Uploading to the cloud doesn't count as broadcast since the data is going to a single destination, even if you made your cloud store open to the public the camera would not be broadcasting, just the cloud server. It's the same as making a private telephone call.
We have actually looked at this and currently decided against it.

There's only one 100% safe reason to use it and that is to upload footage to the cloud if something happens or once a day etc.

Livestreaming gets you into all kinds of trouble as different countries, states, counties etc have different laws governing what is allowed to be broadcast and meeting certain regulations etc. Therefore, we decided NOT to implement this feature, though this is not to say we do not have our eye on this feature.

Kind regards,


This is one reason as to why i would like to see future dashcams to be in modules, that way you can expand your system as you like or can afford it.

Adding more cameras 1-2-3-4-5 ->
Adding wifi - 4G ASO
Adding Alarm
Adding OBD module

And i am sure ppl can come up with even more features to daisy chain.

on the subject of costs, I personally have unlimited data with my mobile price plan.
considering ranges of lte networks(850mhz-2600mhz) in active use around the world, I wouldn't be surprised, that know higher frequency networks used by some forces would be achieved via same lte networks too.
Hi all,
I didn't want to write much more on this but I'll answer a few things

1) Jokiin is right - the varying coverage is vast and as such we feel it would have been pretty limiting/bad to include something that say a person in outback Timbuktu cannot use but would be paying for it.

2) Uploading to the cloud is okay - HOWEVER, you then run into security issues etc. Quite rightly security has to be pretty tight and at the moment we do not have the resources.

3) It creates more problems and can have knock on effects for people who are not using it.

4) We HAVE NOT written this off - merely are looking at releasing this as a module once everything is figured out. However our main concern is image quality and reliability.

Kind regards,

1) Jokiin is right - the varying coverage is vast and as such we feel it would have been pretty limiting/bad to include something that say a person in outback Timbuktu cannot use but would be paying for it.
No problem in Timbuktu, the whole country uses mobile communications with as many mobile phones as people and there are hardly any landlines!

If you could get the device connected worldwide for $2.99/month like these people then there would be huge demand!
If you could get the device connected worldwide for $2.99/month like these people then there would be huge demand!

just like these people, the bargain rate of $2.99 includes the first 1mb and it's only 99c per mb after that, yeah I can see the huge demand that would create :rolleyes:

I'm sure once @JooVuu has cracked the market in Timbuktu this will be their next venture
Not just DashCam.
let's say, I want instant (or almost) transmitting of me driving(riding) over amazing crest on a road ;)
sports journalism for the masses?
Isn't a Wifi transmission better than 4G/LTE? Plus in many countries, sending video image over 4G/LTE to your smartphone or tablet consumes lots of data of your monthly plan.
We have actually looked at this and currently decided against it.

There's only one 100% safe reason to use it and that is to upload footage to the cloud if something happens or once a day etc.
Since this is your first camera I am glad to see you put the camera part of the camera first. I could maybe see this as a later model.
Isn't a Wifi transmission better than 4G/LTE? Plus in many countries, sending video image over 4G/LTE to your smartphone or tablet consumes lots of data of your monthly plan.
No! from tech point- irrelevant and (unfortunately) from manufacture point too... but imagine such ability for "live stream" from feature perspective! big media corporations/; security/law forces /; sports(on a small team/individual scale)/; simpletons as me! ...
BUT, BUT, BUT, I agree that whilst frequency transmition differences is easily achievable via hardware tuning, security, approvals and appreciation is massive issue. Cost for READY module is $3-6… still the technology and support is what makes it daunting idea to undertake.
Agreed with Dan, it does not belong on this camera, the future still being open.

I like kamkar1's "module" idea. This could be integrated 'piggy-back' style where it slides onto the JooVuu, and also offered in another case which could be used separately or with other cams, thus increasing it's marketability.

The main problem with "vid-to-cloud' is that at major events many people will be doing this and the network will bog down. Enough of that and someone will put a limit on it. Money still in piggy-bank for JooVuu :D

The main problem with "vid-to-cloud' is that at major events many people will be doing this and the network will bog down. Enough of that and someone will put a limit on it.
Exactly. The only country with enough mobile bandwidth to handle such huge data streaming is may be South Korea, no other countries can cope with it.

I suggest stick to the core functions of a car dash that is the video image quality and recording functions. I rather a solid stable platform which record excellent day and night video quality and little other functions, than one with all the blinky sideshow functions but produces crap video quality.
Exactly. The only country with enough mobile bandwidth to handle such huge data streaming is may be South Korea, no other countries can cope with it.
Whilst I agree with majority over most aspects as why not, I wish to explain as why "not" on my behalf:,2817,2403490,00.asp
However, still, considering the costs and possibility, only as optional feature, that could be easily adjusted via hardware tuning it could be near revolutionary...
Modular add-on sounds as best solution, as long as charging and output is managed via different connections.