JooVuu X Camera

I can appreciate why people might think that certain members might be more beneficial to have helping to shape the product, you do need a mix though, sometimes experienced users can take things for grated that a novice might stumble on so it's important to have some people that are maybe not so tech savvy as well, we do the same with our stuff where we give them to a wide range of users for feedback, a lot of that happens outside this forum

For the most part if you're on this site you have an interest in these products so everyone is equally as capable of providing feedback, even if some aren't as verbal as others, keep in mind @JooVuu did mention they'd be adding other users outside of this and I'm sure Dan is switched on enough to know where and who he can get value from when the time comes
Yes, there are two parts when launching new product.
One is to get as much user feedback as possible which is done by giveaway or random drawing like this. And even on that, we have few random winners who are long time testers so that's even better.
That will give a sense of audio/video quality, different installations as well as uncover any user unfriendly settings, challenges etc... plus gives market exposure to new product.

Another part is dedicated testing of different functions and comparison against other mainstream/name brand cameras unless that's already done by manufacturer.
Both have value for new product but I'd like to see side by side (doesn't have to be merged video but video taken at the same time) videos with similar dashcams that this new product is challenging against along with how they react in different situations/temperatures etc...
The more the merrier...;)
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"Experts" can be some of the worst people to test new products. :)

"A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
- Douglas Adams

Somethings important have already been overlooked despite the mention of them time after time and the great importance attached to them by all purchases of dashcams....

I remain surprised a "new" camera can be developed and brought to a worldwide market poised to grow rapidly for a mere £100k and I am surprised in developing a new camera it does not address any better than any other product already on the market the points above that are the number one concern of every dashcam purchaser -

Do they want nicer colours and a prettier picture


Do they want the ability to read numberplates and better night vision....
I can appreciate why people might think that certain members might be more beneficial to have helping to shape the product, you do need a mix though, sometimes experienced users can take things for grated that a novice might stumble on so it's important to have some people that are maybe not so tech savvy as well, we do the same with our stuff where we give them to a wide range of users for feedback, a lot of that happens outside this forum

For the most part if you're on this site you have an interest in these products so everyone is equally as capable of providing feedback, even if some aren't as verbal as others, keep in mind @JooVuu did mention they'd be adding other users outside of this and I'm sure Dan is switched on enough to know where and who he can get value from when the time comes

We are; as stated we will hand these out to reviewers. We have a list at the moment of about 40-50 possible reviewers/review sites that we can use. Obviously we will not be using all of them, but we are aware of how important reviews are to users.

Kind regards,

Somethings important have already been overlooked despite the mention of them time after time and the great importance attached to them by all purchases of dashcams....

I remain surprised a "new" camera can be developed and brought to a worldwide market poised to grow rapidly for a mere £100k and I am surprised in developing a new camera it does not address any better than any other product already on the market the points above that are the number one concern of every dashcam purchaser -

Do they want nicer colours and a prettier picture


Do they want the ability to read numberplates and better night vision....

I'm not sure if this is aimed/jibing at us, but if it is let me clarify some things

1) LOL - 100k - maybe in actual money, but if you take in time/stress times that by 10 ;)

2) If you are stating that our camera does not address anything better than any other product yet....that is interesting considering a) what are you basing this on as we have not released anything yet to the public? b) we have a multitude of features that will be unique to us.

3) It appears you are dumbing down an argument rather than engaging with it, whilst the beta testers provide invaluable feedback, it's not like we are setting a pack of wild dogs loose to see what happens. We've already discussed and highlighted what needs to be tested and to the degree it does. We have some experienced users in that group as well, and some less, but this means you do not get an inbalance rather than the old can teach the new and new can bring something new.

I cannot remember the product but I remember a few years ago there was a product made just by reviewers and only reviewers. It flopped massively as they got caught so much up in the minute detail of the product they forgot to look at the wider picture and accessibility. Luckily our draw has provided a nice balance which we are pretty psyched for.

I guess at the end of the day, it comes down to this: judge us based on our product not because certain people have not been picked.

That's all we ever want to be judged on and all we should be judged on. Hopefully next week some footage will start going up and we can start changing some minds.

Kind regards,

Just to try and bring this to a close

We love the attention JooVuu X is getting, however, we want the attention to be for the camera and it's ability, quality, awesomeness etc, rather than who we picked to test it. Everyone I'm sure will test it and report back for you guys to read - and then the real attention begins.

Kind regards,

I cannot remember the product but I remember a few years ago there was a product made just by reviewers and only reviewers. It flopped massively as they got caught so much up in the minute detail of the product they forgot to look at the wider picture and accessibility.

That's all we ever want to be judged on and all we should be judged on. Hopefully next week some footage will start going up and we can start changing some minds.

Kind regards,


you (or any of us for that matter) can never be all things to all people, decide where you want to be in the market and do that to the best of your ability, there will always be those you can't please but that's the reality of any product, if there was one perfect product that's all we'd ever see in the market, choice is a good thing
you (or any of us for that matter) can never be all things to all people, decide where you want to be in the market and do that to the best of your ability, there will always be those you can't please but that's the reality of any product, if there was one perfect product that's all we'd ever see in the market, choice is a good thing

Yep, this is what we have done from the word go. As stated when we announced this product, we did a LOT of research into it. We think we have a pretty good camera with some pretty good features, with even more good features to be released in the first three months of it being sold, so we're pretty happy.

I guess time will tell.


I always try to bring balance to a conversation as it too easy for people to get wrapped up in a tidal wave of positivity or negativity for that matter...

A classic example is why so many private investors lose money on the stock market (80%)!!!!!

At $100k and ten times the stress its chicken feed to the evolving world market at your doorstep, and you know it or you wouldn't have placed yourself in the market ..

To be honest, if I had your contacts and knowledge I would be banging cameras out fast knowing how a bubble of positivity can spark cost covering into profit sales :D

But alas I don't and I m stuck with far greater stress ;)

ps.. you havnt got a cheep gt680w kicking around have you ? !!!
There are far more opportunity's than resources for most, you have to work within your limitations, we'd all like to do more
There are far more opportunity's than resources for most, you have to work within your limitations, we'd all like to do more

Do I take that to mean there is abundant opportunity, but not the finances to realise them ?
Do I take that to mean there is abundant opportunity, but not the finances to realise them ?
We work within our limitations as I'm sure @JooVuu do also, more funds, more people, sure we could be doing more, nobody ever opened a big company, we have to get there bit by bit as resources allow, in business terms 100k might not seem like a large investment but for Dan and his business at this point in time that could be a very significant amount to be laying out, be nice to just be able to fund whatever we want, its not realistic though
We work within our limitations as I'm sure @JooVuu do also, more funds, more people, sure we could be doing more, nobody ever opened a big company, we have to get there bit by bit as resources allow, in business terms 100k might not seem like a large investment but for Dan and his business at this point in time that could be a very significant amount to be laying out, be nice to just be able to fund whatever we want, its not realistic though

I get that, but in a market so young and full of the opportunity you mention it makes perfect sense to launch a product if you can get it done for $100k...

The one gripe I have with all camera s id the fact at a couple of car lengths they all fail to make numberplates legible even when stationary... my phone does a better job !

why is this and can this not be addressed...?

Might also be useful to have some software that enhances better than VLC for night vision although I have to say that's pretty remarkable in its own right.
Again PetePete, as stated...judge and pass comment on our camera when you have seen footage or own one, until then please do not make massive sweeping generalisations.

Yes a lot of Chinese companies simply knock cameras out for the sake of it, but look at StreetGuardian, Lukas, Panorama, etc where actually they are producing quality products.

@jokiin is right, no one has ever started a big company. Hell if we had 200k we could implement way more things we want to straight off (new mounting system, new gps system, plus other new features). If we had 500k we could use different hardware (not ambarella :O shock I know) that we believe is better. If we had 1mill we could implement a camera that would be what we would call 'the perfect' camera. However, we do not. We have to develop and market within our constraints. And we are.

Yes 100k is not alot to investors, but to JooVuu it is virtually everything. If you can raise more money please please please build a camera and show us how it is done. PS the only people financing this camera is JooVuu this is because the few investors we did approach wanted to do the camera a way we did not agree with. Please remember very few things in life are as straight forward as they seem - this is no exception.
To draw a line under this
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (see what I did there? ;) )

We will releasing the new website shortly, that will have footage, analysis, breakdowns, manuals, etc shortly. The price will be released around mid-July with pre-orders being opened shortly after that.


The one gripe I have with all camera s id the fact at a couple of car lengths they all fail to make numberplates legible even when stationary... my phone does a better job !

why is this and can this not be addressed...?

the average phone these days is a powerhouse compared to a car camera, you have 4 or more cores of processing and can dynamically adjust focus, you can selectively say it can do something better yet they still make very poor dashcams, not the right tool for the job
To draw a line under this
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (see what I did there? ;) )

We will releasing the new website shortly, that will have footage, analysis, breakdowns, manuals, etc shortly. The price will be released around mid-July with pre-orders being opened shortly after that.



are you saying a more balanced conversation, healthy debate and freedom of speech should be put aside ???
Yes 100k is not alot to investors, but to JooVuu it is virtually everything. If you can raise more money please please please build a camera and show us how it is done. PS the only people financing this camera is JooVuu this is because the few investors we did approach wanted to do the camera a way we did not agree with. Please remember very few things in life are as straight forward as they seem - this is no exception.

investors can sure ramp things up, they can kill a product too when they want to dictate how their money should be spent, might be attractive to have a cash injection but it can also be detrimental

the other flavor of the day is crowd funding, personally I think if you have such a sure fire hit why won't you invest your own money building it, plenty of respect earned by doing it on your own, win lose or draw at least you're giving it a go and I admire you for that