JooVuu X Camera

Hi @petepete
Two things:

1) Again, I'll go into something I had no intention of releasing until around October/November time. This parking mode function is something we are working on. As you can tell from our website we already have timed mode in place, where you can specify times where a different mode with different settings automatically comes on. Whilst our camera will be launched with a super capacitor installed, a battery will be able to be bought and the user can install it themselves. This function is not specifically for parking mode but rather night mode where different users prefer different settings to try and get slightly better quality etc. However, as you can see from this this would make, I don't know, the perfect ground work for the function you are wanting. Again, this is something on our roadmap, and I hope you can now see how we have layed the foundations for a lot of future improvements...the expression: A building is only as strong as its foundations, is an expression we live by. As stated numerous times, we are doing everything in our power to have the firmware, hardware, and that bit of fairy dust all as reliable as possible. This means that some 'fancier' features are not implemented yet as we want to make sure what they are built on (take the timed mode, and then the parking mode) as solid as possible.

2) You say it is incredibly simple, I really do not like to do this, but you really have no idea what you are talking about. NOTHING with a camera is incredibly simple. Literally nothing. like nothing. In fact let me give you a list of what is simple (in my opinion), sending a rocket into space, creating a time machine, creating a teleportation device. Working with the hardware company (Ambarella) is like pushing water up a rock face, not only that, but sometimes stuff you want to realise is not possible, so you have to figure another way round. Timed mode has taken about 3 months of work. Yes timed mode 3 months of work. And that is just for a basic reliable version, we have bigger plans for it that we have not even started yet. I'm with you, I thought a lot of stuff I wanted to implement, would be simple as it sounds so simple, but getting the APIs, commands, JSON, packet information etc is not easy, plus that's if you get it.

I really hate to be blunt, but this has gone on far enough now and not only that but you are judging our camera and make sweeping generalizing and quite honestly demoralizing statements based on your specific needs which we were and are addressing. Companies are allowed to have secrets and plans for a reason, and this will be the only bit of information released about the future of the firmware.

Do I need to review it to pass fair comment ?

I think not .

Your comment wasn't fair so your statement is irrelevant.

Kind regards,

It is that simple ...


defining what you want is very simple, making it happen is about as far from simple as you can get

it might look like there's not much to these cameras but they are quite complex, particularly if you want anything beyond the most basic of functionality
I have merely correctly pointed out the dashcam is now expected by "some discerning knowlegeable" customers to be a functional reliable security/parking cam and any new design should be expected to cover that base 100% in 2015 at this stage of the dashcam market and yet this doesn't seem to have been grasped and it remains a unique selling point for the taking.

Something even I as novice can identify and would influence my purchase heavily.

what I don't understand is why it was named "parking mode" which is ludicrous.

"security mode" would be more apt as it protects your car, your property, you and turns your car into an all seeing security device ...... and creates multiple "hot spots" in a buyers head and better describes its function to a public who now understands a dashcam to be for driving accident capture thanks to archaic publicity that seems to have stuck fast and a bit of a publicity shot in the foot by retailers.

As for my simple comment, that's been trashed (!)

How difficult can it be to change a differing frame rate as half the problem is solved as you can already switch to parking mode on power down ?

Seems to me there has been a rush for "quality" and a dragging of the feet on function ...

( Happy with my nova 99650 numberplate recognition and night time quality with vlc, I would love to see an "assembled in uk" badged up new camera with the features I ve mentioned marked as a security camara / dashcamera
highlighting properly its unique selling point and functions giving more people a "hot spot" to make a purchase and I dare say the price could be kept reasonable and we now know brought in for a project price of less than $100k - might even be tempted to finance it if approached - just to add laughing.... as that is probably a better idea than a far greater sum invested in Kurdistan oil with all that's going on there dam those savages ! )
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quality is what's missing on so many feature packed models, should you forego quality to deliver functionality?


but I don't see any other camera on the market that can do any better at numberplate reading or nightime quality for detail when enhanced and that is as much functionality on screen as you are going to get at present.
There is plenty of space in the market for a medium to high end dash cams such as the JooVuu X and others. People who want just high quality footage and audio and then maybe some functionality and most of all ease of use such as plug and play. The sale of cameras like this inspire more R&D so more features can be added in future models. Many manufacturers have dropped the ball on development and others see opportunity in a potentially huge market and continue to get better. I'm just a passenger on this forum but follow with great interest the evolution of dash cams. Keep up the good work Dan.
without quality there is no foundation on which to build functionality

nothing gives anymore information than 99650, slightly better picture quality at times maybe...

The obsession with picture quality is flawed as its no use having great picture quality if your camera cant protect your car, property and you when parked up and if you drive an hour a day the other 23 hours your camera is as much use to you as .....

That's why it should be taken more seriously.
What's a parking mode? :D:D
Out of over a dozen dash cams I have, I think all of them have some kind of parking mode but I've never used it once, not even when doing a review.
It all depends upon where you live and where you park and if I really have to park in the back alley for few hours, I'll use battery pack.

I won't even notice if they remove a lot of functionality that I never use during fw updates.
nothing gives anymore information than 99650, slightly better picture quality at times maybe...

The obsession with picture quality is flawed as its no use having great picture quality if your camera cant protect your car, property and you when parked up and if you drive an hour a day the other 23 hours your camera is as much use to you as .....

That's why it should be taken more seriously.

I said quality, not picture quality
in the thread as is, would be good to refrain from feelings and tensions.
HOWEVER, sensible ideas, criticism and critique is the point to discuss!

Personally, I'm not happy of no reasonably priced dash cams not to have useful and automated (to the nearest what is achievable) but WORKING solution to the issue... including combining it with GPS.

Dan said, we agreed, that 4G module ( be it inn or add on) will be an issue addressed perhaps in later models, whilst it is right now developing feature and might turn out absolute necessity in near future trends.

On overall, priority is imagery for now and let's hope it will be as expected or better...

We'll just have to "sit tight" , for the testers to do its worst... and in that way best, so the product would be as classy as anticipated.
Hi everyone,
The testers should be getting their cameras from this weekend onwards, so they will be able to keep you updated a lot quicker from this weekend onwards.

We're currently finalizing the new website for the JooVuu X, and that should be ready this weekend, and will be launching next week, with pre-orders probably open around the 25th July. Just so the beta-testers don't have to field lots of questions about the following I'll get it out there now:

1) The FINAL case will not have a silver outline on it, this was due to a lack of clarity but this issue has already been fixed.
2) The colouring is still not what we really want it and it will still be tweaked. The metal lens ring is hard to get the exact colour we want so we have to fiddle with that a bit more.

However, the final cases should be ready shortly. will also be undergoing a massive change over the coming weeks so it's all systems go at the moment.

Any questions just ask.
huh, o.O not the pink XXX.... :P
I hate when I get all excited to get a new camera to test because I feel like part little kid with a new toy but I can't help it. I really hope I can get this one mounted on my hat