"Real World" Questions on the DC

Have been using the DC for around a week and I’m very impressed so far. The only thing I’ve done is turn the EV down to -1/3 but I’m sure further improvements will be seen with firmware updates. Anyway, is there going to be a time lapse mode available in the future? I enjoy recording my long scenic journeys on a time lapse
Have been using the DC for around a week and I’m very impressed so far. The only thing I’ve done is turn the EV down to -1/3 but I’m sure further improvements will be seen with firmware updates. Anyway, is there going to be a time lapse mode available in the future? I enjoy recording my long scenic journeys on a time lapse

we hadn't considered the option to add time lapse for regular driving use but may look at that, it is part of what we're doing for parking mode so we will have the functionality available

we do recognise the need to offer different levels of EV for front and rear (end user selectable for both) and that is currently on our to do list with our firmware engineer
If you don't want the GPS logged in any way, the easiest way is to unplug the GPS cable.
The GPS logging can be turned off by a new function added into the camera menu, for example:
- date
- coordinates
- date + coordinates
- off

The GPS logging can be turned off by a new function added into the camera menu, for example:
- date
- coordinates
- date + coordinates
- off


should point out for anyone that isn't clear we don't have this function in the menu, that's a hypothetical example
Can you turn off he blinking red REC led?
Are there any LEDs on either front or back unit that show the camera is recording and is visible from the outside? Like the green LED on the RC cams?

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
Are there any LEDs on either front or back unit that show the camera is recording and is visible from the outside? Like the green LED on the RC cams?

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

there's only the red LED under the REC key to be seen
No date and time showing on rear camera recording. By design, or am I missing something in the settings?

no you should see the same in both recordings, can you let me know what settings you have changed from their default values so I can check the same, might be a bug we've missed
no you should see the same in both recordings, can you let me know what settings you have changed from their default values so I can check the same, might be a bug we've missed
Changes: Audio off, G-Sensor off, Recording time 5 minutes, No GPS. Nothing else was changed. Jon was kind enough to have already properly set the time and date before I received the camera. I can upload a video or two to Mega if you like as well.
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Changes: Audio off, G-Sensor off, Recording time 5 minutes, No GPS. Nothing else was changed. Jon was kind enough to have already properly set the time and date before I received the camera. I can upload a video or two to Mega if you like as well.

ok thanks, I'll set one up the same and see what I get
Just for info, mine is also like this Rick with no date/time on rear cam. The only difference on my set up is that I record in 3 min files
Just for info, mine is also like this Rick with no date/time on rear cam. The only difference on my set up is that I record in 3 min files

going to have to look at what settings might be causing this, I have the info showing in mine no problem, I'd expect it will just be something in the firmware so shouldn't be too hard to work out which setting it is and get it fixed, we're working on an update now so will add it to the list
Just an fyi for anyone else installing this. I did something a bit dumb on my install. I removed the rearview mirrror, installed the camera exactly in the centre of the window low enough that the wiper cleans in front of it. Reinstalled rearvuew mirror and guess what? I cant see the camera when im driving. Which is fine, except ive had the power cord come loose a couple times and the camera makes no noise when it turns off and i cant see the red light. Also when i see an accident or something i have to duck down a little to see what button to hit.
So just make sure you can see the camera where you install it.

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I found one of those in the box. Thank you @niko!