SGZC12RC - blurry and out of focus?

Hey jokiin, what kind of time scales are you working with on this. As someone who's in the market for a dash cam it's good to see there are people/company's out there that have a sound moral compass.
It is frustrating from the consumers part that we can't get our hands on what we want. To say an updated lens is in the pipeline is a little vague. What are the turn around times with these revisions and if this is the 4th pop at the cherry is it not time to look at a new supplier/manufacturer.

I appreciate that there must be a lot of frustration on your part (not you personally, I mean the retailer). Please don't take my post the wrong way. I'm simply after an expected time scale that you feel is achievable to get the issue resolved. If it's another 3 months away I think I'd start to look at another product. If it's 3-4 weeks then I'd be happy to hold fire.

Have a good weekend people. Stay safe on the roads :)

it's hard to put a number on it, for the most part it is test and try, what you think is going to work doesn't, or there's some sort of tradeoff involved and you're back to square one, we have changed lens manufacturers already to try and find the right solution, once the solution is settled then it's probably about a 4 week turn around, suppliers have other customers and everything is made to order, this is not off the shelf componentry at all, next evaluation samples are due end of next week, takes bare minimum a week to evaluate before we know where we're at so best case scenario is 6 weeks if the next ones are good

I don't think it's something that can't be overcome, just needs work, we have had product before that had issues that couldn't be resolved, in that case we withdrew the product and upgraded anyone that had one, cost us a lot of money but we weren't prepared to have substandard product out in the market

I would think if you haven't bought yet by all means have a look at what else is out there as we don't have a definite timeframe for the fix at this stage, for anyone that has one and is waiting on the fix even if we aren't talking about it rest assured we are working on it actively, this frustrates me a lot more than anyone else
Thanks for the reply mate. Let's hope this next lens it the one :-)
Last night's dashcamtalk server crash wiped out a few days worth of posts. Using my email history I wanted to re-post the reply to the following:

@trevorf asked: "Any updates on progress?"

We just received new test samples, and so far so good. We'll post more about it and production ETA after further testing and confirmation.
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What's the progress on the updated lens, it it still expected to be released at the end of the month?

Thank you for your hard work to resolve this issue!
Nice. how do we get the replacement lens from you guys? thx
Exchange will be organized via re-seller you bought it from.
Nice. how do we get the replacement lens from you guys? thx

According to my reply to your original post I sent you a private message to confirm your shipping address. I just confirmed I already have your RMA order queued up in our system ready to ship To NY
According to my reply to your original post I sent you a private message to confirm your shipping address. I just confirmed I already have your RMA order queued up in our system ready to ship To NY

me too! let me know what you need from me so we can get this rolling. thanks jon.
Hey Niko please let me know when you get hold of one of these :-)
New replacement cameras stock arrival will be notified here so after that we can go with exchange via PM.
So, existing users are getting new lenses? Or new cameras?
me too! let me know what you need from me so we can get this rolling. thanks jon.

I'll you a PM to confirm your shipping address. (check in a bit)

So, existing users are getting new lenses? Or new cameras?

If your lens is effected by the heat related focus shift, I'm happy to send a replacement. I'll send a PM shortly to confirm you order number and shipping address. (check your inbox in a bit)

EDIT: I just verified you were already queued up in our back order system from a few months back, sorry it took so long for us to come out with a a proper fix. This was more challenging then anticipated. (PM Sent)
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According to my reply to your original post I sent you a private message to confirm your shipping address. I just confirmed I already have your RMA order queued up in our system ready to ship To NY

Sounds like the replacement lens are ready for the US customers. That's great news! Canada won't be too much far ahead I believe.
Sounds like the replacement lens are ready for the US customers. That's great news! Canada won't be too much far ahead I believe.

they just shipped so give it some time for transit and customs clearance etc, Canada will be a day or two later as they'll be shipped there from the US stock, there's a replacement for every single camera so nobody will miss out
when do they start going out to Australians?