Next version of Mobius?

could be wrong but I thought they said no WiFi
Ah nothing about it on the SoC datasheet - that probably explains why! In that case maybe scripts could be run from the memory card at boot up - I guess something is on there via USB to talk to the new version of m2setup or whatever it will be called :)
it could certainly find a different kind of user base if someone starts compiling their own firmware, would love to see something open source and see what's possible with some abstract thinking
it could certainly find a different kind of user base if someone starts compiling their own firmware, would love to see something open source and see what's possible with some abstract thinking

Hey, that would be very cool! How about doing that with the SG9665GC too? ;)
Open source and modding have made a lot of cool things, and thats for both software and hardware.

Just saw some one have found a way to run Steam on a PS4, and that just open up the PS4 console to a whole lot more gaming fun.

OK troops, here's the scoop.

The M2 is scheduled to be released for sale on the developer's two direct sale China eBay web sites (see post #2 here) this Thursday, May 26 for US $89!.

I will be populating a new thread (the one that's already been mentioned as "Under Construction") over the next several days. I will be keeping the thread closed except while I'm adding the new post info because many questions will be answered in those first handful of info posts when they are done, and I don't have time to field questions, many of which will be answered when I'm done. So please, do not try to squeeze in posts when I'm working until I change the thread title to show it's true colors.

Here is a quick peek at the camera's main differences from the Mobius a user will first see when the get the camera. This is a very long download, so just view this one on the host site. it's good enough for what this video intended to show. Much more info and details will be posted in my new thread over the next week off and on, so please monitor that thread for more info for the near term.

Until then, here is a link to a clip you can download to view the camera's native video with the release FW. Do not view the clip on the file transfer page... you will be disappointed since it drastically degrades the native 1080p-60 fps video by it's severe compression of the native file's 42,000 mbps bit rate. You may not even be able to play this native clip smoothly on your PC hardware! On my new higher end system, WMP plays the clips smoothest, with MPV-HC player next (with an occasion skip that looks like a dropped file, but the video has no dropped files if you look at it frame by frame. VLC is the worse, and chokes frequently with blotched gray-scale images regularly occurring through the video.

You will also see the FW is still not perfected, with a nasty WB shift that comes and goes. This is still in the process of being controlled, but the developer felt it was time to get this out for more user experience and feedback since we've been working to make things right for about a year and a half now!

you will also notice in the first 10 seconds or so some dark vertical "waves" moving down the frame. These are NOT camera or electrical interference problems, but rather shadow or reflection artifacts of the props on the quad that was carrying the camera when it's pointing at just the right (wrong, actually) orientation relative to the sun. These disappear as the quad rotates away from the sun angle.

I hope you find the wait for the M2 to be worth while, even if you still have to wait a bit more for full functionality to be finished.


Last edited by Tom Frank; Today at 09:44 PM. Reason: added tip to view unboxing on the host site
Dang Dropbox temporarily blocked the account for generating too much traffic :))

Comments in Blue...
Originally Posted by North_of_49
Plays fine in VLC on my new Skylake system

Hmmm... the sample clip plays OK with VLC on my (Skylake also) PC. It must vary with different clips, or maybe the one I had problems with was using the HEVC (h.265) codec rather than AVC? Yep (just checked)... VLC wasn't good with HEVC playback.

some observations...

Was hoping to see an improvement in dynamic range for less over-contrasty
image at mid day. I don't see one.
Different users will have different opinions, so that's why more user feedback is good. I thought earlier version showed a washed out image in many bright scenes. A little contrasty just looks better to my eye than washed out. After much testing I just don't see that much difference in the dynamic range of the imager in the M2 compare to the M1.

This clip has way too much digital sharpening on it.
I gave feed back on having a little too much sharpening, but I do like some sharpening rather than too little and having to do sharpening in post with every clip (as well as re-encoding time).

unrelated but related, did you intend for the unboxing video download to be 3.52GB? Says it will take over an hour to download on broadband.
It was shot using the same camera config settings as the video IQ sample. In retrospect, I could have shot this with much lower bit rate if it had crossed my mind. But this one can be viewed on the site since it was not intended to be an IQ demo. I either had to reshoot the whole thing at a lower bit rate, or re-encode it (taking as much time for me), and I was tired after working on this stuff most of the day. Thanks for the alert... I added a note in my original thread to just view the unboxing on the host site..
Thanks for posting, Tom.
Dang Dropbox temporarily blocked the account for generating too much traffic :))

Comments in Blue...
Originally Posted by North_of_49
Plays fine in VLC on my new Skylake system

Hmmm... the sample clip plays OK with VLC on my (Skylake also) PC. It must vary with different clips, or maybe the one I had problems with was using the HEVC (h.265) codec rather than AVC? Yep (just checked)... VLC wasn't good with HEVC playback.

some observations...

Was hoping to see an improvement in dynamic range for less over-contrasty
image at mid day. I don't see one.
Different users will have different opinions, so that's why more user feedback is good. I thought earlier version showed a washed out image in many bright scenes. A little contrasty just looks better to my eye than washed out. After much testing I just don't see that much difference in the dynamic range of the imager in the M2 compare to the M1.

This clip has way too much digital sharpening on it.
I gave feed back on having a little too much sharpening, but I do like some sharpening rather than too little and having to do sharpening in post with every clip (as well as re-encoding time).

unrelated but related, did you intend for the unboxing video download to be 3.52GB? Says it will take over an hour to download on broadband.
It was shot using the same camera config settings as the video IQ sample. In retrospect, I could have shot this with much lower bit rate if it had crossed my mind. But this one can be viewed on the site since it was not intended to be an IQ demo. I either had to reshoot the whole thing at a lower bit rate, or re-encode it (taking as much time for me), and I was tired after working on this stuff most of the day. Thanks for the alert... I added a note in my original thread to just view the unboxing on the host site..
Thanks for posting, Tom.

I'm surprised they didn't send out test version for user feedback before officially going on sale. I thought that's how it usually works.
Dang Dropbox temporarily blocked the account for generating too much traffic :))
Drop box for free accounts (which I'm assuming Tom has) has a 20gb limit per day. Considering the unboxing video is 3.5gb it's not gonna take long before he hits the limit ;)
Not sure if that's saying the M2 native quality for 1080/60 is 42Mbps but if so bloody hell! It will be quite interesting to see the raw clips to see how they look here.
I never really got unboxing videos but my daughter is addicted to surprise eggs videos which are basically kids unboxing videos.

There are unboxing videos of everything these days

Not sure if that's saying the M2 native quality for 1080/60 is 42Mbps but if so bloody hell! It will be quite interesting to see the raw clips to see how they look here.
This chipset can support high bit-rate, their 4K chipset even can go up to 80-100Mbps.