Panorama X2 Beta firmware 1.02.05 & 1.02.07 news

I just copied a bunch of parking mode video files to my hard drive, and RegistratorViewer still refuses to speed play at anything different than normal speed.

When I first got the X2, RegistratorViewer would inconsistently speed play for me. But all recent attempts have failed.

But in order to have content to play, the X2 1.02.05 / 633x 128GB issues need to be solved (or at least understood enough to work around until there is a solution).

I guess I'll resort to daily in-cam formatting in the interim to see how that does.
That thing with changing speed I think is a bug in the way RV groups files - I found that if I ungrouped what it groups automatically, ensure that any parking mode files are removed and then group it again it works.

Not sure why, but that seems to sort it for me. Likewise I can't save a segment if it's a mixture of parking and normal videos as they're tagged slightly differently.
Those Lexar supplied adapters are hit and miss for me - I've got to admit I keep falling back to my old brick like Kingston USB 3.0 adapter. I keep meaning to try one of those Transcend ones too.

The Lexar adapters work better if I don't put the card all the way in though - I'm guessing they've fixed that now but if not something to keep an eye out for :)
The Lexar adapters work better if I don't put the card all the way in though - I'm guessing they've fixed that now but if not something to keep an eye out for :)

main problem we had with our MicroSD readers is the card doesn't go all the way in and then you end up munching it when trying to plug it into the port, it's not so much that we've had issues with them being faulty but the design means it's easy to break them by pushing the card too far, main reason why we've changed to the OTG readers now, not as small but far more solid
Just reporting in as I've had the beta a few weeks now. More stable, but experiencing lockups (black screen, no response) on a regular basis, especially today (4 today).
The transcend 64 x300 that came with your bundle

It boots and locks up just after the audio tone permanently now
The transcend 64 x300 that came with your bundle

It boots and locks up just after the audio tone permanently now

If you are going above 32GB, those 64GB 300x transcend TLC based cards are no longer recommended. (see previous few pages of posts) The new recommended card is Lexar 633x MLC based memory card. Luckily the prices of come way way down on these MLC cards recently. You're still under warranty, I think I'll just help you get the Lexar cards.
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Those lockups are usually always filesystem related - if you ever notice the X2 starting to act odd it's usually worth pulling the cards and running them through chkdsk on a PC or Disk Utility on a Mac and they'll show filesystem issues. As @Dionic90 formats every day it's probably why he never sees these sorts of issues.

I'm running the X2 with 64GB Lexar cards formatted as FAT32 to see if I can replicate the issue that I see with exFAT but so far no sign of that reoccurring - it's out of the car at the moment though after I had the windscreen replaced and I haven't half missed it this weekend!
Got my replacement 633x card from amazon on Saturday. Checked it with h2testw and all was fine. Put it in the camera, formatted it and noticed that it had switched to rear view last night and got stuck finishing off its parking mode recording. I had to change view for it to sort itself out again
Maybe try formatting them FAT32, @reverend has been running his FAT32 with good results, not as convenient as in camera formatting but I think stability is a priority over convenience
Yeah so far it's been good for me - I'm doing it more to try and replicate another issue but FAT32 seems to last longer than exFAT without the insert card error which is when the boot record gets corrupted by something as yet unknown.
I'll give it a go. Has anyone noticed that it takes a noticeable amount longer to start recording from boot on the 64gb 633x cards than the transcend 300x? I can't say I've noticed any difference in switching from Parking to drive mode or vice versa though
I'll give it a go. Has anyone noticed that it takes a noticeable amount longer to start recording from boot on the 64gb 633x cards than the transcend 300x? I can't say I've noticed any difference in switching from Parking to drive mode or vice versa though
I've definitely noticed this with my new 128GB 633x cards. It takes a minute+ from showing the screen to after boot until it starts recording. Here is what I see:
  1. Start the X2
  2. Finish booting, shows video
  3. The screen is unresponsive to touch, the clock at the bottom is running, but the record time at the top is blank (no numbers)
  4. After about a minute, the record time shows a time in white (recording hasn't started) and the touch screen is responsive again
  5. Switch to rear camera, record time is blank
  6. After another 30 seconds to a minute, recording starts
  7. Normal operation from then on
I ran a chkdsk which fixed some errors but didn't improve the time to start recording. Ran h2testw but everything came back fine with expected performance numbers. I'm going to format to FAT32 next to see how that goes.
Yes, 128GB 633x cards are not MLC I'm afraid. (only 64GB ones are) I think @Dionic90 uses some higher spec/speed 128GB Sandisk cards with very good results.

Next firmware update news: (This should help smooth things out as deeper file system level things are looked into.)

[6:11:29 PM] S.M Jang: I will add auto reboot if any memory problem occurs.

I think @reverend found that only the 64GB cards are MLC, the 128GB might be TLC

I just ordered 2 of the lexars. My transcend front card just died on me today (locked in a readonly mode). It almost had a good 6 months on it.