
Each mount has their pro's and con's and this is where I'll be asking every tester and reseller their opinion. We cannot get a mount which everyone will love which is why different mounts will be available.



OK, so here's my opinion.

I've been looking forward to the release of this camera with great anticipation. I was hoping (and expecting) a new camera that has received this level of attention to detail would also provide a versatile mount rather than having to immediately start looking around for an aftermarket solution after purchase. In fact, how could it be that a dedicated dash camera of this caliber and price point isn't supplied with a mount in the first place? It does sound from your earlier posts like buyers will need to go out and buy a mount to go with the camera. Is that assumption correct? When I purchased my SG9665GC for example, it came with everything (and more) in the box that I could possibly need to get up and running without needing to look elsewhere. It even came with a quality 32GB micr0-SD card. Although the camera is not exactly cheap, there was the feeling of receiving value for the money spent and no need to buy anything else to be in operation. (Yes, it is a camera that has an integral mount but it came with everything else one might need for mounting tasks, including an alternative thick mounting plate and even a string to aid removal - along with replacement adhesive.)

As I said earlier, the ability to adjust for a level horizon is vital for many of us. As a long time, experienced dash cam user currently running four cameras it is an absolute requirement, especially for those of us who are unable for various reasons to mount a camera in the center of a curved front windscreen but also in other locations on many vehicles.

Dan, in a previous discussion about a mount for the JooVuu-X you stated, "We have a design that we believe could be a game change for mounts.". You also said that you don't having the funds at the moment to put such a mount into production. Hopefully, we'll see it come to fruition sometime soon.

In the meantime, many of us would welcome a small discreet adhesive mount with a ball joint similar to the one you are offering us here. How expensive or difficult could putting out such a product be? Based on all the commentary and DIY projects I've seen here on DCT over the last two years I'm confident that a small, multi-axis mount would sell very well. Obviously, I believe the JooVuu-X should be supplied with such a mount but if JooVuu were to make one available I'd be more than happy to buy them separately and I'll bet others would too. The "game changer" mount could come later.
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Yes as Jokin says it is in line with the power cable...this is not the best image but this is it...quite tidy actually
Thanks Chris. Hmm - Yup, I agree very tidy but that'll make hard-wiring it in a bit of a chore.
OK, so here's my opinion.

I've been looking forward to the release of this camera with great anticipation. I was hoping (and expecting) a new camera that has received this level of attention to detail would also provide a versatile mount rather than having to immediately start looking around for an aftermarket solution after purchase. In fact, how could it be that a dedicated dash camera of this caliber and price point isn't supplied with a mount in the first place? It does sound from your earlier posts like buyers will need to go out and buy a mount to go with the camera. Is that assumption correct? When I purchased my SG9665GC for example, it came with everything (and more) in the box that I could possibly need to get up and running without needing to look elsewhere. It even came with a quality 32GB micr0-SD card. Although the camera is not exactly cheap, there was the feeling of receiving value for the money spent and no need to buy anything else to be in operation. (Yes, it is a camera that has an integral mount but it came with everything else one might need for mounting tasks, including an alternative thick mounting plate and even a string to aid removal - along with replacement adhesive.)

As I said earlier, the ability to adjust for a level horizon is vital for many of us. As a long time, experienced dash cam user currently running four cameras it is an absolute requirement, especially for those of us who are unable for various reasons to mount a camera in the center of a curved front windscreen but also in other locations on many vehicles.

Dan, in a previous discussion about a mount for the JooVuu-X you stated, "We have a design that we believe could be a game change for mounts.". You also said that you don't having the funds at the moment to put such a mount into production. Hopefully, we'll see it come to fruition sometime soon.

In the meantime, many of us would welcome a small discreet adhesive mount with a ball joint similar to the one you are offering us here. How expensive or difficult could putting out such a product be? Based on all the commentary and DIY projects I've seen here on DCT over the last two years I'm confident that a small, multi-axis mount would sell very well. Obviously, I believe the JooVuu-X should be supplied with such a mount but if JooVuu were to make one available I'd be more than happy to buy them separately and I'll bet others would too. The "game changer" mount could come later.

I understand your concerns, that why I have made it abundantly clear that this is not final, we're still shopping around - I do not just listen to my opinion but that of DCT and the testers and resellers. I could provide the best mount in the world but it also has to be sellable and hit a lot of requirements which is fine but I'm not rushing this decision nor just going with one, I have been guided a lot by data so far and I'll continue that trend.

Regarding the accessory, it's still on track, it gets the camera within millimeters or the windscreen (it can help to reduce reflections a bit but not a huge amount) however it only really has one axis, which if people feel so strongly against we need to go back to the drawing board and make corresponding modifications. This mount would also only be specific to the JooVuu X which is also limiting in itself.

If I had piles upon piles of cash I could take far more risks and really push things I wanted, sadly, literally every cent is counted (I'm currently $508.82 over budget) and as such I have to strike a balance between, what the community wants and what is currently feasible. In an ideal world I could release this camera with an exclusive brand new mount - I can't. Everything is a game of weighing up but at the same time we are acutely aware of what we need to do. I'm hoping this camera can deliver as if it does, we can come swinging out the blocks with a raft of accessories.

Kind regards,

Thanks Chris. Hmm - Yup, I agree very tidy but that'll make hard-wiring it in a bit of a chore.

We have this completed (again just money) for a hardwire kit with GPS built in.

Kind regards,

I understand your concerns, that why I have made it abundantly clear that this is not final, we're still shopping around - I do not just listen to my opinion but that of DCT and the testers and resellers. I could provide the best mount in the world but it also has to be sellable and hit a lot of requirements which is fine but I'm not rushing this decision nor just going with one, I have been guided a lot by data so far and I'll continue that trend.

Regarding the accessory, it's still on track, it gets the camera within millimeters or the windscreen (it can help to reduce reflections a bit but not a huge amount) however it only really has one axis, which if people feel so strongly against we need to go back to the drawing board and make corresponding modifications. This mount would also only be specific to the JooVuu X which is also limiting in itself.

If I had piles upon piles of cash I could take far more risks and really push things I wanted, sadly, literally every cent is counted (I'm currently $508.82 over budget) and as such I have to strike a balance between, what the community wants and what is currently feasible. In an ideal world I could release this camera with an exclusive brand new mount - I can't. Everything is a game of weighing up but at the same time we are acutely aware of what we need to do. I'm hoping this camera can deliver as if it does, we can come swinging out the blocks with a raft of accessories.

Kind regards,


Thanks for your reply Dan. I appreciate the challenges you face trying to develop a quality product like this.

In light of my thinking that a proper dash cam mount requires the ability to adjust (even slightly) for a level horizon axis I hope you will be able to incorporate this capability into any "game changer" design you intend to introduce. It would be interesting to hear from other members or perhaps do a poll to see how people feel about their own need or desire for a horizontal axis adjustment on a dash cam mount. At least for me, due to the nature of my vehicle I've found it to be more or less a deal breaker unless I can achieve at least a close to level horizon in my footage.
Hang on a Sec, with offered (sticky) mount you do get two axis (vertical- screen angle; horizontal- on camera-bolt) adjustments and by looking at it, lense will be quite close to the screen.... More or less what's required, no?
Hang on a Sec, with offered (sticky) mount you do get two axis (vertical- screen angle; horizontal- on camera-bolt) adjustments and by looking at it, lense will be quite close to the screen.... More or less what's required, no?

The mount Dan linked to in response to @Gabacho's question, "could you also post a picture, or alternatively, a description of the type of mounts available?" provides for vertically tilting the camera up and down and turning it left or right. It doesn't provide for adjusting the horizontal camera axis.


Knuckles will do horizontal adjustment
The mount Dan linked to in response to @Gabacho's question, "could you also post a picture, or alternatively, a description of the type of mounts available?" provides for vertically tilting the camera up and down and turning it left or right. It doesn't provide for adjusting the horizontal camera axis.

View attachment 17501

This looks like a perfect mount for me.

Knuckles will do horizontal adjustment


You don't seem to understand what I am talking about.
I am referring to the ability to adjust the orientation of the camera's FOV level to the horizon, not turning it left or right.
Those "knuckles" are intended to secure the left/right position of the camera on the tripod mount or supplied plate.

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And dimensional 3'rd axis(rotating lens in housing), including as per your post is variable too ;)
( thus would be issue mounting on one side, not the centre of the windscreen)
And dimensional 3'rd axis(rotating lens in housing), including as per your post is variable too ;)
( thus would be issue mounting on one side, not the centre of the windscreen)

What? How exactly would you propose adjusting this lens housing horizontally several degrees? How is a square module housing in a slot "variable"?

Your logic here from the start seems to not make any sense plus now all of a sudden you've gone from "knuckles" to adjusting a square lens module housing.
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(...ever so many times you are coming accros as if you after else (not info or discussion, where, on this forum I avoid such for now and still) )

"Knuckles" will allow screw to end up positioned at a approx 15 degrees angle increments horizontally, no?
As for adjustment horizontal axis (not angle)- perhaps you could be correct or not as I don't have camera connected to say for sure, but might be 180 degrees or nothing.


  • Screenshot_2015-10-02-20-23-52.png
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.....In light of my thinking that a proper dash cam mount requires the ability to adjust (even slightly) for a level horizon axis...........due to the nature of my vehicle I've found it to be more or less a deal breaker unless I can achieve at least a close to level horizon in my footage.

My thoughts are the same as yours. The last few weeks I have been following @JooVuu X closely, anticipating that it could be a superior replacement for one of my cams, but without a current multi-way adjustment it would cause me to just sit it out and wait until either a multi-adjustable mount becomes available, or I can source one at a reasonable price.

That's not to say I won't buy a JooVuu X, nor that I would definitely buy one even if it had a perfect mount. But the proposed mount has dropped the chances of me buying one now.

A mount is only a small percentage of the total value of the cam, but can make or break the cam's usefulness.
Hi @2000rpm
The mount we are using is unfortunately about 5.3cm so we may have to keep looking.

Size isn't essential - just useful. None of my current cams have a mount less than about 4.5cm and most are more like 5-6cm.

....I've been trying the 'magnetic sticky back' and it's fantastic. Genuinely fantastic.......

I would be concerned it wouldn't hold well enough during a collision. Happy to be proven wrong though. Have you tried its resilience with several 'emergency stops'? (and don't sue me if the magnet flies off and punches a hole through your windscreen! :D )
Size isn't essential - just useful. None of my current cams have a mount less than about 4.5cm and most are more like 5-6cm.

I would be concerned it wouldn't hold well enough during a collision. Happy to be proven wrong though. Have you tried its resilience with several 'emergency stops'? (and don't sue me if the magnet flies off and punches a hole through your windscreen! :D )

Did an emergency break (my passenger was not impressed) -didn't budge. We might be getting closer to a winner here...
Did an emergency break (my passenger was not impressed) -didn't budge. We might be getting closer to a winner here...

Could the magnet have side effects on components in the cam, or components in nearby devices in the car (satnav, phones, radio etc)?
I like both the mount and the GPS form-factors. But I do see where there's no 3rd axis (rotating to horizontal) available which would be useful if it were mounted in the corner of a curved windshield etc. However that won't be an issue for most users. And those needing a special mount have plenty to choose from with the "tripod" thread interface so not a big deal, unlike those cams which have only one mounting mode (some SG models) which prevents my using them because of my specialized needs.

Could the magnet have side effects on components in the cam, or components in nearby devices in the car (satnav, phones, radio etc)?

Not tested but will test. I can do rudimentary testing but I'll have to get Emma to do proper testing in China at our hardware team's factory as they have a lot of equipment for this. Also the first rough draft of the manual is almost done ;)

