Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

Shipped yesterday around noon and recieved this morning at 9:30! Hope to install tonight, we will see.

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Can I just ask what the 3 thin black foam pads are for, I can’t figure it out?

You place 1 piece of EVA foam between the mount and camera so it's tighter long term.
The curvature of the glass will slowly pull and add a tiny gap between the mount and camera over time.
EVA foam helps to minimize any Audio/Video vibrations in the future
You place 1 piece of EVA foam between the mount and camera so it's tighter long term.
The curvature of the glass will slowly pull and add a tiny gap between the mount and camera over time.
EVA foam helps to minimize any Audio/Video vibrations in the future
not needed initially surely? i had trouble putting mine on the mount to begin with it was that tight, but don't throw away i guess as maybe needed as time goes on.
the CPL is preadjusted, it would work either way but you leave the larger opening facing up (that will make sense once you see it)

I now see what you mean with the larger opening Rick, I guess that’s where the lens was slotted in during manufacturing. So larger opening up yes?

Also, where can I get another CPL for the rear cam from and how much do they cost? I see it already has the grooves for the clips on the CPL.
I now see what you mean with the larger opening Rick, I guess that’s where the lens was slotted in during manufacturing. So larger opening up yes?


Also, where can I get another CPL for the rear cam from and how much do they cost? I see it already has the grooves for the clips on the CPL.

@niko should have them, they are the same filter as used on our SG9665GC V3, suggest seeing if you actually need it first though as quite often the rear is fine without it
USA has stock of spare CPL's
"CPL for SG9663DC, SGGCX2, and SG9665GC V3 (not V1/V2)"

Search for "SGCPL" on Amazon or our direct .CAM web site
Student eh?
Check your private message inbox

Wait a second, there is a student discount?! Or are you guys talking about the preorder discount? I ask because I am a student as well haha...

Also, how can I find someone to professionally install the dashcam wires for me? Right now they are kind of dangling and not as neat as I would like. I live in Northern VA and wasn't sure if I should just Yelp/Google "dashcam install." Should I wait until the hardwire kit comes out? Any ideas?
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Wait a second, there is a student discount?! Or are you guys talking about the preorder discount? I ask because I am a student as well haha...

Also, how can I find someone to professionally install the dashcam wires for me? Right now they are kind of dangling and not as neat as I would like. I live in Northern VA and wasn't sure if I should just Yelp/Google "dashcam install." Should I wait until the hardwire kit comes out? Any ideas?
Google for car audio/video/stereo related installers. They are also capable to install dashcams.

Sent from my VKY-L29 using Tapatalk
I now see what you mean with the larger opening Rick, I guess that’s where the lens was slotted in during manufacturing. So larger opening up yes?

Also, where can I get another CPL for the rear cam from and how much do they cost? I see it already has the grooves for the clips on the CPL.
I do have CPL in stock.

Sent from my VKY-L29 using Tapatalk
Wait a second, there is a student discount?! Or are you guys talking about the preorder discount? I ask because I am a student as well haha...

Also, how can I find someone to professionally install the dashcam wires for me? Right now they are kind of dangling and not as neat as I would like. I live in Northern VA and wasn't sure if I should just Yelp/Google "dashcam install." Should I wait until the hardwire kit comes out? Any ideas?
I was a student...once. How far back are we talking about? :D
Congrats to jokiin and Team Retailers around the Globe on the SG DC launch

Another congrats on extending the Warranty out to 2 years ... instead of the usual 1 year.
Thanks, we still have a long way to go though I'm sure, once they're out there we are going to find a heap of things that need improving, try as you might you never find everything