
A good mount matters. The more versatile the mount, the easier it is to find a good place on the windscreen, especially modern curved windscreens where mounts often need a bit of fine-adjusting to get the cam level and make it look nice and neat.
We take care to tuck wires away, so why shouldn't we take care to make the cam look nice, neat and level?
If a mount doesn't have the ability to level the horizon, it must at least be suction so I can remove and re-fit to adjust its position until I'm happy with it. An adhesive mount is difficult to remove and re-fit to the windscreen if the initial positioning wasn't right.
An adhesive mount with no horizontal levelling is a big deterrent to buying. A suction mount with no horizontal levelling is not a problem.
Everyone has a different vehicle, different needs, different installation requirements and different preferences. Some prefer a versatile mount that can adjust for any situation, while to some it is of little concern or perhaps they don't have the need for the horizontal axis adjustment. Maybe they just don't have a desire for a level horizon in their videos as is the usual and customary practice in good videography. Either preference is fine.

When I suggested that other members voice their preference (or not) for a horizontal tilt adjustable mount for the JooVuu-X, I certainly expected to hear both sides of the coin. While it is one thing to state that one has no need for a horizontal axis adjustment, it is lamentable when the poster feels the need to disparage anyone who's preference or needs differ from theirs by referring to the opposite view as "nonsense".

I really think you have hit upon something this time and find myself agreeing with you.. :eek::eek::eek::eek::D

I understand that some are quite happy to compensate a tilted image on their computer screen by packing the screen up on one side, but as I don't subscribe to mens magazines for packing my screen I prefer a mount that I can get a level image from..:D

Is one available as a £20 extra at a "later date" !!!!
One mount is not going to please everyone, nor will several, so as a manufacturer all a person can do is try to please the largest group of buyers. And there are those like me who almost never leave something alone, but who either DIY or customize to get what we feel is optimum for our individual needs. The mount offered seems sturdy and compact which I like, but would be less so if another section was added to give it that "third axis" motion. To expect a manufacturer to include a mount that will work for everyone is totally unrealistic, so perhaps the best approach would be to offer a variety as separate items or none at all so the end user can do whatever they want.

In the end, if you want "perfect" you're probably going to have to make it yourself because your "perfect" is different than mine, and that's how it should be.

And how about let's end the bashing? I'm not enjoying it and I doubt many others are either :(

...One mount is not going to please everyone....

Of all the mounts on the several cams I currently have, the single-axis-adjustment, adhesive mount proposed for the JooVuu X is the worst, which is a pity because I expect the JooVuu X cam itself would be the best of all my cams, if I had a JooVuu X.
It's disappointing to have the limited mount adjustment and inability to reposition the mount if I don't get it right first time (or at most second time).
At least the adhesive mount with my Transcend came with a ball-and-socket to allow all-direction adjustment. Plus it has the option of a hinge-with-ball-and-socket suction mount which can be bought for a fiver.

....And how about let's end the bashing? I'm not enjoying it and I doubt many others are either :(....

Bashing? I see it as helping @JooVuu develop a better product. I would like to see JooVuu X do well. I think you'll find most people would prefer a non-permanent suction mount with multi-directional adjustment.
Of all the mounts on the several cams I currently have, the single-axis-adjustment, adhesive mount proposed for the JooVuu X is the worst, which is a pity because I expect the JooVuu X cam itself would be the best of all my cams, if I had a JooVuu X.
It's disappointing to have the limited mount adjustment and inability to reposition the mount if I don't get it right first time (or at most second time).
For my car the small one with the sticky pad would be perfect.
I think Joovuu should include a decent suction mount with ball joint. This should be a good start for everyone.
If you need something specific, you can always get it after...

I would actually prefer that everything is extra. This way we can all create our own bundles.

Hey everyone,
Thanks for the feedback. Quite a bit of reading for a Sunday night, but had a read over it and made some notes.

I think this magnetic mount is pretty darn good so I think we'll be going with that, we're very impressed with it and seems to hit everyones needs.

@lacibaci it's hard to do that for packaging and transport sadly but options may become available. This is our first time for a camera and as such I'm taking this simple to avoid problems, then once I'm comfortable expanding etc and we can do more complicated things etc. At the moment I want to crawl/walk rather than run/spring.


So, I never expected that a discussion about the desire for a simple mount that can tilt on a horizontal axis would be described as nonsense or erupt into such a kerfuffle. I apologize for my part in the distraction that followed. The upshot was that I never quite got to conclude the discussion I was trying to initiate in the first place, which was to talk about how many of us would welcome a small discreet, adhesive mount with a ball joint similar to the small adhesive two axis mount JooVuu already sells.

I'm sure all of us who are considering the purchase of the JooVuu-X are interested in a stealthy windshield mount to complement the stealthy nature of the camera itself. Clearly, from the commentary many people would like to have a small mount that is adjustable on any axis and as versatile as possible, along with being highly secure on the glass, no matter what kind of abrupt shock our vehicles may encounter..

Currently, there is really only one small adhesive-attached tripod style dash cam mount on the market, a generic from China. It was designed for the average rectangular box shaped Chinese dash cam that has been on the market since the early days but it is much too tall to achieve the kind of stealthiness many of us are after and the base is too wide for some. As a result the camera hangs down too low from the mount and ends up being far more visible than it really needs to be. Such a mount was never designed for a small stealthy, matchbox shaped dash cam along the lines of a Mobius, C3 or the JooVuu-X. Nevertheless, it's virtually the only choice if you want a small adhesive backed mount with a universally adjustable ball and socket style tripod thread mount.

What I would love to see is a similar trimmed down version this mount that can achieve the same results but would be miniaturized to match the nature of a matchbox type camera like JooVuu-X or Mobius. The idea would be for a mount that would be small, stealthy, simple, sturdy and inexpensive to manufacture and purchase. While a "game changer" mount is something we would all love to see in the future and a strong magnetic mount may also be highly desirable, here the plan wouldn't be to reinvent the wheel, just make it more compact and stealthy. So the concept would be to mimic the basic design of the currently available mount but eliminate the tall protruding stanchion base, trim down the tripod platform stanchion, employ a thinner screw down ball retainer cap and make the base footprint smaller.

Here is a Pshop concept mock-up of what it might look like in comparison to the commonly available tall ball and socket mount we see everywhere in the marketplace.

original.jpg ballmount.jpg

Although I would love to see a multi-axis mount like this included with the purchase of a JooVuu-X at some point in the future (the new V2-PRO SGZC12SG ships with three different mounts) it could be sold as a modest priced aftermarket accessory and of course, it would work for many other cameras like the Mobius as well. I think a small mount like this could prove quite popular since there is nothing else like it available. I know I'd buy a bunch of them straight away and would be happy to buy one to go with my anticipated purchase of the X.

So, my goal here is simply to continue the discussion, hopefully without any disruptions this time.
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the challenge I've seen from the shorter ones is they don't have enough adjustment to compensate for the windscreen angle and end up pointing too far down
the challenge I've seen from the shorter ones is they don't have enough adjustment to compensate for the windscreen angle and end up pointing too far down

I knew someone would mention that. Obviously, it would need some common sense product engineering. My Photoshop mock-up is just to convey the idea. I think one approach would be to have the base already at an angle so the ball joint could do the rest.
My comments were based on actual mounts, understand those are only mockups, the ball restricts how much it can tilt in any direction, no problem for left and right and horizontal, its just the windscreen angle that is the challenge


Really needs something made specifically for the task
Those look sort of like what I'm talking about but yes, it would require a specific design approach such as the aforementioned pre-tilted base platform idea where the ball joint would need less of an arc to swing into the correct position.

I'm talking about something vaguely like this but a small adhesive base instead of a large suction cup.

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yeah it either needs a bend in the shaft to allow more movement or an angled base, that pic as at maximum angle which is not quite enough for many cars and nowhere near enough for quite a lot of cars, there is no one size fits all solution already available unfortunately
My comments were based on actual mounts, understand those are only mockups, the ball restricts how much it can tilt in any direction, no problem for left and right and horizontal, its just the windscreen angle that is the challenge Really needs something made specifically for the task

Would making the mount so it would accept a 15, 30, or 45 degree wedge that could slip over the base (and the other wedges) work? If the wedge would click on and off the base similar to how a tv remote control plastic cover clicks in place it would barely increase the height of the mount. Making 2 or 3 wedges should cover all possible angles needed along with the flexibility of the ball mount. If all 3 wedges were able to work together you would have 90 degrees of added angle. I think this could be made strong enough to withstand a crash.
yeah it either needs a bend in the shaft to allow more movement or an angled base, that pic as at maximum angle which is not quite enough for many cars and nowhere near enough for quite a lot of cars, there is no one size fits all solution already available unfortunately

Yeah, that's the reason for the request. It probably comes down to someone like you or Dan bringing a small mount like this to fruition.
Would making the mount so it would accept a 15, 30, or 45 degree wedge that could slip over the base (and the other wedges) work? If the wedge would click on and off the base similar to how a tv remote control plastic cover clicks in place it would barely increase the height of the mount. Making 2 or 3 wedges should cover all possible angles needed along with the flexibility of the ball mount. If all 3 wedges were able to work together you would have 90 degrees of added angle. I think this could be made strong enough to withstand a crash.

That might work but the idea is to keep it as simple as possible and extra parts makes it a kind of gadget already.
Yeah, that's the reason for the request. It probably comes down to someone like you or Dan bringing a small mount like this to fruition.

yeah I haven't seen a suitable mount from any existing supplier so would need something designed specifically to suit, with the right design it could also be very useful for Mobius owners so probably a bigger market awaits for the right mount, I'm sure it's something Dan will want to look at when the time and funds allow
I signed up to say that I thoroughly enjoy and look forward to your blog posts. It shows the level of care and hard work that you've put into your product.

I don't have much to contribute in terms of suggestions as I haven't owned a dashcam before but the Joovuu X might be the first one that I try. I look forward to more news, updates and reviews. Keep up the good work!