Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

I asked to your question. The camera is writing 18mb on each second on the SD Card when bitrate is CBR. No matter the resolution or FPS.
If the bitrate is VBR for sure the final sizes of videos will differ because in low conditions camera will offer less bitrate for every second. You can check bitrate distribution using bitrate viewer.
I think the 10mbps for 5FPS option is what developer wants or some hardware limitation. I agree too with that 10mbps value. In video encoding a bitrate over some value will not add more quality to the image so is just space wasted and the used name was QF (Quality Factor). For example a video is perfect at QF=17 (this number is just an example). If you will increase bitrate you will obtain QF=10. But on the video image you will not see any difference. For any lower value than QF=17 you are just wasting space.

Nice custom plugs. I have in my car at the windscreen dashcams zone, one permanent power with On/Off on some unused dashboard button and another power which is working only when engine running. Depending on what I want to expect from dashcam I plug the camera into the needed wired power.

I was having problems with my new Mobius. The shutter, and mode would not respond when I would push them. I reformatted the Sd card, and now everything works great. Also does Webcam mode have its own individual settings or does it use your custom settings?
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..... Also does Webcam mode have its own individual settings or does it use your custom settings?
I'm not sure if I understand your question, but webcam mode uses the Advanced Image Settings, if you have them set.
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New firmware v2.29
Auto Exposure Lock and Auto White Balance Lock

Yet another great feature has been added to firmware v2.29.
Although most likely not of much importance for dashcam users, these two new features are really exciting and work extremely well.
It’s now possible to lock both the Auto Exposure and/or the Auto White balance by pressing the Mode button for ≥ 3 seconds while the Mobius is recording or in standby.
Functionality has to be enabled by parameter setting in the normal way. It is disabled by default.
In mSetup both Locks can be separately set in the Advanced Image Settings tab. More information about these two parameters can be found in the updated manual and in the mSetup tooltips.

The new firmware also contains an additional parameter setting for the ‘C’ lens, but this setting is not yet optimized and it may be better to use the ‘B’ setting for the time being. Other small issues have also been corrected.
The firmware can be downloaded from the main RCGroups download page (at the bottom of the page) or directly from mSetup.

New Windows GUI mSetup v3.0.4.4
In addition to supporting the new features introduced in firmware v2.29 there’s a new function in the Tools dialog which allows you to increase or decrease playback speed of any existing .mov or .mp4 video. This function is not related to the Mobius or #16 but is provided as a convenience tool. It simply modifies the media atoms from the original file. The sound will not be synchronized, so the resulting video will either be too fast or too slow in relation to the sound.
Credit goes to RogerDH from RCGroups who came up with the original idea. The latest version of mSetup can be downloaded from the main Mobius download page or automatically from previous versions.

More details can be found here.
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Nice job, once again. I think this is useful for dash cams especially seeing Tom's video example
It would help keep things brighter when driving into the sun or bright light, which is a problem for a lot of dash cams.
I was thinking of running a video out cable to the A/V input of my head unit. I plan to make my own cable for this, shorting pins 4 and 5. This same cable will be used to power the Mobius. I think I read somewhere though that if video out is enabled during recording, that the auto-power off is disabled (meaning the Mobius would not shut down when I turn off the car). Is this true?
Nice job, once again. I think this is useful for dash cams especially seeing Tom's video example
It would help keep things brighter when driving into the sun or bright light, which is a problem for a lot of dash cams.
Since I'm not a dashcam user I can't comment on that. However, I would think that fumbling to (aim and) press the Mode button for three seconds is dangerous while driving.
For use outside the car I'm really, really, impressed with the new functionality. You wouldn't believe my reactions when I first saw how this worked - just fantastic, and something I wouldn't want to miss.
Since I'm not a dashcam user I can't comment on that. However, I would think that fumbling to (aim and) press the Mode button for three seconds is dangerous while driving.
For use outside the car I'm really, really, impressed with the new functionality. You wouldn't believe my reactions when I first saw how this worked - just fantastic, and something I wouldn't want to miss.
I can't wait to try this with some Timelapse video and I can't wait to get a C Lens Mobius.

I'm hoping people will have the sense to pull over first. I wish the wired remote, with the Mode button on it, that someone had created was a more put together, officially product. Though maybe I'm speaking too soon, who knows what else the developer and the team have in store for the future.
Yes, it would be awesome to have some built-in, solid plug and a wired remote for all 3 buttons. I did the mod also for the second Mobius which I'm using with lens extension, so it was much easier to pull the wires out of the case, but for the front Mobius, in order to have a clean setup, I had to do a trick using the USB plug, see post #1164 above.
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@horaceCJ do you have any more details and pics you can share on your mods?
Yes, it would be awesome to have some built-in, solid plug and a wired remote for all 3 buttons. I did the mod also for the second Mobius which I'm using with lens extension, so it was much easier to pull the wires out of the case, but for the front Mobius, in order to have a clean setup, I had to do a trick using the USB plug, see post #1164 above.
That's asking for a very large and non-standard socket, or a second socket. A standard socket is the key to success for a product like this. I've learned this from bitter experience and I would never buy a camera of any sort that I can't charge using readily available cables. But I agree, external control would be a great feature and has already been requested a few times, albeit there's been more focus on hardwiring the shutter button. If it will ever happen is anyone's guess, but I would think chances are pretty remote. I know the developer will never use proprietary sockets for the sake of adding features that will only be of interest to a small minority.
As you've found out, it's not too difficult to hardwire the buttons, but you do need pretty good DIY and soldering skills. I had missed your previous post, but admit your method is pretty ingenious.
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@horaceCJ do you have any more details and pics you can share on your mods?
Yes, this is the initial thread: Mobius remote Mode button. I added a post describing the latest implementation.
@Isoprop : I know it's a niche requirement so I wasn't expecting anything to be developed. However, if the developer adds more features accesible from buttons long press or combination (like the exposure/WB lock) then, for dashcam users at least, a remote control becomes a must-have. Thanks for everything!
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Thanks. That's some very nice work. I can't believe I missed that thread.
I was thinking of running a video out cable to the A/V input of my head unit. I plan to make my own cable for this, shorting pins 4 and 5. This same cable will be used to power the Mobius. I think I read somewhere though that if video out is enabled during recording, that the auto-power off is disabled (meaning the Mobius would not shut down when I turn off the car). Is this true?

Can someone help me with this?
I can see how the Auto Exposure Lock and Auto White Balance Lock would be a good thing for the RC people, but for the Dash Cam Market, I agree, it's not a big deal. I've been getting into Quadcopters lately, so the Mobius will have a second home or I'll have to get one for flying.
As suggested by @Isoprop, I have started a support thread for the Mobius. Here you will find useful information and support for the Mobius, as well as solutions to many situations. This is your go to guide for any questions or problems so:

Please post all support requests and problems here, do not start a new thread. Read posts #1-8 first. If you can't find your answer there then post your question or support request :D

The information found in posts #1-8 come from the RC Support Thread and is current as of Feb 12, 2014 ( The authors of this information are Tom Frank and Isoprop to whom we owe a huge Thank You for all their support of this camera and it's users.

If you find any mistakes, please send me a private message, as not to waste space here.

Hello - My new Mobius camera arrived with out an SD card. The closest store with an electronics department was out of stock on most 16gb Class 4 micro cards - the only one available was a Toshiba brand, MicorSD Class 4 so, I bought one.

When I insert this card into the Mobius and format it via the Mobius format function (initiated through the mSetup program), the camera works OK and records video, saving to a file on the SD chip which I can view if I hook the camera to my computer using the Mobius supplied USB cable.

However, if I remove the chip from the camera and insert it into the adapter card and then put that into my computer,s card reader, the computer prompts that the card needs to be formatted and fails to read anything in the card reader. If I try to format the chip using the computer's format prompt, the formatting function fails and nothing happens. I can return the chip back to the camera and continue to view the video file via USB cable.

Once these chips are Mobius formatted can they be read and viewed from the computer's card reader or are they limited to the USB cable connection?

Thanx for any info.
Hello - My new Mobius camera arrived with out an SD card. The closest store with an electronics department was out of stock on most 16gb Class 4 micro cards - the only one available was a Toshiba brand, MicorSD Class 4 so, I bought one.

When I insert this card into the Mobius and format it via the Mobius format function (initiated through the mSetup program), the camera works OK and records video, saving to a file on the SD chip which I can view if I hook the camera to my computer using the Mobius supplied USB cable.

However, if I remove the chip from the camera and insert it into the adapter card and then put that into my computer,s card reader, the computer prompts that the card needs to be formatted and fails to read anything in the card reader. If I try to format the chip using the computer's format prompt, the formatting function fails and nothing happens. I can return the chip back to the camera and continue to view the video file via USB cable.

Once these chips are Mobius formatted can they be read and viewed from the computer's card reader or are they limited to the USB cable connection?

Thanx for any info.
It's sounds as if there's something wrong with your card reader, or better said, the drivers/registry settings.
If the card reader still doesn't work after you power down/up your computer (I hope you're not using Windows 8.x) then try it on another computer or try another card reader.
When you format your card in the Mobius it should always be recognized when used in any card reader.
It's sounds as if there's something wrong with your card reader, or better said, the drivers/registry settings.
If the card reader still doesn't work after you power down/up your computer (I hope you're not using Windows 8.x) then try it on another computer or try another card reader.
When you format your card in the Mobius it should always be recognized when used in any card reader.

OK - Thanks for the reply. I suspect it must be a driver problem. Other SD cards I use in my digital cameras work without a problem -I think they are all Scandisk cards. This problem card is the only Toshiba I have. I've ordered some Kingston cards - that will probably solve the problem. Thanx again.