Panorama X2 Beta firmware 1.02.05 & 1.02.07 news

Your the first one to report a problem so far. What make model size cards? Maybe the fuse holder is loose or some other strange intermittent wiring problem.
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Your the first one to report a problem so far. What make model size cards? Maybe the fuse holder is loose or some other strange intermittent wiring problem.

I am using two of these cards
I dont think its a wiring issue as i previously had the bdp and timer off as it was causing lockups/card errrors. I still had lockups but maybe once a week. Definitely not as frequent when i have the bdp stuff on.
Ill try that. When i installed the beta firmware, i used the format tool built into the cam after formatting.

Ok thanks, If you could please try formatting the cards fat32 from my previous post and let us know your findings. This will help rule out one other thing still being investigated.
I've had similar freezing up problems in previous builds. So far so good with this beta. Shutdowns from voltage drops on startups with parking mode still on are also gone.
so the problem of using transcend card will it be fix with the upcoming firmaware???
I used the transcand card with 1.01.09 and i still have the problem of hang and no respond.
Correct power control now seems good, there are some rare exFAT file system things happening in certain cards such as Transcend 64GB. Going back to FAT32 seems solid. We have a complete diagnostics thanks to Reverend and dev's are on the case.
Correct power control now seems good, there are some rare exFAT file system things happening in certain cards such as Transcend 64GB. Going back to FAT32 seems solid. We have a complete diagnostics thanks to Reverend and dev's are on the case.
so i hope it will be fix in this 1.02.05 dose not make sense that the card that bundle with the camera dose not work
if we format to fat32. what settings do we use in the cam. how long record time .
Ok, first problem on this beta. Found X2 stuck on with a logo on the display this morning. I guess the shutdown should've been triggered by BDP, since I've had several days to run down the battery charge from all the driving I did with X2 in 'drive only' mode before I flashed this calibration. It was set to 12.4V/6HR recording.

More weirdly, after disconnecting power for several seconds to make it shut-off, the X2 started from just battery power, w/o me even inserting the key into ignition. Had to yank the power cable again, next time it didn't start w/o ignition on.
Ok, first problem on this beta. Found X2 stuck on with a logo on the display this morning.

I can confirm this has happened to me twice also with BETA firmware. I'd been meaning to let you guys know but been very hectic lately...
Are you guys using exFat or FAT32? Once I reformatted to FAT32 on Monday I have had zero issues w/ timer at 6 hours and BDP at 12.4volts. So far so good, but I would still like to keep testing for a few more days. Another thing that seems to be resolved is that the time to record upon bootup seems to be happening in a matter of a few seconds instead of a minute with prior firmwares.
I'm using FAT32...
However, both cards were formatted using the X2, so shouldn't they be using exFat ?
I'm using FAT32...
However, both cards were formatted using the X2, so shouldn't they be using exFat ?

Try manually formatting your cards FAT32 via this app.

Pop them back into the camera (DON'T FORMAT IN THE CAMERA) and let them record FAT32 several days and report back.

If you format 64GB or 128GB cards in the X2 they will be formated back to exFAT.
I'm confused... my cards WERE formatted in the camera, but are still FAT32 ... AFAIK, i have always recorded with FAT32...
32GB cards (SDHC) will always be FAT32 (in any camera that formats them)
64GB and 128GB cards (SDXC) will be formated exFAT in the X2