Kamkar1 footage.

yeah @jokiin thats allso what i was thinking erlier, cuz i remembered the pics i posted long ago was taken in the little village where i use to have a house.
And there is 4-5 streeet lights there, and so ambient light got to have been higher than pitch black.

Allso noticed today the bitrate from yesterdays night recordings is half of daytime recordings, its below 9000kbps where the same recordings from the SG camers is 15000kbps, only dopping a litttle compared to its daytime bitrate.
yeah @jokiin thats allso what i was thinking erlier, cuz i remembered the pics i posted long ago was taken in the little village where i use to have a house.
And there is 4-5 streeet lights there, and so ambient light got to have been higher than pitch black.

yeah in those situations the difference will be less noticeable
for sure, there's no one size fits all solution but we have choice and that's a good thing

You're quite right but I think most would expect better "headlight-only" performance than we see above. I would certainly want something that performs at least as well as my Mobius cams considering the cost of the JooVuu X. I have faith that we'll see at least that or close before the camera ships.
I got my mobius upgraded to 2.41 this morning, so i could do compare to the #2 xcam as it will record in 1080/60 if it get power.
Just cant launch the APP, then all hell breaks loose and my camera shut down and will need a FW update to get working again.
But i will prefer to wait as i have a feeling there will be new X firmware soon.
I wanted to make a demo video of how it is to have full video coverage on your car, but some dumbass forgot to put a memory card in his innovv C3 :rolleyes:

So this is a somewhat amputated video bubble, but i hope you catch the drift.

OBS. one thing i found out just now, if some one make a 4 channel setup. please make some software to cut and mix between the 4 cameras.
Editing by hand is pretty painfull, i assume so even if all 4 steams was 100 % in sync and have timestamps.

Allso please note this footage have been a trip thru windoes movie masher.

Decided to put it up in here as the mix go back and forth between the X cam my SG9665GC and the mobius i just upt in the Left side of my car and the old X camera in the rear of my car.
So truth be told it is a 4 channel setup, but 2 of the cameras is in the windscreen of my car.

RAW mix on MEGA is on the way up, but ther servers will not bow down to my awsome upload speed, and so i get the mad dog treatment at 2 digit KB/s and a upload fail trown in here and there to piss me off :D

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Okay i have been out recording tonight, and so i have a little footage to you guys from the X cam and my SG9665GC.
And allready now i can tell you the 9665GC is the winner, by far, It is clear we must free some more night power in the X cam. ( and i do belive the minions is allready hard at work doing that )
The daytime mix-tape recording above allso hint of a better night performance on the SG9665GC, the SG camera is simply a hard nutt to break, so in my collection of cameras it is the one to beat.

Footage is pitch black highway and downtown Randers ( x mas lightning not yet lit up )
Some of Downtown Randers night footage is the same as in the daytime mix-tape above.

My plan was to record in 1080/30 HDR with the X cam, but i messed up that one and recorded in mode 2 settings 2304 x 1256 / 30 FPS
And when i put that up on youtube it only come out as 1080P footage.
But i dont think that have any major impact on the night performance of the X cam.

Any chance of some screenshot captures showing the same moment from each cam?
Whenever I try to view video clips posted on this site, such as those posted above, I can only view them in 480p - if I try higher resolution it crashes due to my very poor (slow, stuttering, frequently disconnecting) internet connection.
Well we cant have that M8, ill see what i can do for you :)

Stand by for pictures.
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Yes, the SG has an advantage in those screenshots.

Is your X-cam using the latest firmware?

Which of the X-cam viewing angles did you use?

Does the X-cam field of view cover a wider angle than the SG? (when the video was converted to 1920*1080p from 2304*1256 did the media player chop some of the edges off?)
Yeah i am on latest firmware, and the angle is MAX 155 degree as i recall.

I will make some more footage tomorrow and make sure its apples to appels in regard to resolution.

There is no doubt the SG camera have the upper hand, not least on the dark rural roads.
But it allso have a slight upper hand in a moderately lit town like Randers where i live.

Joovuu minions will taste the cat o nine tails untill they get the night footage better. :D
Grapped this 2 frames off todays footage, conditions is as bad as it can get i think.
Low sun - wet tarmac - scratched and dirty windscreen.

I have no idea as to why the footage off my SG9665GC have this foggy feeling, this is about 30 minutes into my drive and car and cameras should be plenty warm.
I know i was sweating like a pig as the car heater was on full blast, and everything was directed up onto my windscreen.
nice, i forgot this cam came out already. I have not been on top of things the last few months.
Does JX do barrel distortion correction? It looks much better (in this respect) than SG.
I am not sure, but i dont think so.
Maybe @JooVuu can enlighten us further

I am using the stock 155 degree setting for this recording.
The Ambarella chipset can do the correction / dewarp and does look like it's turned on in the X footage.
The JooVuu X does have the anti-fisheye (dewarp) enabled. We worked a lot with it in order to maximize quality and reduce the fisheye as far as we could so the quality is even better.


Just made 2 x 13 minutes of video ( front and rear camera ) using 1080/60 ( 60 FOV ) settings, the drive was pretty uneventfull and the weather was grey and a light fog.

I really like the natural feel of the 60 degree FOV, and personally i dont feel like i am missing out on stuff to the sides, but that might be due to me having cameras there too :D

Its the same drive ( front and rear ) around my home town, taking a small detour after a little shopping.

Be advised the youtube servers is still chewing on the footage so ATOP its just SD.
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