Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

I'm trying to be positive about this whole thing. I believe the more feedback the manufacture get about these "rare" problems, the better. The lens was on focus, so it's not a lens problem, it's also not a firmware problem because pretty much every Mobius owner is using the same version without any issues, so it's down to either a (very unlikely) defective board or the sensor. I put my money on the latter.

Let's hope not. If these two cases were to be the only ones, then I guess me and Praetorian should be rewarded by the manufacturer with a free unit each for finding these rare malfunctioning units. :)

Yet! And who's fault is that? Not mine, that's for sure!

I think you are making entirely too much of a big deal over the fact that you happened to run into an issue with your Mobius purchase. You launched an entire thread a month ago about your personal Mobius experiences and now you are bringing it up all over again here in the tech support thread. The fact that you don't have a replacement unit yet has more to do with the typical discouraging customer service experience people so often report from @JooVuu rather than something that might "not be good for Mobius's reputation". Try to maintain a little perspective here, man. There are thousands of posts here from Mobius owners. Once in awhile people experience a problem or defect but they don't talk like the entire company has failed them or their products are no longer any good. In fact, I encountered a similar problem some time ago. It was the sensor. I was shipped a new lens module by the vendor and that was the end of it.
@Dashmellow I can't let this go anymore.

We've shipped over 28,000 orders. I can find about 20 complaints on here about us. So as a % that's: 0.07142857142857142% complaint rate.

So roughly 1 in every 1000 orders I ship falls short of the service I endeavor to provide. Well fine. I cannot win them all. I'll keep trying to get that to 1 in every 2000, 5000, 10000, etc but I will mess up.

Also please don't say: this is a support forum blah blah blah, if you spread lies and go after someone expect a response. I'm now drawing a line under this unless you keep attacking us and me, then I won't.

@Module 79L we sent your replacement a while ago...I'm assuming you haven't received it? Drop us a message and we can always get another one sent for you.

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@Dashmellow I can't let this go anymore.

I just wrote a massive piece about how hilarious, keyboard warrior, crack cocaine selling person you are but then I thought I would just do this:

We've shipped over 28,000 orders. I can find about 20 complaints on here about us. So as a % that's: 0.07142857142857142% complaint rate.

So roughly 1 in every 1000 orders I ship falls short of the service I endeavor to provide. Well fine. I cannot win them all. I'll keep trying to get that to 1 in every 2000, 5000, 10000, etc but I will mess up.

Also please don't say: this is a support forum blah blah blah, if you spread lies and go after someone expect a response. I'm now drawing a line under this unless you keep attacking us and me, then I won't.

@Module 79L we sent your replacement a while ago...I'm assuming you haven't received it? Drop us a message and we can always get another one sent for you.


For some reason, more than any other vendor on DCT this same sort of complaint keeps coming up over and over about JooVuu and so the more you pound the table with denials, excuses, elaborate explanations and insults, the more empty and disingenuous you sound.

Personally, I've never been your customer and have no intention of ever becoming one but at one time I even came forward in one of those complaint threads about you and tried to defend you because a customer continued complaining after you stated publicly that you would resolve his issue. Unfortunately, after an extended period of time you did nothing whatsoever to actually resolve the customer's issue other than to make empty promises and then I began to see that many others were voicing the same complaints. Since then, all this time later, we keep hearing exactly the same type of complaints about how you handle customer service problems repeatedly, month after month. There must be a reason for that. Time and time again people complain that their service ticket got closed out while they were waiting for a resolution and they were left high and dry. People keep complaining that they were promised a resolution and then nothing happens or that they were simply ignored. It is amusing that you claim you can only find 20 complaints about JooVuu yet there are more individual negative feedback threads about JooVuu than any other vendor on DashCamTalk!

The whole reason I mentioned your chronic customer service failings in the first place was because @Module 79L is still waiting for a resolution to his problem. I'm sure if he had a replacement by now he wouldn't feel compelled to be posting about his troubles here in this thread considering that it was back on January 20th when he said "I've been trying to be very civilized about this whole thing, waiting patiently and not showing my disappointment and frustration, but the silence from JooVuu's support has made my patience run out.'..... 'Sorry for being so harsh, Daniel, but patience has its limits."

This all sounds sadly familiar, as does your BS.

Rather that make excuses or spout insults, insinuations and accusations at me or your disappointed and disillusioned customers why don't you direct your energies into actually fixing your problems? A wiser and more seasoned vendor would likely not approach this the way you do.
1. I think you are making entirely too much of a big deal over the fact that you happened to run into an issue with your Mobius purchase.
2. You launched an entire thread a month ago about your personal Mobius experiences and now you are bringing it up all over again here in the tech support thread.
3. The fact that you don't have a replacement unit yet has more to do with the typical discouraging customer service experience people so often report from @JooVuu rather than something that might "not be good for Mobius's reputation".
4. Once in awhile people experience a problem or defect but they don't talk like the entire company has failed them or their products are no longer any good.
1. I didn't run into any issue with my Mobius purchase, I ran into an issue with the unit I received.
2. I'm not bringing anything up again here, I just replied to a fellow DCT member letting him know I had a similar problem.
3. Where did you see me complaining about not having received the replacement unit yet? By any chance do you know if or when it was shipped to me? It seems you're stressing about it more than I am.
4. I understand that there may be problems from time to time but since so far no one has reported this issue except for me and Praetorian, I think it's worth reporting it to the manufacturer because there may be more units out there with the same problem. I'm trying to help, not bringing the company down like you say. If it was one of the well known issues I wouldn't be bothered with it.

Sorry, but I think you're reading things between the lines that aren't there.
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The whole reason I mentioned your chronic customer service failings in the first place was because @Module 79L is still waiting for a resolution to his problem. I'm sure if he had a replacement by now he wouldn't feel compelled to be posting about his troubles here in this thread considering that it was back on January 20th when he said "I've been trying to be very civilized about this whole thing, waiting patiently and not showing my disappointment and frustration, but the silence from JooVuu's support has made my patience run out.'..... 'Sorry for being so harsh, Daniel, but patience has its limits."
Don't talk about things you don't know. My problem is solved and the fact that I didn't receive the replacement unit yet is just between me and Dan, nothing to do with you or the forum. And please, I appreciate if you let me out of your personal "war" with JooVuu.
@Dashmellow I can't let this go anymore.

I just wrote a massive piece about how hilarious, keyboard warrior, crack cocaine selling person you are but then I thought I would just do this:
Yes @JooVuu this helps your reputation. Not that we've seen you do this on other forums.

1. I didn't run into any issue with my Mobius purchase, I ran into an issue with the unit I received.
2. I'm not bringing anything up again here, I just replied to a fellow DCT member letting him know I had a similar problem.
3. Where did you see me complaining about not having received the replacement unit yet? By any chance do you know if or when it was shipped to me? It seems you're stressing more about it than I am.
4. I understand that there may be problems from time to time but since so far no one has reported this issue except for me and Praetorian, I think it's worth reporting it to the manufacturer because there may be more units out there with the same problem. I'm trying to help, not bringing the company down like you say. If it was one of the well known issues I wouldn't be bothered with it.

Sorry, but I think you're reading things between the lines that aren't there.

I've pointed out in the above post that you were complaining about your frustration and disappointment in JooVuu's silence in regard to your problem.

FWIW, the module I mentioned that was replaced for me quite some time ago had virtually the same issue. It was and is a rare but known problem.
Don't talk about things you don't know. My problem is solved and the fact that I didn't receive the replacement unit yet is just between me and Dan, nothing to do with you or the forum. And please, I appreciate if you let me out of your personal "war" with JooVuu.

I didn't make those remarks about JooVuu, you did.
FWIW, the module I mentioned that was replaced for me quite some time ago had virtually the same issue. It was and is a rare but known problem.
So, if it is a known problem why didn't anyone came forward when they read I was having the same problem? It would've make things much more easy to understand and my reaction would've been different, for sure.

I didn't make those remarks about JooVuu, you did.
That was before the problem was dealt with. Don't use what I wrote as if that complain is still valid.
So, if it is a known problem why didn't anyone came forward when they read I was having the same problem? It would've make things much more easy to understand and my reaction would've been different, for sure.

You could do a little searching. ;)

That was before the problem was dealt with. Don't use what I wrote as if that complain is still valid.

Well, you clearly purchased a Mobius from JooVuu and posted a thread about it back on January 6th. Then you said that it "nothing to do with being a recent Mobius owner, because I'm yet to be one.", which seemed a bit confusing. After that you said, "And who's fault is that? Not mine, that's for sure!

It certainly sounded as if you were left hanging by JooVuu in your comments in your other thread, when you said.....

"not showing my disappointment and frustration, but the silence from JooVuu's support has made my patience run out."

"At this point JooVuu hasn't given me any reassurance that the returning process will be dealt properly."

"At this point I'd be happy just to get some sort of reply from him about what to do next, preferably before the end of the 30 days deadline for refunds."

Then you finally said, "Yes. I got the okay to return the camera, sent it on the 25th, on the 28th received the confirmation that the package arrived there. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the confirmation of the replacement unit's shippment."

Since you haven't followed up about receiving a replacement or it even being shipped and you are still bringing up the issue here, it gives the impression that the issue was not resolved yet.

Anyway, I hope you get it sorted out I hope to hear that your new camera arrived.
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Then you finally said, "Yes. I got the okay to return the camera, sent it on the 25th, on the 28th received the confirmation that the package arrived there. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the confirmation of the replacement unit's shippment."

Since you haven't followed up about receiving a replacement or it even being shipped and you are still bringing up the issue here, it gives the impression that the issue was not resolved yet.
It doesn't mean things aren't moving. ;) If it takes the same time as the first package to arrive here, it's still within schedule.

Anyway, I hope you get it sorted out I hope to hear that your new camera arrived.
Thanks. I'm sure @Gabacho is one that's eagerly waiting to see the name Mobius written on my dashcam's list. :)
It doesn't mean things aren't moving. ;) If it takes the same time as the first package to arrive here, it's still within schedule.

Thanks. I'm sure @Gabacho is one that's eagerly waiting to see the name Mobius written on my dashcam's list. :)
Well, thanks for the dubious distinction of being mentioned in this conversation. However, as they say; I do not have a dog in this one. I certainly hope that whatever problems you are experiencing are handled swiftly, and works out for you so you can enjoy using your dash cam. As for me, any problems that I have experienced with the Mobius has generally been self induced, and drawing on published information, and help from a lot of folks on this forum everything has worked out for me.

My opinion of the Mobius is based solely on personal observation and experience, and not on hearsay. I have found it to be a great performer with excellent day and night results. Nothing is perfect, and I pay attention to what others are experiencing, but in the final analysis I make my decisions based on facts before me, and I would absolutely recommend the Mobius to anyone who is seeking a reasonably priced, stealthy, solid and firmly supported dash cam. Hope everything works out for you.
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Why dubious? You've always been a big defender and endorser of the Mobius cam and I'm sure you'd like every Mobius user to be a happy and satisfied one. That's why I mentioned you. :)
Seriously guys?!?!? Is this really about helping each other out with tech probs?

go bitchin' one another up somewhere else, where it belongs.....

Or will you fight me now as well?

Come on, step off already.... ;)
Seriously guys?!?!? Is this really about helping each other out with tech probs?

go bitchin' one another up somewhere else, where it belongs.....

Or will you fight me now as well?

Come on, step off already.... ;)
I was just trying to help someone who has the same problem I had...:oops:
If he reads everything that has been posted since his help request, at least he'll know it's a somewhat common problem and has nothing to do with the settings, therefore these last two pages weren't a complete waste of thread space, also because among those posts there's the forum pro's contribution to the matter you brought up. :)
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An update to my issues with settings resetting:

Ever since I put my lens back on (I use a lens extension) I have not seen the issue. I am thinking my lens cable was loose and caused havoc.
Recurring problem: My MOBIUS is set to record for 5min intervals. When I pull the SD card, 50% of the files (MOV) play fine (using VLC) and 50% just don't plat at all. Even though they're 500MB/each. I've copied them from Card to Hard Drive and still no luck. Any ideas?
Is anyone know what manufacturer product the mobius ? And how can I contact to them ( Can you show me their mail or their website). I want to resell mobius in Vietnam. :)
@jokiin I am using a SanDisk Ultra 64GB SDHC Card (Class 10). I've formatted it with the MOBIUS tool so it's FAT32. The MOBIUS is also on the latest firmware.
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