Panorama X2 firmware 1.02.03 (Rear Parking mode camera recording enhanced / Stability Improved)

I've found a way to trip up the software...
1) ignition off and in parking mode
2) press the settings button and watch a recorded video
3) turn the ignition on whilst playing and return to the recording screen
4) the X2 thinks it's still in parking mode and doesn't record

Can anyone else reproduce this?

any repeatable bug is gold when doing firmware fixes, makes life so much easier than random problems
Further update on the bug I found earlier. I managed to reproduce it again and again with no issues. I was gonna video it to show you, but my phone battery was almost dead and it wouldn't let me. I then formatted the cards and Hey presto, the issue has gone.

What did happen was (after formatting) when I was playing back a video and turned on the ignition, the camera jumped straight to recording in drive mode....Is this as expected?
I think so mate, mine starts straight into recording when starting the car - if it doesn't it's either usually a delay while it's charging the capacitors (as the X2 never actually tells you it is unlike the other Panorama cameras I assume that's what it does when it sits and pauses for a few seconds) or it's the early warnings you've got a hosed filesystem on the card.
It has bugs. I tought that being hardwired is the problem so i plugged it into the cig lighter to see how it will be, and again freezes randomly. I have to disconnect it from the power and than connect to start again. One day is working ok , and on the next one freezes again. It has black screen like there is no power at all.
Keep the reports coming, there is a long holiday overseas right now so we won't see any updates for awhile though. As a test please try to disable power monitoring as dionic90 operates with zero issues. . If you do need to have it on don't go below 12.4. Swap cards and format both often as well. I'm confident further debugging will result in identifying the final bug that is causing the intermittent problems for some.
I disabled the cutoff and I've had no shutdown or startup issues since then. Only the switching I mentioned yesterday which was fixed with a card format
The Automatic Exposure Control / EV seems to be tuned for the details on the road rather than up in the bright sky. The windows are reflecting the sun right into the lens. There has to be a better way, hmmm.

Here's an update on the Power Control:

[3:30:55 PM] Jon: The customers that have X2 lockup/freeze problems report the X2 is totally stable when they turn Power Mode, Power Control to OFF. They only have problems once they turn it on.

[3:31:35 PM] Jon: So the root of all problems is the Power Control it seems

[3:33:34 PM] S.M Jang: Ok, after holiday, I will see power control

[3:34:11 PM] Jon: very good sounds like a plan
Nice one Jon..... Can you please push for the logging?

[3:40:43 PM] Jon: Is it possible to add logging/debug to X2 so customers can see what the current voltage was at once cut-off occurs and other information? (maybe write a txt file on the card?) Or maybe even show a live voltage reading on the screen while in parking mode. I'm not sure what the SDK/current code base is capable of.

[3:41:17 PM] S.M Jang: It's holidays

[3:41:45 PM] Jon: Not now of course, just curious if logging is possible in the future

[3:41:55 PM] Jon: It can help us troubleshoot and provide good info
So far, since I installed 1.02.03 last Thursday, I have had no issues with the camera and I am using the parking mode set at 12.4v. One thing I have noticed, which I don't fully understand, is that there is a delay from when I start the car and when the camera actually starts recording. When I initially formatted after upgrading the firmware the recording was almost instantaneous. After driving a bit and filling up the card there is about a minute delay from when the camera boots up (Yellow dot) and it actually records (Red dot). I am using 2 64GB cards. Anyone else experiencing this behavior? Is the delay less with smaller cards like 32GB?
There will be a delay and it won't always be the same amount of delay, it will vary depending on the current state of charge of the super capacitors
The camera is still way oversaturated when the sun is out.
I agree with this. I've tried the CPL and an ND2 over the top. I think its worse with the CPL so I'm going to try a modification so that there is just an ND2 on its own.
I'd also like to get the rear cam not working in parking mode issue sorted after the holidays please.
I agree with this. I've tried the CPL and an ND2 over the top. I think its worse with the CPL so I'm going to try a modification so that there is just an ND2 on its own.
Have you got any footage with the ND2 filter please? I meant to try one but never got around to ordering one!
So far, since I installed 1.02.03 last Thursday, I have had no issues with the camera and I am using the parking mode set at 12.4v. One thing I have noticed, which I don't fully understand, is that there is a delay from when I start the car and when the camera actually starts recording. When I initially formatted after upgrading the firmware the recording was almost instantaneous. After driving a bit and filling up the card there is about a minute delay from when the camera boots up (Yellow dot) and it actually records (Red dot). I am using 2 64GB cards. Anyone else experiencing this behavior? Is the delay less with smaller cards like 32GB?

Well knock on wood. Today, was driving at night and all of a sudden I could no longer interact with the main unit. It was unresponsive, like it froze up. When I arrived at my destination, I turned my car off and back on and the unit powered up with no issues. However, in the time it was unresponsive there were no recordings. I'm going to disable parking mode voltage cutoff for now as other members seem to see that resolving a lot of the glitches.
Well knock on wood. Today, was driving at night and all of a sudden I could no longer interact with the main unit. It was unresponsive, like it froze up. When I arrived at my destination, I turned my car off and back on and the unit powered up with no issues. However, in the time it was unresponsive there were no recordings. I'm going to disable parking mode voltage cutoff for now as other members seem to see that resolving a lot of the glitches.
On mine the parking mode is disabled and still does what you just explained. Freezes up, the screen unresponsive, no video during that time, once turn the engine off and than on again works. It seams something triggers the main unit to turn off.
On mine the parking mode is disabled and still does what you just explained. Freezes up, the screen unresponsive, no video during that time, once turn the engine off and than on again works. It seams something triggers the main unit to turn off.
Are you sure you have it hooked up to your car properly? I had this issue and had to mess around with where the wires were connected to.

Another issue I had was that the cables were being bashed whenever I closed the glove box coz they were installed right behind it.... Maybe check something like that?